Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 9 Chapter 13: Multiplayer online version of otherworldly blood game (fourk)

Nayuki Subaru realized that he had moved too much, and sat back in the chair again.

"That... it's like this!" Caiyue Subaru just wanted to reach out and take out the cup noodles from the plastic bag, but the floor was empty.

"Wait a moment." Caiyue Subaru stood up again and ran out of the guest room with a "swish". It didn't take long for Caiyue Subaru to trot back with a white plastic bag.

"Tokisaki, what I meant." Subaru first took out the cup noodles and put it on the table. "I will lend you five holy gold coins first, and you will buy it with the five holy gold coins I borrowed from you. This cup noodle."

"After you buy the cup noodles, I will return the five holy gold coins to you. Of course, the cup noodles were also yours at that time."

Kuang San raised his head and looked at Subaru Nai Yue with a look of mentally handicapped children, "Is it too hard for you to travel to another world? It caused your brain to short-circuit?"

"No, no, no!" Caiyue Subaru put her hands on the wooden table, leaned out her upper body, staring at Kuangsan, "This is very important to me, please, Kuangsan, please promise me to be willful this time. Ask it!"

"Ah le? Yingzhou in there, lady address him by name looks like something very rude."

"Extremely sorry!" Caiyue Subaru bowed to the end.

"Okay, okay. If I lend you five holy gold coins, when will you return it to me? What good can I do?"

"Uh... the life of Subaru Nayuki is Tosaki's!"

"Hehe~" Kuangsan covered his mouth and chuckled, his big burgundy eyes squeezed by the smile are like the old red wine, making Caiyue Subaru intoxicated.

"So your life is only worth five holy gold coins?"

Just when Caiyue Subaru wanted to explain something, Kuangsan didn't know where he took out the five holy gold coins from it. ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Those coins wrapped in gold leaf are slightly larger, with unknown symbols painted on them. There is no doubt that they are the same as the holy gold coins he saw in Lord Roma!

That is simply the golden little cute! Five can save his little Dingding!

It is not an exaggeration to say that the five holy gold coins are little angels! Oh no, Subaru Naiyue found the real angel, still a beautiful girl sitting in a chair in front of her, playing with holy gold coins in her hands. ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Although the girl's green jade finger is better than the crudely made holy gold coins, in the eyes of the Pleiades at this time, there is nothing more important than the five holy gold coins.

"Do you want it?" Kuang San tossed the holy gold coin in his hand, Cai Yue Subaru's eyes followed the golden cute little cuties, and the crisp sound of the coin hitting, to Cai Yue Subaru, it was beyond everything. Du Lezhang...

Caiyue Subaru pushed the cup noodles to Kuang San and looked at the five holy gold coins eagerly.

Kuangsan put those little cuties on the table, "Remember to pay me back."

"Thank you! Thank you very much! You are my angel!"

"People like me don't blush when they listen to love~ Let's tell Amelia these words."

Caiyue Subaru didn't care what Kuangsan was talking about at this time, and trembling hands picked up the holy gold coin on the table.

The coin body was slightly cold, but he held hope.

Caiyue Subaru mentioned the plastic bag, "I will definitely return it to you before tomorrow!" After finishing speaking, Caiyue Subaru trot out of the guest room excitedly.


The door was closed tightly.

The virtual projection behind Xiaohong didn't know where it came from.

With a small face bulging into a bun, he complained to Kuangsan: "Why do you want to help him!"

Kuang San put his gaze on the unopened cup surface, "Huh, it takes a bit of hope to have the motivation to move forward. What's more... Caiyue Subaru’s abnormal behavior has been Let this ordinary "cup noodles" be targeted."

Xiao Hong was puzzled, "That Count Clown?"

"Follow it." Kuang San opened the historical fairy tale book again, "I can't make a copy. If he wants this cup of noodles... he will sell it for five hundred holy gold coins."

With that said, Kuang San turned to the page where San Yingjie sealed the jealous witch, immersing his consciousness into it.

Xiao Honghou flew back and forth over the bedroom with a bulging bun's face, her big beautiful eyes staring at Caiyue Suba's room all the time.

Caiyue Subaru did take advantage of the trading loopholes, which is like buying land for one dollar.

But... she was still mad, thinking about it, Xiao Hong sent a command to the Ten Thousand Realm Merchant System secretly.


As soon as Nagyue Subaru returned to his room, he was so excited that he couldn't help himself. After closing the door, he bounced around. Except for the toys he liked when he was a child, he hadn't experienced this level of excitement for a long time. The world can't compare this "sweetness."

In one fell swoop, she threw herself on the big bed, Cai Yue Subaru cautiously lifted a holy gold coin, the sunlight shining on it, did not reflect a special luster.

"Ding~Congratulations to the host for completing the first transaction. The Ten Thousand Realms Merchant System is currently being activated."

"Ding~ Congratulations to the host for discovering a system vulnerability, which is now being repaired."

"Ding~ Consume five holy gold coins to fix the loopholes, the estimated time to start the system..."

Caiyue Subaru was stunned, and the metallic holy gold coin in his hand suddenly disappeared under his nose!

"No! You can't do this! This is the holy gold coin that I have worked so hard to earn! Return the gold coin to me!"

Except for the activation countdown in my mind, the system seems to be unresponsive.

"This is not my holy gold coin! I don't want to fix any loopholes, just return it to me quickly!"

"Ding~Are you sure you won't fix the loopholes. (The fee will not be refunded

Caiyue Subaru's pupils tightened, and then slowly emptied, and collapsed on the big bed lifelessly, muttering in his mouth: "That's not my holy gold coin. Give it back to me... Give it back to me... ..."

"No!" Caiyue Subaru, who was in bed with the Ten Thousand Realms Merchant System for a long time, finally realized the seriousness of the matter.

He patted his chest and promised Kuang San that he would return the holy gold coin to her tonight, but now... he can't even take out a copper coin!

Originally, in Emilia's heart, her favorability was already very bad. If Kuangsan hated herself because of this incident, would it be worth it? !

Why did he Caiyue Subaru come to another world? Isn't it just for the beautiful girl!

Caiyue Subaru straightened up and sat cross-legged on the big bed, confusion in his mind.

"Caiyue Subaru, think of a way!" Caiyue Subaru said encouraging herself, and slapped her face with her hand, as if she wanted to use this method to force herself to calm down.

"What to do? What to do on earth? System? System?!"

There was a picture of activation countdown in my mind, nothing else, and no response at all.

"Damn it!"

Caiyue Subaru searches for the few memories of another world in his mind, such as taverns, fruit stand uncles, small alleys, small gangsters, killers, Lord Roma... to sell the stolen goods!

Caiyue Subaru's eyes lit up. At the beginning, his "magic" mobile phone was valued at the price of twenty holy gold coins by Lord Roma!

If he can sell the phone, twenty holy gold coins will come without saying anything?

When the time comes, it will be returned to Kuangsan, and then he still has 15 start-up funds for holy gold coins.

"I'm just a genius!" Caiyue Subaru thought happily, and hurriedly took out his flip phone from his pocket.

After a day's time consumption and two more water shocks, the flip phone is still intact! There are even two-thirds of the battery!

As for what to do if this "magic tool" runs out of power in the future, that is not something he should solve.

Just do it, Caiyue Subaru didn't dare to waste time, picked up the bag and ran downstairs to talk to Lem, and trot away from the manor.

Lem, who was cleaning the courtyard, did not change his face, but the look in the eyes of Subaru Nayuki obviously changed.

Afterwards, Leim also walked out of the manor quietly, even Kuangsan didn't care about it, because Leim was in charge of the food purchase problem in Mezzas Manor. Isn't it a normal thing for the maid to go out to purchase goods?

Kuang San glanced outside the window, took a sip of the black tea at just the right temperature, and half of Kuang San's pretty face was covered with mist while the steam was steaming.

"Are you posting the task again?"

"No, no, no!" Xiaohonghou hurriedly shook his head, "I don't interfere with the Ten Thousand Realms Merchant System. Even if it is a task, the system depends on the scene, not to mention that there is no task at all. It is the Pleiades Caiyue who wants to go out for a stroll. ."

After Kuang San took a deep look at Xiao Hong, the corners of his mouth rose, "It doesn't matter, as long as you don't die."

Just as Kuangsan was boring to read and was about to stand up and move around, the whole world suddenly changed drastically!

The flow of time surged and passed by, and even Kuang San, who was not prepared at all, was caught off guard.

‘The world consciousness of the devil’s world in the mere trivial world would choose to kill me with the flow of time? "Kuangsan squinted his eyes," this is too underestimating me. ’

Just as Kuang San took out the upgraded Xuexia Wolf and prepared to suppress the world consciousness, the flow of time suddenly returned to normal!

The long black dress on her body turned into pajamas. At this moment, she was half leaning against the head of the bed, holding the silver Xuexia wolf horizontally in her hand.


There was a knock on the door outside. It was not someone else, but Ram who took care of her personal hygiene this morning.

The maid tapped the door lock three times. After asking, she got permission from Kuangsan, walked into the bedroom, and began to serve Kuangsan.

Everything is exactly the same as in the morning.

The only difference is that when Ram saw the Xuexia Wolf in her hand, his eyes shrank to the size of a needle in an instant, as if he was afraid of the hidden power in it.

This was not beyond Kuangsan's expectation. After Xuexia Wolf used the source point to upgrade in the main timeline of the Mohei Universe, it already possessed the ability to break the "illusion" in the Mohei Universe and restore the "essence of the world".

And this different world is the projection world of the subordinates and the end black universe, Xuexia Wolf's illusory ability naturally exists.

There is no doubt that as long as Kuang San simulates the blood of Ji Tuan Xuecai and sings incantations, Xuexia Wolf can wipe out all the high-energy energies of the different world and reduce the other world to a world without magic.

Therefore, it is inevitable that Ram's fear of facing natural enemies is inevitable.

Even Mezas and Parker are first-rate, they will have that feeling.

In another world, the stronger the creature, the greater the pressure on Xuexia Wolf.

Kuang San lightly put away Xuexia Wolf, which made Ram breathe a sigh of relief, and her constricted pupils returned to normal. At this moment, her back was already occupied by cold sweat.

"Guest, please..."

Ram's attitude is much more respectful than before, but it is not very different from the previous morning.

Not long after, Kuang San heard the cracking sound of the window next door.

That was the punishment of "changing a cat" to Caiyue Subaru by the Ten Thousand Realm Merchant System. Ram apologized to Kuangsan and hurriedly walked to the room of Nagyue Subaru next door...

"After Xiaohong, do you feel it?"

"Yes Master. We are back to'this morning' again."

Kuang San, who put on a black dress, stood by the glass window. From this angle, he could overlook the "cat" Cai Yue Subaru.

"Can you figure out the specific reason?"

"Insufficient information, but it has nothing to do with Subaru Caiyue." Xiaohonghou projected the image from the merchant system of Ten Thousand Realms.

On the way to the stolen point, Subaru was attacked by a mysterious hammer and hit hard. Just as Subaru was trying to see clearly the figure of the attacker, he was smashed into meat sauce by a flying hammer.

It was also when Caiyue Subaru's consciousness completely collapsed, the slight power of time in his body was running, and the whole world fell into a state of stillness for an instant, and then time quickly reversed and returned to this morning.

Kuang San, who has crossed hundreds of timelines, can naturally recognize that this timeline has not changed, the various characters have not changed, and even the memory has been completely cleaned.

The only ones who were not disturbed were her, Xiaohonghou, and the Pleiades of Cai Yue.

Even the Ten Thousand Realms Merchant System compiled by Xiaohong's post was limited by time, so I tried it again.

"It's kind of interesting." Kuang San chuckled lightly, "It was Leim who killed Subaru Nayuki."

"So much hatred, so much resentment."

"Who knows." Xiao Honghou's eyes towards Lem were not so friendly anymore.

"It's like reading a file and everything in another world are NPCs. Only me and Subaru Nai are the players."

"No, no, no." Xiaohonghou denied the concept of Kuangsan, "If the other things are npc and Pleiades Caiyue is the player, then you, the master, are equivalent to the existence of GM."

"I am a player."

After Xiao Hong sighed, she said weakly: "Hi~Hi~"

"Huh?" Xiao Honghou exclaimed, and changed the projection screen of Caiyue Subaru's killing to Mo Xiao's side.

"Mo Xiao and Xia Yin are not affected by the flow of time."

Kuangsan chuckles, "Then there will be two more gamers, isn't it more interesting to change from a single-player game in the alien version to a multiplayer online game?"

"Just be happy."

Next, Kuang San pretended to be ignorant, and helped Cai Yue Subaru heal the injured palm, and had breakfast with Count Mezas.

On the other side of Cai Yue Subaru, after a brief panic, he rearranged today's affairs.

Cai Yue Subaru pretended that nothing happened, and proceeded step by step, asking Emily whether to buy cup noodles, and then went to Kuang San to "borrow money."

Then the "borrowed" holy gold coins disappeared strangely.

Everything is developing in the original direction.

In the bedroom.

Nayuki Subaru hesitated, is he going to go to Lord Roma's sale of the stolen goods?

If you might be killed, if you don't...and you won't have the holy gold coin borrowed from Kuangsan.

How to do?

Caiyue Subaru can't make up his mind.

‘How about...Call the mad three together? ’


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