Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 8 Chapter 46: "Nightmare" is coming again

Ji Tuan Xuecai's memory remained at the moment before he was knocked unconscious.

The attack from Watola's Fusion Beast could not be stopped by ordinary people.

And...using the real power of Xuexia Wolf, it takes too long to activate the demon-breaking effect. In a high-end battle, one second is enough to kill her.

When she was about to wake up, all her memories were vague. Ji Tuan Xuecai's thoughts were quite messy, just like she had a long dream.


Several bubbles rose from the inside of the nutrient solution and rushed to the top of the nutrient chamber.

Ji Tuan Xuecai opened her eyes fiercely, and her sight was grey and green.

I just wanted to use my strength to leave here, but there was a pain in my body, and my muscles were sore that I couldn't get any strength.

Bubbles emerged again, and after a temporary panic, Ji Tuan Xuecai found that these "green water" could not drown herself, and she could even breathe in the water.

‘Is it...I came to heaven? ’

Just as Xue Cai was thinking about it, the eyes that had adapted to the nutrient solution gradually looked around.

Outside, the staff member in a white coat seemed to be... Kuang San? !

Xuecai blinked, she was badly injured?

"Has Senpai's body changed? ’

‘Did Mo Xiao fight with Vatola? ’

‘Why did Kuangsan appear here? ’

‘Why am I here? ’

‘Where is this place? ’

Xuecai seems to have countless questions to ask, but when she stays in the nutrient solution, she can only swallow the "green water" bite after bite.

Xuecai slapped the hatch, trying to attract Kuangsan's attention.

Kuang San, who was debugging various instruments, raised his head and greeted her with a smile.

For some reason, Xue Cai suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

‘Since Kuangsan can bring her here, it means that the matter is over, right? ’

Xuecai comforts herself.

The small valve inside the nutrition cabin is opened, and the nutrient solution that is almost diluted to a certain degree is discharged out of the cabin. After a short while, the snow vegetable finally has a down-to-earth sense of peace of mind.

Just when Xuecai thought she was going out of the hatch, the water injection ports around the nutrition cabin began to pour blue unknown liquid into it again.

Xuecai looked at Kuangsan suspiciously. Kuangsan just gave her a "come on" gesture from outside the cabin.

Waiting until the blue unknown liquid was diluted, Xue Cai found that the inside of her injured chest cavity was no longer oppressive, and even the sore muscles were relieved.

This time, after the nutrition tank was drained, Xuecai didn't come out in a hurry, but curiously looked at the small holes.

This made Kuangsan dumbfounded, pressing the button on the console to open the valve of the nutrition cabin.


The wet Ji Tuan Xuecai walked out of it, because it was soaked in the nutrient solution for too long, which caused the Xuecai to walk unsteadily.

Just when she wanted to ask Kuangsan's situation at this time, Xuecai realized that her voice was very uncomfortable, and she could only make some hoarse neighs.

At this moment, Kuang San took off his white coat and put it back on Xue Cai.

"Drink plenty of hot water, your throat will slowly recover in the past few days, don't worry."

"..." Xuecai, who couldn't make a sound, had to snap her head.

Just when the two were about to leave the factory building of the pharmaceutical factory, Astaruti, who was notified, also hurried over.

Although she couldn't see any expression on Lan Fa Lolita's face, Xue Cai still accepted this feeling.

Astaruti looked at Ji Tuan Xuecai's eyes slightly bright, as if thinking of something, she quickly pointed forward, and wanted Xuecai to go to the rest room of Pan Continental Heavy Industries next door to rest.

...In the rest room, Kuang San, who was about to leave, was pulled by the arm by Xue Cai, and he made a hoarse "Uhhhhh" in his small mouth.

In the end, the anxious Xuecai began to scribble in Kuangsan's hand with his fingers.

Then Kuangsan handed her a tablet.

‘Kuangsan, how is the senior now? ’

Kuangsan glanced at the content on the tablet, and shook his head regretfully, "I don't know, but all the criminals on the roof of Cornerstone Gate have been arrested and brought to justice."

Xuecai was taken aback, and then wrote on the tablet: "Where is Grand Duke Wattola? What happened to your Excellency Mo Xiao who was confronting him? And my Xuexia wolf, where is it?"


"Vatola seems to have been killed by Mo Xiao and the angelic Xia Yin..."

Xuecai's pupils shrank, obviously knowing the importance of Vatola's death.

"Mo Xiao is controlling the violent Xia Yin, and your Xuexia Wolf, that silver folding spear? Hearing from the emperor, that thing was taken away by Senior Xiao."

"Senior Xiao should go after his childhood sweetheart." Kuang San's expression seemed to recall, but the desperate Xuecai didn't pay attention.

The news of the first death of Grand Duke Vatola alone was enough to make her dizzy.

The grand prince in the domain of the king of war, unexpectedly died in the region of Xian Shen Island, this proper signal of war!

"Don't worry about Xue Caijiang, the troops of Xian Shen Island have already blocked the prison barrier that appears. With the relationship between Senior Xiao and Xiandumu, there shouldn't be any serious problems for the two of them."

"If there is other news, I will tell you as soon as possible."

"Thank you......"

The hoarse voice sounded, Kuang San smiled slightly, let the Xue Cai Jiang lie on the bed, adjusted the temperature of the air conditioner, and went straight out.

Astaruti, the blue-haired loli, had been waiting outside, and finally couldn't help but utter a voice after seeing the crazy three coming

"Question, what's the state of Xuecai?"

"It's pretty good, it will be fully healed in a few days."

Astaruti showed a tangled look for the first time, and opened her mouth under Kuangsan's puzzled expression, but in the end she didn't ask anything.

"What else do you want to know?"

Astaruti blinked. "No need."

"That's good." Kuang three keys handed to Lan Fa Lolita, "I will go to the cornerstone gate to have a look, Astaruti, you protect the snow vegetables."

Lan Fa Lolita took the key, "The order is confirmed, the order is executed."


Kuang San walked out of the rest room and did not go directly to the industrial park, but instead came to the interior of Pan Continental Heavy Industries' factory.

There, a "Nightmare" is parked.

It's similar to the "Nightmare" made by the Red Queen in my memory, except that it doesn't have a lot of engraved magic patterns.

The design is still similar to the IS armor, but the "Nightmare" is indeed a fully-wrapped cockpit.

In these days, in addition to daily calculations, the Empress Xiaohong devoted all his computing power to cracking the God-killing weapon Narakweiler.

In the past few days, successfully changed the form of the weapon of killing the gods, and helped the weapon of killing the gods solve the problem of sky combat.

And according to the form of the "Nightmare" in the database, it is improved.

When Kuangsan got into the cockpit, he let out a long sigh of relief.

The "Nightmare" improved by Narakweiler possesses almost "endless" energy in the world of blood-devouring raids, and has extremely abnormal characteristics such as "not being destroyed" and "invalidating the second homologous attack".

The suppressed Legendary Peak's Kuang San, because of the reduced time reserve, dare not say that he is invincible to raid the world with blood.

but now......


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