Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 9 Chapter 30: multinational

Cai Yue Subaru raised his head high, standing on the edge of the square, he tried his best to look up at the 100-meter-high white statue.

"Gufu~" The Adam's apple moved up and down, swallowing, Nayuki Subaru's mouth and tongue became dry.

How many tons does such a big statue cost? Fly over directly from the sky? !

And those archbishops...can really build a cathedral in an instant?

Caiyue Subaru can't believe it, but the facts are right in front of him.

He originally wanted to wait for himself to accumulate a portion of the funds to help the Goddess of Light build the church in the Lugonica capital, but he didn't expect the other party to act so fast!

This made his original plan all overwhelmed, and the plan couldn't keep up with the changes, and Subaru had a slight headache for a while.

In this case, how should he get in touch with the behemoth of the Goddess of Light?

There is no shortage of the strong, no shortage of money, and even the believers after the goddess of light manifests.

How could he, a little person, get on the big ship of the Goddess of Light teaching? Maybe... he can become a believer?

Caiyue Subaru shook his head. Although it was already evening, the number of people visiting the Goddess Square and the Cathedral was quite small.

Humans and half-humans are mixed together, and there are other spies from other forces. Nayuki Subaru sneered in her heart, and now the sages of the Lugonika Kingdom must be quite nervous.

Lugnika is in the stage of the king's election, and suddenly a goddess of light teaches in the king's capital!

It won’t be long before the Goddess Cult of the Light will be able to control the beliefs of the Lugonica people, and the power of the Goddess of Light will even override the Society of Sages. Even those who participate in the election of the king will have a good relationship with that behemoth.

If the Goddess of Light teaches to intervene in the king's election, Lugonika's reign...

It is better to impose sanctions on the Shining Goddess Church now!

But who dares? Not long after His Royal Highness was manifested in the mainland, and gathered a large number of believers, who has the courage to confront a true god's sect? !

Although they have "dragons" to guard them, can "dragons," really defeat a true god?

The only thing they can do is to make friends with the goddess of light as much as possible, and then place their own people into the sect. In this way, it can be considered a guarantee.

Caiyue Subaru didn't care about the thoughts of the officials. He left the Goddess Square to find a traveling merchant, and gave him the black pepper and rock candy he had brought from the earth to sell.

Although the economy of Lugonika, the kingdom of pro-dragon, is not very good recently, it can still support the profligacy of the upper-class nobles.

Westerners in the Middle Ages were inseparable from meat, and all kinds of meat with pepper, it is simply a rare delicacy.

It is basically impossible to let them leave the pepper when they eat meat.

Enduring the stench and eating a plate looking up at the stars is not something that ordinary people can do. Pepper is the same as rock sugar, as long as those nobles have eaten it, they can never leave them.

In addition to the daily necessities, all the black pepper and rock sugar were sold out last time. The daily necessities are still in the stage of word-of-mouth fermentation.

Because some items in the city that act like shampoo, shower gel, and soap are all produced by workshops.

Not only are they expensive to make, but they are not as good as modern chemicals.

But behind the workshop, there was the support of the great nobles in Lugnica.

The traveling merchant did not dare to move rashly, for fear of touching the interests of the nobles.

"You did a great job." Caiyue Subaru took the money earned by the traveling merchant and took out the goods brought from the earth here.

When the traveling merchant saw Subaru's ability to create things out of thin air, he admired Subaru's ability to create things out of thin air. He shouted that the true **** was alive, and he wanted to kneel down and kiss Subaru's soles.

"You go and investigate the great nobles behind those workshops. I hope you can provide me with some useful information when you come next time." Caiyue Subaru said.

"Dear master, please rest assured that the villain will definitely be able to investigate the nobleman behind the workshop! It is their lifetime honor for them to become your opponents to the master!"

The traveling merchant controlled by the control chip said a lot of flattering things, which made the modern person Nayue Subaru feel ashamed.

After finally getting out of the "extremely enthusiastic" traveling merchant, Cai Yuezhuo, who had received the payment, went to the money dealers again.

The holy gold coins were exchanged for a large number of gold coins, and then the gold coins were exchanged for trading points. Caiyue Subaru made a small amount of money again.

"System, I want to repay the debt in advance!"

"Ding~ Do you want to repay the loan?"

(Note: 150 transaction points will be deducted for this operation)

"Right now!" Caiyue Subaru waved his hand and said in a magnificent manner.

"Ding~ the loan has been repaid."

"Ding~ To congratulate the host for successfully passing the novice period, the following tasks are now open."

Task 1: "Sweep the King's Capital"

Remarks: "For the merchants of the Ten Thousand Realms with a solid foundation, any commodity can attract the pursuit of great nobles."

Success reward: a set of ten consecutive.

Penalty for failure: Forced to run ten laps around the capital of Lugonika naked.

Remaining time: 29 days, 23 hours and 59 seconds.

Task 2: "Multinational Corporations"

Remarks: "When goods are sold in one country, in order to seek better development, merchants usually sell goods to other countries. Although you are still a salesman now, you must How about planning a majestic blueprint by yourself, salesman Nai Yue Subaru, trying to open up a business way in the Warcraft Forest?"

Success reward: Lucky A+

Failure Punishment: Become a nobleman's personal pet cat mother

Remaining time: 39 days, 23 hours, 59 seconds

Caiyue Subaru quickly finished reading the tasks assigned by the system, without even blinking his eyes.

As for punishment?

"Haha~" Caiyue Subaru sneered, really when he was scared?

Some traveling merchants help him dump goods, and some are time accumulation.

To open up a business road from the Warcraft Forest is a fantasy and difficult thing for others. But for him who owns Didi to play VIP, it is not a difficult task at all!

After Caiyue Subaru took care of everything, the sky was completely dark.

Unlike the territory of Rozval, the prosperous royal capital is lit up everywhere, and there is a flow of people in the Goddess Square.

Cai Yuezhu alone found a restaurant to have a meal, and then returned to the residence of the Royal Capital of Rozval.

The house was deserted and Emilia and Rem both went back.

Kuangsan slipped away long ago to travel the world.

He is the only one left in the big house.

"I am bored."

Nayue Subaru, who had been sleeping for a day, was not at all sleepy, and the people outside seemed to be still making noise.

It is not far from the Goddess Square. It is said that the bishop took action to save the families of believers.

"Can cancer be cured?" The sleepless Pleiades stood by the window and looked at the Goddess Square in the distance, where there was still a flow of people.

From this position, he can see the statue of the Goddess of Light more completely.

"Why do you look like Kuangsan?"



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