Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 9 Chapter 40: Control the economy (supplement)

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My name is Wei and I don't have a surname. I grew up in a slum, and everyone around me called Wei Wei. "Wei" naturally became my name.

A few days ago, because of stealing in the Goddess Square, he was caught by a little knight and sent to Lugonika Prince’s Prison for reform.

By the way, the officials in the royal capital spend all their energy on eating, drinking, and having fun, and they actually locked me in a half-human prison as a human being!

Although I look a bit like a half-elf, I am really just a human!

Because of this face, he has indeed suffered a lot, and now thinking of his days in prison, his chrysanthemum still faintly aches.

He doesn't hate the little knight who catches him, he is very much the prison officials who have long brains on their butts and use their butts to think about things!

At the promotion meeting of the Bauhinia Chamber of Commerce that day, he met the little knight again, and after it was over, he had a special chat with him.

He also wants to be a knight, this is his childhood dream!


The ghost knew how he became a thief who could only be kidnapped.

Brother Knight said that he was not appropriate, because the bones were already formed, and it was difficult to train anything. The most important thing was that his belief in the Goddess of Light was not pious enough to be able to sense the Holy Light.

Brother Knight enthusiastically introduced him to the logistics department. Yes, it is the logistics department of the Bauhinia Chamber of Commerce, which cooperates with the Goddess of Light. His life is very comfortable, but there is too little money. He does not have a house in the capital, and he does not have a house every day. It's a long way.

Then... on the day of the salary payment, he met his counterparts, but those counterparts were sturdy and round, and two or three big men surrounded him... Yes, one of his thief was robbed.

Since the Guangming Goddess Church settled in the royal capital, the security of the royal capital has indeed been countless times better than before, but the area close to the slums is still in a zone where no one cares about it.

Wei was desperate. When he went to work the next day, he couldn't help but met the rich woman who passed by when he got off work.

Talk again.

Wei couldn't help the price offered by the rich woman, and followed the rich woman.

But he didn't expect that the nightmare was still behind...

Wei covered his crotch and ran out of a luxurious apartment. He did it for six days! Did not get a penny! If it wasn't for the quality of the steel **** sold by the Bauhinia Chamber of Commerce, he might have persisted!


The frail Wei came to the edge of the Goddess Square and found several signs erected there.

"Let one give way, let another give way."

Wei squeezed to the front, and the sign read about Wang Xuan.

Wei didn't care about these, and looked at another brand.

"Recruit mercenaries, follow the route of the Knights Templar of the Goddess of Light, and open up the forest of Warcraft business.

After that, there will be a price, a price that is enough to make Wei's heart fascinating, and then..."The Bauhinia Chamber of Commerce announced."

"It's the Bauhinia Chamber of Commerce again."

Wei squinted his eyes, glanced at the address, and squeezed to the recruitment site of the Bauhinia Chamber of Commerce against the crowd.

Since his release from prison, the Bauhinia Chamber of Commerce has appeared suddenly, blooming everywhere in Lugnica's land, and they seem to be able to intervene no matter what the industry is.

Even the weapon and armor forging of the Lugonica City Defense Army was handed over to the Bauhinia Heavy Industry under the Bauhinia Chamber of Commerce.

Among them, the most popular among the royal capitals is naturally the bauhinia daily chemical, because it is a "treasure medicine!" that can prolong life.

Even in recent days, the luxury villas of the bauhinia building just after the ground were purchased by those merchants with some spare money.

In short, everything he saw in the Lugonika King’s Capital was marked by the bauhinia, and the Kalalaki Chamber of Commerce, which originally ruled and dominated the Lugonika Kingdom, has also disappeared.

I heard that one of the candidates for the throne is the chairman of the Kararaki Chamber of Commerce, and the Bauhinia Chamber of Commerce was able to squeeze that out, and its strength is evident...

Anyway, Wei joined the mercenary team for money.

Bauhinia Human Resources issued them chain mail, refined weapons, and anti-curse elements, which made many people think of running away, and then...the people who offended Bauhinia died.

Wei is more honest, not daring to make the slightest idea about these equipment.

After a few days of adjustments, the Bauhinia mercenary team began to march towards the Warcraft Forest. They will follow the route of the Knights Templar to destroy the beluga whale, from the border of the Lugnica capital, to carve out a route through to another country. The business way comes out.

The process was very tragic, and nearly 70% of the people stayed in the Warcraft Forest forever.

When they drilled through the Forest of Warcraft as planned, Wei's eyes were wet and couldn't help crying.

Later, they received a letter of appointment and employment money from the human resources department of Bauhinia, and Wei chose to stay in Bauhinia and become a staff member of the human resources department.

Later, Wei heard that the president of the Chamber of Commerce personally went to the diocese of Lugonica, the goddess of light, to find the archbishop for help, and asked the bishops to help him, to magically strengthen the opened business roads to prevent monsters from attacking the caravan midway.

Hearing the gossip, the goddess of light taught that the light is to strengthen the business way, and that 60% of the profit after this business way is about to be taken.

Subsequently, the merchandise of the Bauhinia Chamber of Commerce occupied the markets of several other countries in a desperate manner.

Wei also became the deputy director of the human resources department and was transferred to another country.


Caiyue Subaru's big-backed hair comb is shiny, and he works calmly, without the exaggerated character before.

As the Bauhinia Chamber of Commerce in another world, the helm of the Earth Caiyue Group, Caiyue Subaru has seen too many things.

In his eyes, Lugonika's political struggles have become trivial things.

If Lugonika’s great nobles were not backed by sword saints, magicians and others, it would be no more than turning over the power of the Lugonika Kingdom.

Firut, whom Lord Roma asked him to find, had already been found. He didn't expect the other party to change from a little thief to one of the five kings.

The Juggernaut family became a supporter of the opponent.

In order to achieve a certain goal, Caiyue Subaru sent many killers, but in the end they all returned without success.

The red-haired young man who was called the sword saint of this generation was so powerful that he surpassed Caiyue Subaru's imagination.

"You have to think of a way to lead him away."

"Subaru, we can do this."

The blue-haired maid who had been staying behind Subaru Caiyue leaned forward, her mouth clinging to Subaru Caiyue's ear, and whispered, "..."

Subaru Nayuki nodded while listening, "You can think about it. By the way, Rem, how about staying with Archbishop Vickers these days?"

Rem thought for a while, "He is a noble person and has taught me a lot. If it weren't for the Pleiades...I would all like to be a nun taught by the Goddess of Light."

"Hahahaha, is that right? It seems that I still have a very personal charm."

"You know the Pleiades... so annoying."

"what did you say?"

"I did not say anything."

"Look, it won't be long before I can let Emelia ascend to the throne, and then we can rest for a while."


. Wonderful book house

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