Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 9 Chapter 25: Ambition and lifeline

After sending away the "cat lady" Felice, Nayue Subaru greeted Emilia and others, and returned to her guest room on the second floor.

Close the door quickly.

Naizuki Subaru hurriedly took out the note Felice handed him from his pocket!

The eyes widened slightly, and the Pleiades Caiyue carefully distinguished, took the dictionary a little bit to compare, read the address on the note twice in succession, and then relieved.

Eighty holy gold coins! By earning another seventy holy gold coins, he would have enough money to repay the loan!

Caiyue Subaru breathed a sigh of relief, "Finally, I won't be sent to another world for non-humans to play with their bodies."

"Ding~ So the host doesn't have the heart to resist whether he has become a girl?"

I don't know if I heard it wrong, Caiyue Subaru always feels that the usual stereotyped mechanical sound, sounded today, even with an inexplicable emotion.

"Who...who would want to be a girl!" Caiyue Subaru's voice was slightly louder, covering the panic in her heart, "What is good about being a girl? You will be restrained in everything you do. How can a man come here so happy?"

Caiyue Subaru's mouth was like a firecracker, and he was screaming and talking a lot. He breathed a sigh of relief after not hearing the system's rebuttal.

If the secret that has been hidden in my heart is known to others, it is definitely an embarrassing thing.

The special living environment caused Caiyue Subaru's slightly distorted personality.

In his opinion, if you become a girl, at least the pressure on your body can be reduced a lot.

But even now, he has the Ten Thousand Realms Merchant System, and it is easier for men to move around. Compared to becoming a girl, he still prefers to use a male body and a beautiful girl.

For example, Emilia~ Tokisaki is crazy~ Rem~

Caiyue Subaru hurriedly shook his head, he didn't want to make a fuss about the character.

Caiyue Subaru squatted on the ground and began to count the goods he had brought. He planned to dispose of the goods in the royal capital.

The royal capital of a kingdom generally symbolizes power and wealth.

If his batch of goods can't be sold in the royal capital, it is estimated that other places will not work well.

The royal capital has the most powerful people. In the Middle Ages, who is the richest? Of course those with power are the richest!

I hope that the upper-class ladies in the royal capital will like what he brings.


"Huh? Kuang San, are you leaving here tomorrow?"

At dinner, Caiyue Subaru heard the words Kuangsan said, and her heart was slightly disturbed.

At first, he thought it was this mysterious girl who brought him to another world, but after the Ten Thousand Realms Merchant System came out, Caiyue Subaru found that things were far less simple than he thought.

However, he has extraordinary feelings for Kuangsan. After all, he is a "hometown". Now even the hometown is about to leave, shouldn't he...

Kuangsan stopped to eat, "I have two friends from Xianjin Island also here, and we are going to travel the world."

"Are you kidding?" The originally excited Nai Yue Subaru forced himself to calm down, but he thought of Kuang San's intrepid strength, but he still couldn't say what he could do to dissuade him.

At the next table, the conversation between Amelia and others took up most of the conversation. Kuangsan was sure to follow Amelia and the others to the royal capital first, and then leave from there.

Nayuki Subaru patted the table, "Since Tokisaki is gone, I should also leave."


The decision of the Pleiades of Cai Yue caught those present by surprise.

Standing on the side, Rem lowered his head slightly, his long bangs covered his expression, and his small mouth couldn't help pursing.

Ram saw Rem's expression and stopped talking.

That night, Subaru Caiyue packed up all her things, and then glanced at the moonlight outside the window, feeling a little negative and complicated.

After all, Rozval Mansion was the first base for his travels in other worlds, and he suddenly left like this, saying that he didn't adapt to it was a fake.

Maybe...he will come back.

He will definitely come back! He also wants to help Emilia to participate in the election of the king.

The Pleiades of Cai Yue knew the story of the silver-haired half-elf, and he naturally knew that this look of Emilia, even with the support of the Earl of Rozval, could hardly compete with several other candidates.

Because of her appearance, it is the biggest obstacle to her.

But what if he can control the economy of Lugonika, the kingdom of pro-dragon?

Standing by the bed, Subaru Nayuki showed a smile that didn't match her usual personality.

Accompanied by the wind blowing from the Warcraft Forest, this situation and scene seemed even more gloomy.

Caiyue Subaru's ambition was thoroughly aroused.

Cai Yue Subaru, who lives in modern society, has long known how important the economy is to the country.

Is it possible to control the economic lifeline of a country in a different world, doesn't that mean...

The dark clouds covered the moonlight, and the sky was completely dark. Only the eyes of the Pleiades Cai Yue gleamed with weird light.

Early the next morning, the "horse" in the Rozval mansion, driven by Rem, carried three or four people to the royal capital.

It is on the border of the royal capital, and it is still very far away from the truly prosperous royal capital.

This is the second time that Caiyue Subaru has come to the royal capital. The prosperous picture remains unchanged. He plans to continue to live in the residence of the royal capital of Rozval for a few days.

On the contrary, it was Kuangsan. After arriving in the capital, he greeted them and walked into the disappeared...

Caiyue Subaru heard that Emilia had gone to the royal capital for the sake of Wang's election, but he couldn't get in on this aspect.

Caiyue Subaru knew that now he was in the royal capital, and he was just an insignificant little person.

After greeting Emilia, Nagyue Subaru goes out alone.

The prosperity of the royal capital is still there, and it represents the most prosperous area in a kingdom in the Middle Ages. The closer the place is to the royal city, the safer it is. Even so, Nayuki Subaru's evaluation of Luganika's capital is very low.

Because once it is too far away from the royal city, the security there is simply hard to say.

The king is good, it is also very prosperous, but it is rare to see human beings.

Humans have their own streets, but they are still sandwiched by those tall half-humans. At a glance, it is not so much a kingdom of humans as it is a kingdom of half-humans.

Human beings are placed in the royal capital of Lugonika, which can be regarded as a rare species.

Caiyue Subaru first went to the uncle at the fruit stand to buy some fruit, which was regarded as fulfilling one of his small wishes, and then he went around in the capital.

He heard that there are also two dealers in the royal capital who collect silver coins and gold coins to exchange for holy gold coins. He wants to see how the industry is going first.

‘Why don’t you go to those little gangsters and ask? ’

Caiyue Subaru thought, turning his gaze to some small alleys that no one cares about.

However, he walked through the alleys of the human street, but he didn't encounter any gangsters!

"It's a hell! How did this public order get better again?"

Caiyue Subaru walked slowly, gradually approaching the uppermost city of the capital.

Suddenly, he saw a young girl being dragged into the alley.



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