Tokyo Bubble Life

Chapter 20: 020, HALO's personal studio, is to be a Master Chief

   Chapter 20 020, HALO's personal studio, do you want to be a Master Chief?

   The meeting the next day was very harmonious. After all, the previous cooperation was good and the future prospects were foreseeable.

   What is divided into can still be in accordance with the previous 3:7, Naoki Yongshan did not ask to increase the division because of the good effect before.

   After all, it already belongs to the high level in the industry.

   But if it is a one-year long-term advertising contract, the previous cooperation contract cannot be used. This time, Yoshimura Daitomo and Naoki Naoki are mainly talking about joining the STARTLINGHT firm.

   "Otomo-san, I really don't want to limit my personal career to an office~" Naoki Naoki was a little embarrassed, he really didn't want to join a certain office, after all, once he entered, he became a part-time worker.

"So Naoshu-san, the conditions of our STARTLINGHT office are very good, and the relevant terms can also be negotiated." Fangmura Otto also wanted to save it, "As far as I am concerned, there are still some adjustments in the terms of the contract. permission."

   After all, it is a large contract of more than one year. If an advertisement is 50 million yuan, the annual turnover will go to at least 600 million yuan. For such a large list, the agency certainly hopes to control the model in its own hands.

   If you join the office, you will be someone under your control, and there will be 10,000 ways to make him obey orders.

"Hey, I also know the sincerity of Otomo-san, but I still insist on my own ideas in this regard. As a person, I have never had the idea of ​​developing into the entertainment industry." When it comes to business, of course, it is a sky-high price and repayment. .

   "How can I fix it? It's already on a TV show." Of course, Yoshimura's office has quietly investigated Naoki Naoki's background, and he knows that this young man is negotiating conditions and can only slander in his heart.

"Naokushi-san, do you have any concerns about the office? All of this can be discussed. In addition, large-scale business, personal income sharing is also a problem in terms of taxation. If you join the office, these complicated things will be Someone took care of it."

   With this custom of RB, after having a regular job, he was tied to the company for a long time. Especially in the entertainment industry, they are simply underworld forces with countless unspoken rules.

   "Otomo-san, if you join the firm, forget it. If my family knew that I joined another firm, it might break my legs." Naoki Naoki again used the excuse of a gangster family background.

   In fact, Yamaguchi-gumi has indeed extended his tentacles into the entertainment world. As a member of the yakuza, if he does not join his own office, he may be asked to cut his fingers.

   But for the relatives and friends of the gang, it is only a matter of whether the relationship is good or bad.

   However, outsiders don’t know that this tiger skin can still be borrowed~

  Fangcun Dayou then remembered the scene where he was frightened by Yongshan Naoki before: "Ah, didn't Naoki-san say last time that the family would not object?"

   "Ha, Otomo-san, I heard that a practice called personal studio is popular in foreign countries. You can undertake all kinds of business in your own name, and you can also handle taxation."

   Personal studios are not new. In RB, personal studios generally appear in other industries such as architecture and comics. Like the entertainment industry, even top stars have not established personal studios.

Because advertisers, magazines, TV stations, etc. have exposure channels, they have been firmly controlled by major firms for decades. Retiring from the club is equivalent to quitting the club. Without the background of a large firm, there is no role as a passerby, let alone business. After all, setting up a personal studio is like a dead end.

   But Naoki Naoki's situation is a bit special. He didn't want to develop into the entertainment industry. This time, the other party is begging for him, so of course he can use it~

   "Ah, is Naoki-san intending to cooperate with us in the name of a personal studio?" Isn't this a copy of the last collaboration, just from a person to a studio.

   "Hi, I think this method is the most beneficial for future development!"

Is    beneficial to future development? That's a joke, who will give a little-known personal studio business after this advertising cooperation?

   But Omura Yoshimura obviously has no choice. Who told the client to identify Naoki Naoyama this time, and Naoki Naoyama is also a very important role in the new advertising plan.

   "In Soda Temple, Naoshu-san, I understand, so let's sign the contract in the name of a personal studio." Yoshimura finally compromised,

   "So, what is the name of Naoki-san's personal studio?"

   "Ah, at this point, it hasn't been established yet. I still need to ask Otomo-san to help me register a leather bag company~"

   "Ah?" You actually want us to help you register? ? ?

   Is this also possible?

   A few days later, Naoki Naoki Naoki's personal studio, HALO, signed a contract with the STARTLINGHT office.

   "HALO, halo, let's be the Master Chief hahaha~" Full of bad fun.

   So Naoki Naoki met the producer Ido Shuichi-san, who was full of literary and artistic style, and he was still a part-time director.

   Really has a deep relationship!

   After the exchange, Yitang Shuyi explained the entire series of advertisements, which consists of 4 parts, corresponding to the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter, and also corresponding to different tastes.

   It’s already February, so the next soft drink is the cherry blossom flavor, is it not cherry flavor but cherry blossom flavor? It's really strange~

   Listening to Shuichi Ido introducing the plot of the advertisement:

During the cherry blossom season, the two of them sheltered from the light rain under the eaves in front of the convenience store. The cherry blossoms under the cherry trees next to them fell one after another and turned into cherry blossom-flavored soft drinks from Youshu Drink. The pair of passers-by eventually became lovers. The narration lines were: "What does cherry blossom taste like?"

  Nagayama Naoki listened to his description and could not help but slowly become fascinated.

   Two young strangers, sheltering from the rain under the eaves, cherry blossoms beside them, becoming a couple. It seems to be hooked somewhere in the past, and the memory picture flows into my mind like spring water.


   (Sakura, Sakura, I want to see you, I want to see you now)


   (It's okay, don't cry anymore, I'm the wind, I'm surrounded by you)


   (Sakura, Sakura, I want to see you, I want to see you now)

   A beautiful, sad and hopeful "さくら~あなたに出会えてよかった~" (Sakura Sakura, I want to see you) began to reverberate in my ears, and even the MV pictures I had seen poured in with the melody.

   "Naoki-kun Yongshan-kun!" Yitang Xiuyi said in a slightly dissatisfied tone, "Are you listening? Do you have any comments?"

   "Hey, I'm listening!" Naoki Naoki regained his senses.

   "Soga, do you have any opinion on the plot of the advertisement?" Yitang Xiuyi thought he was perfunctory and insisted that he say something.

   "Ah. Xiu Yisang~ Actually, I do have some thoughts." Just remembering another song, an idea came to my mind.

   (end of this chapter)

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