Tokyo Bubble Life

Chapter 240: 239, the next movie is ready!

   Tokyo in September has entered the season of "remaining summer heat",

   During the day, it is still more than 30 degrees, but at night the temperature will drop to a time when people feel cool, at least when you sleep, you don’t need to turn on the air conditioner.

   In the clear sky of Tokyo in the afternoon, the blue sky is dotted with white clouds. Occasionally, an airship can be seen slowly flying over the city, which looks like a scene from a cartoon.

  The complexion has turned into a healthy wheat color. Naoki Naoyama, wearing the iconic Hawaiian floral shirt, walked out of the Tokyo airport with a bag and a large suitcase on his back.

   "It's a good day again today!"

  Don't want to squeeze the subway with something, Naoki Naoki directly called a taxi at the airport, and sent himself back to Chiyoda with the salute.

  Yan Sakura-in, which has not been seen for a month, the bamboo outside the fence has become more and more lush, and it has completely covered the first floor. From the outside, only the gray second floor and the black roof can be seen.

   Two days before I came back, I had hired someone from the housekeeping company to clean the house, so I walked into Shan Yingyuan, and Naoki Naoki did not see the dusty house.

  I opened the glass door of the living room, and the cherry tree in the yard changed.

  The leaves of the full tree began to turn bright yellow or reddish-brown, interspersed with some green leaves. From a distance, the colorful ones looked like some kind of flower tree in full bloom.

   "Every time you go out for a long time and come back, you cherry tree will make some surprises."

   But Naoki Naoyama knows that this is a sign that the leaves are about to fade away.

   "So are the flowers, and so are the leaves. What do they look so beautiful before they wither? Isn't it even more sad when they wither?"

  The housekeeping company will not take care of the dry landscape in the yard. The originally white sand has turned gray, and a few weeds protrude from the middle of the sand and gravel. There is actually moss at the bottom of the landscape stone in the middle.

  It is clearly a landscape named "dry", but it is bred with vitality.

  The bedroom on the second floor is also neat and clean. Naoki Yongshan put his clothes in place, and one of them lay down on the bed. He smelled the sun and the bedding smelled. It looked like it was dried yesterday.

  Although I lived well in a hotel in Hawaii, I felt a sense of peace of mind when I lay on the bed in Yamazakurain's bedroom.

  The piano room has also been cleaned. Uninterrupted reading has filled the bookshelves with various books. The small room is full of the smell of books.

  The piano placed in the piano room stood quietly in a corner, silently waiting for the person who played the piano to arrive,

  Opened the window, the fresh air outside washed away the slightly cloudy air,

   After a while, in the Shan Yingyuan, which had been quiet for more than a month,

  The moving melody of "桜色舞うころ (when the cherry blossoms are flying came out~

  When Naoki Naoyama appeared in the studio, both Fangmura Otomo and Ido Shuichi were very surprised,

   "Naoshu-san, are you back?! When did you come back?"

  Nagayama Naoki said with a smile: "Hahaha, I came back yesterday afternoon, how was it, in order to give you a surprise, so I didn't say anything."

   "I'm really surprised! Naokushi-san is a lot darker~" Fangmura Otto jokingly said, "But the joy is not necessarily, you are a guy who has been playing for a month!"

   "Hahaha, didn't I come back? Just spare me~" Naoki Naoki raised his hands to beg for mercy, and bribed it, "I brought you a gift."

  Ido Shuichi added fuel to the side: "Then let's see what gift it is!"

   "That won't let you down!" Naoki Naoki first took out two men's Aloha floral shirts from the bag he was carrying, "First, the characteristic floral shirts!"

   After saying that, let the two put them on and try, "How about it, do you feel the enthusiasm of Hawaii when you put it on?"

   Not to mention, Fangcun Dayou usually wears a serious and old-fashioned social animal dress, and after wearing a floral shirt, he feels a lot younger.

  Itang Xiu said with a smile in a floral shirt, "Otomo-san, usually try to use brighter colors, it looks very suitable~ Hahaha~"

  Otamura Fangmura looked very happy, but he was still disgusted: "What does it look like when you wear it out?" Then he still squinted at Naoki Naoshu, "Naoshu-san, is it that a shirt just wants to send us off?"

   "Of course not. There is also this Hawaiian specialty Noni fruit. It is said that eating it can prolong life. Otomo-san will give it to you, and then this special rainbow mint, this is delicious, you can let Jieyi sauce taste it~"

   "And this big bag of macadamia nuts for employees to share."

  Nagayama Naoki took out a lot of things from the bag, which made Shuichi Yitang and Ohmura Ohmura very satisfied. Then Shuichi Yitang took the bag of macadamia nuts and shared it with the employees outside.

  Fangmura Otomo was studying noni fruits, and was stimulated by their taste, he stepped back again and again: "What kind of taste is this. Is it really edible?"

"Hahaha, this is similar to durian. It can be eaten raw with salt, boiled or juiced and then added with honey. You can try it, maybe you will like it~" Naoki Yongshan really couldn't accept it when he first ate it. .

   "Otomo-san, nothing major happened while I was out, right?"

   "If you want to say something big. The total box office of "Hachiko Story" has exceeded 2.5 billion, does that count?" Fangmura said with a smile.

   "Hey, that's really good!" It's already equal to the total box office of the previous one, "It looks like it's going to set a record."

   "Hahaha, I didn't expect Shuyou Yinghua to have a record-breaking movie~" Yi Tang Xiu heard this when he walked in, and was very happy, "Maybe he can win the grand prize!"

   The three chatted for a while about the future achievements of the film, and the office was filled with a happy atmosphere until they heard Ren Bo Qingshui's enthusiastic voice,

   "I heard that Naoshu-san is back!"

   He pushed the door and walked in: "Zhishusang, I haven't seen you for a long time, I've tanned a lot~ Hahaha~"

   This Ren Bo Qingshui actually has the ability to hear the voice of Wang Xifeng before he has seen him, but unfortunately he is a man with squinting eyes,

   But it seems that I have done a lot of things in the past month, I have a lot of confidence, and my attitude is much more casual than when I first arrived.

   "Ah, yes, I just came back from abroad, sunbathing every day in Hawaii, and I tan naturally."

   "Looks healthier too."

   "There is no shortage of exercise in various sports."

   After all, the two are not familiar with each other. After a few greetings, Ren Bo Qingshui turned to Yitang Xiuyi, who came to him specially: "Xiu Yi-sang, the actors of that movie have already been contacted, do you want to meet?"

   "So soon? Let's go see you then." Yitang Xiu looked at Naoki Naoyama, "Do you want to go see Naoki-san together?"

   "A new movie?" Naoki Naoki had already heard a lot of information when he communicated on the phone before, "I won't watch it, Xiu Yi-sang thinks it's okay."

   In fact, in such a movie with an investor, the employer will definitely put in some actors. The casting of the movie is not so much a movie that is suitable for watching, but rather a compromise.

   What is there to see about this kind of thing.

   "Okay then." Ido Shuichi didn't say much, there were a lot of things like this when shooting commercials.

   After seeing the two leave, Naoki Naoki and Yoshimura continued to chat, "Speaking of which, before we left, we said that we were going to make Junko Ito's new song. Are you ready now?"

"Ah, I asked a well-known composer in the industry to create a song, and then I asked the producer of Philips Records to make it." Yoshimura Otomo sighed, "It was supposed to be our own producer, but now we have to split it up again. less money."

   After saying that, he looked at Naoki Naoki sadly, but this cheeky guy didn't feel anything at all.

   "Want me to continue to work, no way~"

  After saying goodbye from the studio, Naoki Naoki drove directly out of Tokyo, listening to the explosive rock tape in the car, speeding all the way to his hometown.

  It took more than 2 hours to return to Shizuoka, maybe he could still catch his lunch. Besides, he has not forgotten that there is another dog in Shizuoka who has been waiting for him for more than a month~

It is said that the weather in summer is changeable, and it is true. It is still a clear blue sky with white clouds in the morning, and when it is close to noon, it becomes a low cloud layer. Even the air at the seaside is full of depression and restlessness. , A sense of dryness was suffocating in the chest, which could not be released.

  Looking at this, thunderstorms in the afternoon will definitely come out.

Under the agitation of the sea breeze, the waves on the shore became more turbulent. The waves hit the coastal reefs and made a crackling sound, which made the Yongshan Naoki in the car a little ready to move. Hawaii learned to surf, and sure enough, I wanted to conquer the sea. impulse.

  Suddenly, the tape on the car was finished, and my ears were suddenly relieved from the noisy melody. On the empty coastal highway, I could only hear the whirring of the wind and the rushing of the waves, and I actually felt a sense of relaxation.

  Nagayama Naoki put down the hand that wanted to change the tape, slowed down the speed of the car, admired the blue seascape, and enjoyed the silence of this moment.

   In a trance, I seem to hear the ethereal humming again, as well as the touch of faint sadness

   "Summer is almost over. This sea doesn't seem to be very peaceful~"

  Nagayama Naoki burst into laughter, why don't you take this opportunity to shoot that movie directly, it's not complicated anyway~

  On the way home, the next movie is ready!

  I finally arrived home before lunch, a familiar house built and the streets of the town,

   Everyone was eating, until Naoki Naoyama stopped the car at the door, and few people on the street noticed.

   "Ogasan, I'm back~"

   called out at the door. The first thing he heard was not the mother's response, but a barking cry. Then he saw a white, round thing running towards him, calling continuously from a few steps away.

   "Yutaro, stop screaming!" Naoki Naoki put down the bag in his hand and stretched out his hand, "Don't you know me?!"

   Hearing the familiar name, Taro stopped calling hesitantly, and then lightly sniffed Naoki Yongsan's hand,

   As if his identity was confirmed, the dog suddenly became excited and made a happy sound. After rushing towards Yongshan Zhishu, he kept jumping beside him, unable to catch him!

   "Naoki, you're here so soon~" Mother Nanako came out of the kitchen, "Didn't you say you arrived in the afternoon?"

"I'm in a hurry to come back, so I drove a little faster~" Naoki Naoki rubbed the dog's head hard, expressing his longing for this guy, and having a good time, "Ogasan, what did you eat for Bettaro? You're so fat~"

   "It's just leftovers or something, maybe it's Taro growing up."

   Nanako didn't tell the truth. In fact, Tsuruko would feed it once in the morning, she would feed it again at noon, and at night, her father, Nagayama Ken and brother Nagayama Aoki would also bring back some meat and bones from the izakaya to feed them.

  When I was bored during the day, I would also tease Taro with snacks.

  Nagayama Naoki was speechless. When you grow up, you shouldn't be thinner.

   took the gift he brought back into the house and put it away, Naoki Naoyama and his mother ate the lunch they just made,

   Tsuruko has already gone to school, so she won't come back for dinner at noon. Originally, she was preparing dishes for dinner and sushi-wrapped rice, which happened to be eaten by Naoki Naoyama~

   After eating, I chatted with my mother about the experience of traveling abroad,

   "Have you learned to surf?"

   "Hey, waves below 3 meters can't beat me!" Naoki Naoyama seemed to be showing off.

   "That's amazing~"

  The mother who lives in the seaside city can’t say that she doesn’t know anything about surfing. She is already a relatively skilled surfer.

   "I saw a lot of very interesting scenery in Hawaii. The volcano over there is a bit different from Mount Fuji."


   During the chatter, Naoki Naoki took out a Hawaiian handmade soap with bright colors and various floral fragrances.

   "This soap is made with coconut palm oil from Hawaii. It is said that because this oil is the closest to the sebum composition of human skin, it will not harm the skin at all, and it can also make the skin smoother~"

  What are antioxidants, protect cell membranes, non-toxic and safe, etc. Anyway, it is a bragging, which makes Nanako Nagayama smile.

   After an hour or two, I finally explained my trip to Hawaii. Naoki Yongshan was drinking tea and was about to take a break when he was suddenly reminded by the tea in the cup.

   "Ogasan, are there many tea gardens in Shizuoka?"

   "Ah, there are some at the foot of the mountain, but there are more in Shimizu." Nanako Yongshan said, "What's the matter, do you want to buy some tea?"

   "Hey, if I can, I want to buy a tea garden." Naoki Naoyama didn't hide it. "Opening a teahouse in Tokyo may require a long-term supply of tea."

   "That's it~"

  Nanako Nagayama was not surprised that he opened a tea shop. After Tsuruko came back, he had already told about the disco that Naoki Naoki opened in Tokyo,

   "Then I might have to go to Qingshui. The tea leaves are better there."

   "Hi, then I'll take a look later."

  My mother was also busy with family affairs, so Naoki Naoki took Bettaro and drove to Shimizu,

  Shizuoka Shimizu's specialty tea is called "Shimizu tea". It looks like a needle, the color of the soup is golden and clear, and the taste is sweet and slightly bitter.

  Yongshan Naoshu sipped the tea soup in the tea garden, and was very satisfied. The golden tea soup, the sweet taste, and the slightly bitter feeling were all in line with his mind in terms of color and taste.

   is the tea garden here. It seems to be a family heirloom. I don’t know if there is any for sale.

   Looks like it's time to contact Ms. Keiko Fujita who has been on hold for a long time~

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