Tokyo Bubble Life

Chapter 62: 062 Naoshu-san, are you a devil?

   Chapter 62 062 Zhishu Sang, are you a devil?

  The Nakamori family went to celebrate,

   Of course Naoki Naoki can't follow him,

   But of course I am very happy, after all, Xiao Chuan Cai has finally taken a crucial step,

   The ever-changing singer in the future seems to be no longer far away.

   recalled Akina Nakamori at his peak in his mind, and the lonely and thin figure after that,

  Yongshan Naoki looked at the back of Xiaopangcai's celebratory family again,

   I hope that in the future, I can continue to be so happy!

   came out of the TV station, and it wasn’t even noon yet,

   This shooting efficiency is indeed quite high.

   Naoki Naoki, the producer of "Wonderful Story of the World", has been absent for several days.

   Producer Sang, who was a little guilty, chose to go to the studio first to see if he could be of any help, and by the way, grab a lunch from the studio.

  Ido Shuichi's studio has become a dedicated venue for "Wonderful Stories of the World".

   After driving there, Naoki Yongshan found that the studio had undergone a major renovation in the past few days.

   A large oval shed is built outside, and the inside is completely decorated to look like the inner cabin of an airplane.

   It looks like he is filming "Doctor Air".

   See a realistic airplane cabin inside, built from scratch in days,

  Sometimes you have to admire the early TV sets,

   In the era when there were no special effects, the realistic scenes were simply immersive,

   Compared with the later effects that are claimed to be made by hundreds of millions in the future, they are not at all cowardly.

   Director Yitang Shuichi is speaking to a large number of actors in the "aircraft cabin". This scene involves a lot of actors, which will test the director's skills.

   But looking at the fancy look he wears, it seems that he also played a role in the play.

   The main actor is an unknown young actor. He is a little handsome, but he should not be famous, otherwise he will not come to this drama that is not very famous at present.

  It's a pity, the original starring was Oguri Shun, but he hasn't been born yet.

   The girls who are in the show are quite beautiful, but they are a little dusty, so I won't really invite a young lady who is a cosplay nurse in a nightclub!

   But according to Ido Shuichi's urine, this possibility is quite big.

  The studio is busy, Naoki Naoki of course is not good to go in and ask about the interference, so he said hello to the staff, and ran into the office behind the scenes to read the newspaper and rest, while waiting for lunch.

   Before he could finish reading the newspaper on the table, Yitang Shuichi pushed open the door and entered:

   "Naoshu-san, don't be lazy here! You must be responsible for the stories you write!"

  "???" Naoki Naoyama was puzzled, "Shu Yi-sang's skill as a director is obviously much stronger than mine?"

   "How can Xiu Xiu really don't want to refute this." Yi Tang Xiu looked like he was hit.

   "But it feels like a group of people disguising their identities in order to gain fame and praise! Isn't this a very hypocritical thing!"

   "Huh? It should be written in the script as a coincidence?"

   "But if it's not, it's not! Even if you are misunderstood, you should directly explain the reason!

  This is saving lives, what do these people take human lives for? "

   Naoki Naoki Naoyama never expected this.

   In the Showa of 1981, although the spirit of Ren Xia had declined, it still did not have the atmosphere of entertainment to death after the 21st century.

   He values ​​human life, justice, and cause and effect.

   The previous stories were either fantasy or horror, and I didn’t pay much attention to these.

   However, this time the story tends to ridicule reality and reflect society, so we have to consider the connection between the plot and the spirit of the times.

  The memory of the future should also match this era.

  Nagayama Naoki thought for a while,

   "That's it."

   Originally, the ending in the script was that everyone was happy and saved people.

   However, it is not in harmony with the ideological atmosphere of today's people

   "Xuichi-san, if that's the case, why don't you change the ending to a plane crash!"


  "I originally thought that a flight attendant could successfully land the plane, but thinking about it, it's not possible~

   Obviously such a difficult and professional job. "

   "The original happy ending, why don't you just want it?"

   "Hahaha, of course everyone should be happy before the crash!

  I want the doctor to save people, the flight attendant to defeat the bad guy, the anesthesiologist to fulfill his wish, and the nurse to not be discovered.

   To highlight, to highlight, to make everyone smile.

   But at the end of the screen, the plane crashed at the airport!

   Finally, let the audience get the idea that all deception, hypocrisy, and acting are futile!

   Such a plot trend, isn't it very emotional! "

  Ido Shuichi thought about it according to Naoki Naoki's description, and couldn't help shivering:

   "Naoki-kun, you are the devil! The audience will hate you~"

   This approach of grasping the audience's psychology in his hands is too similar to the devil who plays with people's hearts. At this time, Naoki Naoyama looks like an evil villain BOSS.

   "What are you talking about, Xiuichi-sang!" Naoki Naoki retorted, "Isn't the ending of "Grandma" also such a big reversal."

   "That's not the same, that turn is terrifying, surprising,

   But today's reversal is completely playing with the audience's emotions~

   first provoked the false and beautiful expectations of the audience,

  Break it again and show the real reality!

   There’s also a touch of dark humor and karma that makes people think. "

  Nagayama Naoki smiled: "Karma?

  Hahaha, then it's better to add a bald actor in it and let him pretend to be a monk! "

   "Zhishusang is indeed a devil! He dared to attack the Buddha's idea."

   Even though he said so, Ido Shuichi quickly went to find a special actor,

   What a straight-talking guy!

  Although this has changed, the core of "everyone plays a role in society" in the whole plot has not changed.

   and the ending is more meaningful,

   should be very popular~

   Lunch was delayed for a while due to the temporarily added plot and characters,

   But Naoki Naoki still ate the set lunch,

   When taking the bento, of course the uncle who gave out the bento didn't dare to throw the bento on the ground. By the way, he accused Naoki Yongshan of delaying the whole crew's meal, and then sang "You are a piece of shit, your life is cheaper than an ant"

   During the filming process in the afternoon, Naoki Naoki honestly did the work of producer. Because he had ready-made memories in the future, the filming progress of the crew was accelerated more than one step.

  Ido Shuichi said during his break: "Naokushi-san is very talented in filmmaking! Why don't you come and learn to make films with me~"

   Naoki Yongshan did not refuse. He already has the memory of "Boys Over Flowers". Maybe there will be more in the future, and there will definitely be more and more opportunities to contact the film industry.

   But you can't say it directly when facing your friends, or where will you be in the future.

   "That's it, Xiu Yi-sang, for the sake of your sincere invitation, I will reluctantly agree to learn from you!"

   Yitang Xiuyi looked helpless at this moment: "How can I repair it, so I'm begging you! Ke Nuo duck!"

   But saying so, that is, agreeing to teach.

  Men are so awkward~

   (end of this chapter)

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