Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 8 Chapter 62: Controversy between Scumbags (2 in 1)

Ji Tuan Xuecai's spirit has been monitoring Xiao Gucheng, but it was late at night, Xuecai slept very well by herself.

It wasn't until Xiao Gucheng left the house and touched a certain technique that Ji Tuan Xuecai was awakened. The moment he woke up, he received the picture from Shikigami.

Ji Tuan Xuecai frowned, and she didn't sleep in the middle of the night when she grew up. How could she go to Kuangsan?

‘Please ask the other party if you have something to do? Ji Tuan Xuecai became more curious as he thought about it, and Kuangsan and Xiao-senior lone man and widow were alone in the same room. If it were spread out, Kuangsan would not have a good reputation.

Ji Tuan Xuecai seemed to have made up his mind and began to initiate the technique, eavesdropping on the conversation between the two.

Just this hearing made Xuecai blush with shame.

The horrible topic of the two people can’t help but wonder... Then, the jealous Xuecai became angry. Under normal circumstances, Xiao Gucheng was with her, and there was no time to hook up with Kuangsan, the two of them. When did you get it together again?

‘No, for the sake of Kuangsan’s reputation, I also want to stop Akatsuki! ’

Xuecai casually found a reason to convince herself, buttoned her pajamas, and strode out the door.

As the lines in it got worse and worse, Xuecai's face became more and more ugly, with a little strength in her hand, she broke the door lock easily!

You can only see the afterimages as you fly!


With a loud noise, the door of Kuangsan's bedroom was directly pushed open by Xuecai and hit the wall with an overwhelmed sound.

At this time, Xiao Gucheng was apologetic, and Kuangsan was sitting on the computer chair with frowning eyebrows, wiping his dress with toilet paper, and the table...there were still coffee stains.

Seeing this, Xuecai's expression is very exciting.

And Xiao Gucheng and Kuang San also had surprised expressions.

"Xue Cai?"

"Ji Tuan?"

"Why are you here?" x2

The two looked at each other and said at the same time: "Don't talk like me!"

Xuecai, who didn't know how to explain it, suddenly brightened her eyes, her pretty face was tight, and she looked super fierce.

"The seniors didn't sleep in the middle of the night, so what did they want to do when they ran into the female junior high school students' bedroom?"

Xiao Gucheng was stunned. He thought he could escape the catastrophe while Ji Tuan Xuecai was asleep, but he didn't expect...

"I... I said we are learning English, do you believe it?"

"It hurts!" Xiao Gucheng, whose ears were grabbed by Ji Tuan Xuecai, let out an exaggerated cry, "It hurts to death! We are really studying."

"Study? Learn from you a big-headed ghost!" Ji Tuan Xuecai twisted Xiao Gucheng's ears with one hand and akimbo her hips. "Hurry up with me! What are you going to look like here!"

"And Kuangsan! Be careful of this perverted senior!"

Kuang San looked at Xiao Ancient City pityingly. Has the noble fourth true ancestor already sold his head?

"Ji Tuan, listen to my explanation, I..."

"Go back first!" Because of the height problem, Xiao Gucheng could only bend over, and was grabbed by Xuecai's ears. That posture...looks very uncomfortable.

Kuang San waved his hand at Xiao Ancient City in a friendly manner.

"That's right." Ji Tuan Xuecai, who was about to go out, turned around and scratched her cheek with her little hand, completely out of style with the queen just now.

"I accidentally screwed the door to the room. I will pay you tomorrow."

"No, I'll have someone fix it tomorrow."

Ji Tuan Xuecai bowed, which made Xiao Gucheng even more uncomfortable when his ears were caught.

"The money for repairing the door, please let me pay."

After speaking, Ji Tuan Xuecai, who was grabbing Xiao Gucheng's ears, strode out of the room without looking back.

Kuang San glanced lightly at the cold coffee on the square table.

She put some interesting things in the coffee she made for Xiao Gucheng just now, but unfortunately...he didn't drink it.

Kuangsan leaned on the computer chair, his eyes fixed on the photo on the LCD screen.

The girl, who was thrown into meat sauce and divided into several pieces, lay quietly on the ground covered with black and red blood.

The photo was turned back, and the guards took the shovel and shoveled the pieces of the body into the big yellow bag. There was still some fleshy residue on the ground, but it was quickly washed away by the high-pressure water gun.

"Is she pickle sauce?"

I don't know when Xia Yin stood behind Kuangsan and said.


"Then who is the snow vegetable sauce now?"

"It's her." Kuangsan didn't hesitate, "This world is much more interesting than you think."

"Really?" Xia Yin breathed a sigh of relief suddenly, "Kuang Sanjiang, are you ready for school leave?"

"There are still a few days, don't worry."

"Tomorrow let's go shopping for swimwear together!"

"I always feel that swimming in the sea will be very cold in this world."


"I'm lying to you, let's make time to go together tomorrow, call Nasha and Xuecai."


"Aren't you going to bed?" Kuang San turned his chair, his eyes met the angelic person in front of him.

The blushing surfaced slightly.

"I want to sleep with Kuang Sanjiang, okay?"

Kuangsan glanced at his big bed, "Bring the pillow over."


"Papa~" Turn off the light, and a faint trace of moonlight appeared from the curtains.

Xia Yin was not an ordinary person, and his eyes adjusted to the darkness in an instant.

"Na~ Kuang Sanjiang, do you really like Akatsuki-senpai?"

"Kuang San" rubbed his temples with his hands, and said with a headache: "I don't like people who are bothered."

"Huh?" Xia Yin rolled her eyes wide, and suddenly smiled, "Indeed, there are too many cute girls around Xiao-senpai."

"That..." Xia Yin's voice suddenly added a tremor, "Does Kuang Sanjiang like Brother Mo Xiao?"

"Mo Xiao?"


Kuang San fell silent for the first time.

This made Xia Yin's heart beat more and more violently.

"If... it is possible, I will have a love relationship with the complete one."


Kuang San nodded Xia Yin's little head with his hands, and said with a weird expression: "He has a defect here, and ah, he is physically disabled."

"Eh?! How did Kuang Sanjiang know so clearly?" Behind Xia Yin's surprised voice, there were a pair of bleak blue eyes.

"Tsk tusk." Kuangsan turned over and faced Xia Yin, his burgundy eyes looked extremely deep in the darkness.

"Does Xia Yinjiang like the current Mo Xiao?"

" it."

"Should I introduce him to you?"


Kuangsan closed his eyes and said, "Go to bed. You can see him when you buy a swimsuit tomorrow."


"Don't be too excited to sleep~"


Just as Kuang San said, Xia Yin never slept well in the second half of the night, and she slept with Kuang San again, not daring to turn over and over again.

All I think about is what to buy tomorrow, school trip...Mo Xiao~Swimsuit~

The more I think about it, the more excited my heart is beating faster, and the blood is surging too fast, making Xia Yin's little face always in a "hot" state.

Until the next morning, Xia Yin's face was still flushed.

Fortunately, Xia Yin's physical fitness far exceeds that of ordinary people. Even if he didn't sleep well all night, his mental state was still very good.

No dark circles, no bags under the eyes.

Standing in front of the mirror, Xia Yin patted her delicate face, and began to think about what clothes she should wear.

Xia Yin didn't have many clothes, almost all of them were school uniforms. After she lived with Kuangsan, casual clothes gradually increased.

Kuang San just got up, stretched his waist, and showed his beautiful figure to the fullest.

Not long after she came back from another city, after receiving the memory of the clone, she almost let Kuangsan spew out old blood.

Such a **** thing would happen to her? The luck of the protagonist like Xiaogucheng is very real.

Obviously she showed a skill, or a skill that overlaps with the protagonist's childhood sweetheart, can be targeted by the protagonist...

Kuangsan pushed open the door and saw Xia Yin who was rather tangled at first glance.

Xia Yin was holding two pieces of clothes and gestured back and forth on her body. This reminded Kuang San. Last night, she seemed to have promised Xia Yin something...

"Student uniforms with black silk can make Mo Xiao want to stop."

"Really?" Xia Yin turned around, with brilliant colors in her pure blue eyes.

"Trust me." Kuangsan affirmed.

"That... will Brother Mo Xiao really come?"

"Will do."

At this time, Mo Xiao, who was arresting the pure-blood vampire of the old generation in Siberia, sneezed.

"Dead horse vampire, you don't want to wait for a good castle, you have to go to Siberia to get cold, and I got cold and cold."

After Xiao Hong: " won't catch a cold."

"whispering sound."

"Would you like to try a thicker maid outfit?"

"To shut up!"

"Have a look at high-heat wigs?"

"To shut up!"

"Nano black silk..."

"To shut up!!!------"

In the distance, the old vampires who were fleeing looked at the cracked ice under their feet in horror. What kind of monster did they provoke? !


Mo Xiao rubbed his nose, and the "warm" sunlight shone on him, which made him uncomfortable for a while.

The sight in front of him made Mo Xiao miss the cold and snow in Siberia even more.

"I said, if you buy so many things, is it appropriate for me to carry it by myself?"

"Shut up, Mr. Gucheng! I have already asked you to eat ice cream. It is your honor to carry things for some beautiful girls!"

Xiao Gucheng curled his mouth slightly and looked to one side, "I said I was a beautiful girl or something, it was almost..."

"What is it?"

Xiao Nasha stuck out his upper body and looked at Xiao Ancient City seriously.

"It's an honor for me to help the pretty girl carry things!"

"Hmph." Xiao Nasha nodded, "That's right."

"Then why doesn't he carry things?"

Xiao Gucheng pointed to Mo Xiao who was drinking a hot drink next to him, with a strange expression on his face.

"Mo Xiao was called by Xia Yin, Xia Yin didn't even buy anything...What are you doing with so many things, your boyfriend!"

"That's... not a boyfriend!" Xia Yin heard the voice like a frightened deer, her face flushed, and she glanced at Mo Xiao from time to time, and found that Mo Xiao's attention was entirely on the parasol above her head. On, this made Xia Yin very disappointed.

Kuangsan drank a cold drink and watched the slapstick scene in front of him, but he was counting the number of pure blood vampires of the old generation in his heart.

In the past few days, since Mo Xiao joined the hunting team, the vampires of the old generation have greatly shrunk their power. If conditions permit, they have all hid in the Empire of Night and dared not make their heads. This slowed down the hunting progress a lot.

Since the pure-blooded vampires of the old generation can't be hunted, they can only catch the inferior vampires for capture.

"I said Mo Xiao, it's so hot, why are you still drinking hot drinks?"

Hearing someone calling his name, Mo Xiao finally looked down from the parasol.

"You may not believe it. I was on vacation in Siberia an hour ago."

Xiao Gucheng: "Uh...that place should be cool, right?"

Mo Xiao: "It's a good place for vacation, are you going to go?"

Xiao Gucheng: "No, no, I will continue to go to school. Wait, so this is the reason why you and the hot drink?"

Mo Xiao took a deep sip of the drink and sucked the remaining liquid in the cup into his abdomen. After so many days of begging for Xiaohong, he helped him install the simulated taste sensation, but he couldn't let go of the opportunity to enjoy it.

Mo Xiao put down the cup and winked at the ancient city of Xiao. "It's a hot day, don't you wear a sweater and a hood?"

"That's better than you!" Xiao Gucheng pointed to Mo Xiao in a mountaineering suit, "We have become the cause of everyone's attention, and you are absolutely indispensable!"

"Really?" Mo Xiao swept across four pretty faces. "So many beautiful girls are sitting together. Isn't it difficult not to attract attention?"

"Beautiful girl......"

Xiao Gucheng discovered that when Mo Xiao uttered this word, even his sister, who had always been careless, had a slightly flushed face and was obviously embarrassed.

Tokisaki was stunned. He didn't know what he was thinking, and Xia Yin was even exaggerated. His snow-white skin was occupied by blush, and his eyes were still a little flustered.

Xiao Gucheng stretched out his hand to cover his forehead, and sure enough, it was the wrong choice for him to follow.

At this moment, Mo Xiao didn't know what he had pressed, and the extremely contradictory mountaineering suit was converted into summer casual clothes.

The eyes of the girls who were watching lit up, and they started talking to Mo Xiao again.

Xiao Gucheng sighed and prepared to chat with Kuang San to ease his embarrassment.

"Waiter, add two cups of hot drinks."

Xiao Gucheng: "..."

Soon, Xiao Gucheng's left and right hands and shoulders were covered with merchandise bags, but Mo Xiao was carrying two Xia Yin's bags.

This makes Xiao Gucheng envy and hate.

He was originally a lazy person, shopping with girls or something, has long worn out his little patience.

The sun was dazzling, Xiao Gucheng's expression became more and more decadent.

Ahead, a shop selling swimsuits and women's underwear appeared in front of everyone.

This made Xia Yin's eyes brighten.

When Xiao Nasha and Ji Tuan Xuecai repeatedly warned Xiao Gucheng not to enter, Xia Yin was trying to invite Mo Xiao.

"Can Brother Mo Xiao come in? I want to know what styles my brother likes."

Xiao Gucheng's face twitched, and there would be no harm without contrast.

"I like everything you wear, after all, Xia Yin is very beautiful in the first place."

Xiao Gucheng twitched the corners of his mouth again, and Xia Yin's speech was almost a scumbag, which made Xia Yin particularly happy.

Kuangsan and the others came in together, and Mo Xiao turned around and looked around, "What are you looking at? Scumbag Xiaoxiao."

"Scumbag Xiao?" Xiao Gucheng looked and said, pointing to himself: "You're talking about me."

"Who else besides you? Let me count." Mo Xiao opened his fingers, "Children's childhood sweetheart Lan Yu Qingliu, Xiandu Mu Youma, Heavenly Justice Ji Tuan Xuecai, Princess La Faria, and more. ....."

"No more!" Xiao Gucheng immediately launched a counterattack, "Don't think I didn't see the matter between you and Kuang San, there is Xia Yin!"

"Hey, scumbag Xiaoxiao."

"You are the scumbag!"

"Heh~ the two of you are really in good spirits, then this gentleman, what is the relationship between the Yeze Natsume... and you?"


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