Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 8 Chapter 51: Title Jun took leave today

"Mom, mom, this is so beautiful!"

Just when Qian Cong was about to deal with it, she realized that Xiao Na was talking to Kuang San.

‘Am I wrong? Light Cong glanced suspiciously, and continued to look at the large troops marching on the street.

The area where the Haoruin Festival is held is brightly lit and prosperous. Most of the magical criminals who escaped from the prison barrier also came here to look for Nangong that month.

Those who can be imprisoned in the prison enchantment are all those with powerful forces behind them.

Either fear or face, these "human masters" were not sentenced to death after killing a living being. Instead, they were imprisoned in a prison barrier. When history settles and people forget the sins they committed, they will Was re-released.

This is also no way. The major forces in the blood-devouring world are intertwined, and various interest groups are countless. No one wants to break the rules of the game.

Suddenly, Kuang San smelled the smell of Golden Emperor Burning Tianyan.

Qiao Lian looked to his side slightly, and a bald old man dressed in a lama's service walked by.

Its body contains a hot flame spirit, and on its body there is still the breath of Golden Emperor Burning Sky Flame and the magical power of space.

‘He...had he fought against Mo Xiao? ’

Kuang San was slightly puzzled. In her opinion, with Mo Xiao's strength, it was possible to sling the magical criminals in the prison enchantment.

‘Master, Mo Xiao repaired them in the name of venting. ’

Kuang San: "...Where is he now?"

"I went to the research institute of the mother of Xiaogucheng, and your reincarnation teammates also launched an attack on the magic criminals."

"You watch and deal with it." After Kuang San sent Xiao Hong, he continued to lead Xiao Na around in the festival of Bodorin.

The prosperity of this city can only be revealed in celebrations.


Xiao Gucheng’s mother is Xiao Shensen, a magician doctor with an internship certificate. She has an offensive personality and seems very unreliable.

When Huangsaka Saiyaka couldn't accept the death of Ji Tuan Xuecai, the two had already arrived at Xiao Shensen's research institute.

Just when Xiao Gucheng was about to press the doorbell, a hand suddenly patted him on the shoulder.

Xiao Gucheng stiffened, and he didn't even notice anyone behind him! Could it be that the criminals in the prison enchantment were chasing them? Didn't they get dragged by the monster Mo Xiao?

"what are you doing!"

Sayahaka, who was in grief, also reacted, unfolding the knife and aiming it at Mo Xiao.

"Hey~ the kind people who helped you solve the big trouble were treated like this, I'm very chilling."

Huangsaka Sayahua looked at Mo Xiao, who put one hand on Xiao Gucheng's shoulder in front of him, and couldn't help taking a step back.

Although there was a kind smile on the young man's face, it still made Hwangsaka Sayahua fall into the ice.

She will not forget that the man in front of her has the power to easily destroy the island of Xianjin, and being with this kind of person... is too dangerous!

"Huang Ban!" Xiao Gu Cheng frowned and reminded, Huang Ban Saya Hua quickly reacted. If the young man attacked them, the weapon in his hand against the demons would be completely unnecessary.

"Your Excellency Mo Xiao, I wonder if you have anything else? If you are free, why not go in for a cup of coffee?"

Mo Xiao slapped Xiao Gucheng on the shoulder, shocking Xiao Gucheng's powerful body, and replied happily, "Okay!"

Huangsaka Sayahua put his arms away and stood not far behind Xiao Gucheng, staring at Mo Xiao with full alertness.

Mo Xiao touched his face, and Saiyaka Chao Huangsaka asked, "Is there anything on my face?"


Xiao Gucheng listened silently to the conversation between the two. He had already lost Xue Cai and didn't want to lose You Ma again.

When the doorbell rang, Xiao Gucheng breathed a sigh of relief when the mother's voice came from inside. Although his mother is very unreliable, she is still a serious magician doctor.



The moment the door was opened, a head with a large watermelon head slammed out.

Wearing a white coat, the huge chest is set off by the low-collar clothing inside, squeezing out a deep white gully.

Had it not been for Xiao Gucheng who was still holding the unconscious Youma in his arms, I'm afraid he would have punched it long ago and let the escaped mother return to the west completely.

Both Xiao Gucheng and Huangsaka Saya Hua were shocked, but Mo Xiao leaned out his upper body, but Xiao Shensen, who was wearing a watermelon head, was shocked.

Mo Xiao took off the large watermelon helmet, his figure burst into shape, and the beautiful young woman appeared in front of the three of them.

Mo Xiao looked back at Xiao Gucheng again, and saw that the fourth true ancestor had a tingling scalp.

"I said Gucheng, this is your sister?"

"Oh~ I hate it~" Xiao Shensen snickered, covering her mouth, "Everyone is a mother of two children."

A "Tic Tac Toe" popped out of Xiao Gucheng's scalp, "I know I am very old, but she is indeed my mother."

Mo Xiao was stunned, looking at Xiao Shensen who was covering his mouth and snickering, and opened his mouth and said, "Ah...Forget it, I'd better call your sister."

"Huh?" Xiao Shensen's eyes became more smiling, "Are you a friend of the ancient city? Come in quickly, and you guys, too."

Xiao Gucheng and Huangsaka Saya were speechless, and followed Mo Xiao into Xiao Shensen's research institute.

Rather than saying that this is a research institute, it is more of a place where you It has everything here, but the underwear and underwear that Xiao Shensen wears are all thrown on the ground at will, even the ground of the feet No.

This makes Xiao Gucheng very embarrassed.

Afterwards, Xiao Shensen learned about Yuma's injury and called for Huangsaka Saiyaka to help. Mo Xiao and Xiao Gucheng sat on the sofa bored in every possible way.

After a while, Xiao Nasha, wearing a cat costume, ran over and sniffed.

"Gucheng Lord! How come you have the scent of a strange woman?!"

Xiao Gucheng's head is big.

On the contrary, Mo Xiao looked at Xiao Naisa with interest. He, like Kuang San, also found something interesting in Xiao Nasha's body.

At this moment, the doorbell rang suddenly, and watching the siblings who were fighting, Mo Xiao stood up and opened the door decisively.


As before, Ji Tuan Xuecai who rang the doorbell was also frightened.

Even Astaruti, who had been expressionless, opened her small mouth slightly, expressing that she was shocked.

"you you you......"

Ji Tuan Xuecai stepped back and pointed at Mo Xiao, shaking constantly.

"Me, me, me?" Mo Xiao was stunned, his mind full of words such as "barking".

Mo Xiao pretended to be surprised, "Aren't you dead? Are you a clone?"

After all, Mo Xiao would reach out and touch Xuecai.

At this time, Xuecai still had injuries on her body, and her hospital gown was particularly dazzling.

The brothers and sisters of Xiao Gucheng and Xiao Nasha rushed over when they heard the sound, and happened to see the scene where Mo Xiao pinched Xue Cai's face.

Mo Xiao stretched out her hand and pulled it, full of flexibility, and was surprised again: "This imitation is the same as the real one. Which company's technology is it?"

"Ninini...Counsel Kay!"


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