Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 9 Chapter 22: Caiyue Subaru's original accumulation (four k)

Cai Yue Subaru looked at Amelia with encouraging eyes, and Amelia could no longer express her mood at this time.

Uncontrollably, the little hand sent the "toothbrush" this weird thing covered with green paste to the front of his mouth.

"Come on, Emilia!" Caiyue Subaru, who still had foam at the corner of her mouth, continued to cheer.

The half-elf girl gave him an awkward and polite smile.

The fresh smell of the green paste gradually entered the nasal cavity, and Amelia opened her small mouth slightly.


At the moment when her lips touched the toothpaste, Emilia finally couldn't bear the panic deep in her heart, her little hand shook, the toothbrush and cup all fell on the floor, Emilia's little face was panicked. Feigen's expression opened the bathroom door.

"What's wrong? Master Emilia, are you okay?" Rem, who came to check, supported the violently shaking Emilia, but his eyes sharpened a lot.

"No... it's okay." Emilia took a few deep breaths and apologized to the Pleiades Cai Yue who was in a daze in the bathroom.

"Sorry, I didn't mean it, but that thing is terrible!"

"Ha...Haha, is that right?" Caiyue Subaru knelt down, handling the items that fell on the ground.

"Emily Charan, you go back to bed first, I wish you a good dream!" Caiyue Subaru raised her head and gave the silver-haired girl a big smile.

Emilia took a deep look at Subaru Nayuki, "I wish you a good dream, too."

Rem motioned to the sister who came over with his eyes, Ram knew it, followed Emelia, and sent her to the room.

"Subaru." Rem took two steps forward, walked into the bathroom, snatched the rag from Subaru Caiyue, "Just leave it to me here. It's getting late, you go back and rest first."

"Hey~" Subaru Nayuki sat down on the tile, not caring about her image, "You are still so gentle."

Rem's small face, who lowered his head and wiped the floor, raised a flush that was almost invisible to the naked eye.

"If there is anything about Subaru, you can talk to Rem."

Nayuki Subaru, who was sitting on the tiles, didn’t seem to hear Rem’s whispering words, and said to himself: “It seems that cleaning up personal hygiene with toothbrush and toothpaste every morning and evening is difficult to implement in Lugnika ."

"Personal hygiene?" Rem frowned. At this time, she had already wiped the floor bright, and coupled with the overhead light, the floor looked like a mirror, reflecting the two figures on it.

Rem raised his small face, "Subaru has any ideas, you can experiment with Rem."

When the girl next to her said so, Subaru Nayuki almost didn't react for a while.

"Rem's life was given by Subaru, even if Subaru wants..."

"Stop!" Nayuki Subaru hurriedly stopped what Rem wanted to say next, and finally made up his mind to pursue Emilia. At this time, Rem, who was delicate and cute, with super-powerful combat power, asked him again. When showing tenderness, he was afraid that he would not be able to bear it...

"Sure enough, I still can't?" Rem lowered his head and continued to wipe the bright mirror floor with a rag. The long bangs covered Rem's frustrated expression on his face.

"Of course not." Caiyue Subaru sighed, "It's just that Rem may not be able to accept the living habits of my hometown."

Rem stopped his work, raised his head, his eyes firm.

Cai Yuezhu took out another toothbrush from the storage space, picked up the previous cup, took a cup of water, and squeezed toothpaste on it.

"I'm optimistic." Caiyue Subaru experimented with herself and brushed her teeth again.

Rem's expression is very serious, his eyes are unblinking, and he faithfully records every movement of the Pleiades.

"Look." After Subaru spit out the last water in her mouth towards the basin, she wiped the green foam around her lips with a towel, and showed two rows of white teeth in front of Rem.


Rem was silent for a while, "Is this showing his courage in front of the opposite sex?"

"I understand."

Rem picked up the toothbrush squeezed with toothpaste, took the water glass with a solemn expression, and took a sip of water...

Cai Yue Subaru: "???"

Rem stared at the green paste on the toothbrush, which was covered by the fine fluff, which was hundreds of thousands of times more terrifying than a monster!

With his big eyes closed tightly, Rem plucked up his courage and put the toothbrush into his mouth in one fell swoop!

... "Yes, up and down, left and right, and inside..."

Rem just felt that it was gradually difficult for her to breathe, and a lot of bubbles continued to pop up in her mouth, as if poisoned...but Subaru did that, and she would never let Subaru down!

Under the command of Subaru Nayuki, Rem brushed his teeth for the first time in the ghost life.

"how do you feel?"

Rem tried to take two breaths and found that he could easily smell the fresh taste in his mouth.

And... I always feel that my mouth seems a lot cleaner.

Rem showed two neat rows of white teeth in front of the mirror. With the addition of light, they were bright and scary...

"It's a lot easier, it's really good." Rem gave an evaluation.

"Hehe." Caiyue Subaru also gave Rem the toothpaste in his hand, and took out a few toothbrushes from the storage space.

"Toothbrush is a personal item, it can only be used by one person~ It is best to change it once every two months. Brush your teeth twice a day in the morning and evening. This will make your teeth great!"

Afterwards, the Pleiades Cai Yue smiled sullenly, "Rem doesn't want to lose his teeth when he is in his seventies, right?"

Rem thought about it when he was young, the old people in the village...the little faces followed, "I see!"

"Yeah..." Caiyue Subaru stared at Rem, thought for a moment, and then took out some things from the storage space, more than ten toothpaste, large bottles of shampoo, large bottles of shower gel, etc. .

"I shouldn't have stayed here for too long at Rozval House. I will give these things to you."

Rem's heart tightened, and his lips squirmed, but he couldn't say anything when the words reached his lips.

"Rem, I teach you that these two things are for you to use in the shower."

"After you squeeze out the cream, apply it to your hair, rub it into foam, and then wash your hair. The effect is much stronger than the junk made in those workshops."

"There is also a shower gel, which is the same process, but you must not apply it to your hair. This is applied to your body. The shower gel I brought seems to smell of rose petals. You can wash it after you rub the foam. There will be this scent too~"

"How can a cute girl like Rem not have a little fragrance on her body?"

"There is also facial cleanser, um..." Cai Yuezhu raised her head and glanced at Rem's collagen-rich face, and silently took the facial cleanser back. "You shouldn't need this stuff."

Soon, Subaru Nayuki sent samples of almost everything he brought from the earth to Rem.

Until Nayue Subaru left, Rem was alone in the bathroom.

Rem didn't want to study how Subaru Caiyue took out so many things. She only knew that the other party would not live here for too long...

And myself...


Ram didn't know what appeared behind the door, folded his hands on his chest, and leaned against the door.


"What's the matter with you? Barus bullied you again?" Ram frowned.

"No. It's just...some tears can't be controlled..."


It is late at night.

"These are the weird things he brought?"

No matter when and where, Rozval's weird tone will not change.

"Yes, Master." Ram lowered her head, and she squeezed out some of the things that Caiyue Subaru gave to Rem, wrapped them in oiled paper, and sent them to Rozval.

"Master, this is how Barus introduced..."

Ram told Rozval what she overheard, and Rozval's handsome face covered by clown makeup did not show any fluctuations in expression.

"It's dark, you go back and rest first."

"Okay, Master." Ram saw this, bowed slightly, and walked out of Rozval's room.

There was no light in the room, only moonlight, slanting in from the window that occupied the entire wall.

Shampoo, shower gel, toothpaste... all kinds of things are forced by Rozval, and each rotates around him.

In the future he sees, these gadgets are enough to change the world...

Rozval secretly tasted the paste on each piece of greased paper under the monitoring of Kuangsan...

"Puff~" Kuang San almost didn't hold back his smile.

Empress Xiao Hong has no so much scruples. She covered her lower abdomen with her hands, and the projected body kept rolling in the air, "Hahahahahaha, hahahahaha, is Rozval a devil? Actually... . Stolen the shower gel! Hahahaha..."

Frustrated laughter filled the entire bedroom, but no sound leaked out.

"Master, you said that if Caiyue Subaru can get some nuclear materials, will Rozval taste some too?"

"How do I know." Kuangsan rolled his eyes, "After Xiaohong, you can figure out where the next Pleiades will be archived, and we will start the experiment later."

"Okay, master!"

Kuang San looked at the moonlight outside the window, his eyes directly penetrating the space, looking at the satellites outside the planet.

"While on the earth, remember to help Caiyue Subaru a little more, don't let him be eaten by those capitalists who cannibalize people without spitting out bones."

"Understood, Master!"

"Yeah." Kuang San responded with a nasal voice, then closed his eyes and continued to understand the message from the little red queen.

Among other "Mad Sans", some have come to a modern world where people and cannibal monsters coexist, some come to a world where giants can eat people, and some come to a world controlled by a group of children playing games.

Among them, Giant World has cleared the customs in just a few days, gaining a small part of the source.

"Huh?" Kuang San was stunned suddenly, her Ten Thousand Realms Origin System suddenly generated a large amount of source income.

"This is?" Kuangsan searched for the world that "Kuangsan" traveled through. The story took place in a campus called Sakino Academy. The world was still a modern earth, but there was no supernatural power.

The "Kuang San" also didn't use Ke Ke Di, and just wandered between the male and female protagonists, and gained a lot of source points.

But the story line... hasn't fully unfolded yet, that magic-free world can still provide her with a lot of source points.

Kuangsan frowned, "After Xiaohong, what's going on?"

"Master, this shows that this world contains a lot of information. As for what factors are, I can't analyze it."

"How many other worlds are there like this?"

"Sorry master, I can't perform modeling calculations on these."

"Interesting." Kuangsan thought silently, "Makoto Ito, Katsura Yanye, the world of Xiyuanji..."

She faintly found a very similar fan drama from Mo Xiao's true spirit

Is it possible that in those low-magic and non-magic worlds, as long as they know too many creatures, there will be a lot of source point benefits?

Kuang San thought slightly, and immersed his consciousness in the story of Sakano Gakuen. The "self," god-like operation of the protagonist wandering between the male and female protagonists suffocated Kuang San...

Passing the eye is like watching a holographic movie, letting Kuangsan indulge in it, and the whole night will pass quickly.

Cai Yuezhu began to wash his face and brush his teeth, but what he did not expect was that the two sisters, Rozval and Remram, used the toothbrush and toothpaste he provided.....

"The world has changed again?"

Nayuki Subaru was puzzled, and before he could find Rozval, the eccentric Count Lord found him first.

Rozval asked about the prices of shampoo, shower gel, makeup remover, etc. Nai Yue Subaru did not expect that what he gave to Rem for free would have such a great effect.

Caiyue Subaru does nothing but sells all his products from the earth at an extremely "low" price.

In addition to various ancient handicrafts, the Pleiades Cai Yue also got some weird-looking paintings. Count Gu Rozval said these paintings were made by famous artists. Of course, those famous artists have been dead for a long time... ..

After the two bargained, Caiyue Subaru paid out all of his inventory, bought these "artworks" and added 1,000 gold coins.

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