Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 8 Chapter 36: Upgraded version of 4 bullets


The arrival of Emperor Keke did not cause any major movement. The huge clock shadow that appeared from the void appeared in the world, and at the moment of its arrival, it disturbed the magnetic field of this place, causing all the observation methods of other organizations to be scrapped.

With Kuang San's ability to use space at this time, it is relatively easy to use Ke Ke Di to reverse time.

Of course, it was in a small world like the blood devouring raid that the use of space and time could reach this level. If it were in the Profound Sky Continent, she would not have that ability.

Dalet means the four bullets, which can turn back the time of the hit target, and it is generally expressed as a biological entity, which can bring the target back to life.

To reach the state of Kuangsan, the selection of "targets" can already be transformed from individual creatures into conceptual "targets."

At this time, the target selected by Kuang San was the desert island that was washed away by the divine particles just now, and the creatures on the desert island.

The power of the soul came out, easily controlling the time and space of this place, wrapping the location of the original island, forming a space film.

Kuangsan raised the retro flintlock in his hand and yelled softly: "Four bullets."

The huge engraved emperor's turning moment behind him turned into a black air from the time squeezed from Kuangsan's body and poured into the barrel of the gun.


Not fast or slow, the bullet shot straight into the space film.

In an instant, the scene in the space film is like changing the world, as if there is a big hand to recreate the world!

The waters of the Pacific Ocean are flowing backwards strangely. If it weren't for the observation of the various organizations on the earth, many people would collapse at this time!

The backflowing seawater gradually formed large circular holes, which were the traces left by the divine particles scouring the space just now.

Then, the strange soil was born, gathered little by little, and gradually formed a small island.

Even those trees are composed of various unknown substances. The bullet shells remaining on the beach and the sand castles that have been tortured by the years all appear inside the space membrane.

The Emperor Keke behind Kuangsan is still slowly adjusting the time. A dead thing like a desert island will not have much impact on Kuangsan. Next will be Nangong Nayue, Ji Tuan Xuelai, etc., these important plot characters.

These are the big players who consume time.

Immediately afterwards, the scene in the space film changed again, and the creatures appeared a little bit, Nangong Nayue, Ji Tuan Xuelai, the emperor, Ye Lai Xiansheng...

Especially after resurrecting that Demon Clan, Kuang San couldn't help but twitched his mouth.

As early as in the other timeline of the end black universe, in order to avoid the pursuit of detachment, she almost squeezed her time reserve, now let's do this again...

When all the creatures on the island recover, the space film is still in a state of static time.

Kuang San took a deep breath, and the soul power once again controlled the space, circled the location of the place where Yease Natsuyin and the "angel" were.

"Four bullets!"


When the bullet containing a lot of time flew out of the flintlock, Kuang San's pretty face instantly paled.

She was right. Compared to resurrecting ordinary transcendents, it was much more difficult to reverse the time and space to resurrect the "angel" such as Yaze Natsuyin.

Fortunately, after listening to Xiao Hong's words, she didn't "resurrect Xiao Xiao Gucheng," saying that he was not dead at all.

If she is allowed to resurrect the Fourth True Ancestor in one breath, even if this is a weak plane, that Fourth True Ancestor will drain all the little time she has left!

Inside the thin film of one large and one small space, the deserted islands and Natsane Haze, which had been washed away by divine particles, were all revived.

Kuangsan stiffened and almost couldn't keep flying. The old flintlock gun representing the "hour and minute hand" fell from his hand, and then turned into a phantom and disappeared, and even the huge engraved emperor behind it disappeared into the void. .

"Master, how are you?"

Kuang San gave a wry smile, "I was almost sucked by Ke Ke Di, and my own time reserve is really no different from the sixteen-year-old girl in bloom."

"You can learn some time from Xianjin Island first." Xiaohonghou suggested.

"Well, let's talk about it later." Kuang San used his soul power to send himself back to the desert island.

"Master, do you clean up their memories?"

"No need, just blur it. According to the information provided by Li Yingjun, most of the plot has passed. When I use the City of Eating Time to accumulate enough time, I will find the other three true ancestors!"

"Hmm..." Kuang San groaned for a while, "Throw the black pot on Mo Xiao."

"Understand." Xiaohonghou is still so reliable.

Kuangsan breathed a long sigh of relief, the divine particles that had rioted gradually calmed down, and were once again imprisoned inside the soul cage.

Wearing the uniform of the private Caihai Academy, the girl with bangs covering half of her delicate face is back!

When the small black leather shoes lightly touch the ground, the space film instantly bursts into unparalleled color!

With the sea breeze blowing, the plants that had been frozen once again swayed with the wind, and even the suspended waves returned to normal.

When the time flow rate returned to normal, the fourth true ancestor, who was dissipated by the divine particles, began to repair itself.

Soon, a fruity Xiao Gucheng appeared in Ji Tuan Shelley's arms.

Kuang San, who had consumed a lot of time, was exhausted, let Xiao Hong later hand it over to Mo Xiao for treatment, and lay down on the beach.


The sea breeze was very strong at night, and it didn't take long for Nangong to come back to his senses for the first time that month, looking at all the people who "fainted" in front of for a while.

As an experienced demon attacker, even though he didn't understand the current situation, Nangong still summoned chains that month to bind Ye Lai Xiansheng and the demon girl firmly!

By the way, he also snatched the controller in the hands of the demons.

Soon, everyone awakened one by one. When Ji Tuan Xuelai saw the ancient city of fruit and body, he almost threw away the abnormal man in his arms!

The queen of Aldikia's hair, La Flea Lihban, looked dazed, she had no idea why she knelt down on the ground.

In her memory... she seemed to have seen a great god... but she never remembered what that **** looked like.

Just when everyone thought that everything was over, the same "resurrected" Kayane Haze once again killed another "angel." When she saw Kuangsan who had fainted on the ground, the whole person's eyes were bleeding, tears and scream Resounding through the sky!

Afterwards, the Ice Blue Storm froze everything...

Everyone hid in the defensive film constructed by Xuexia Wolf, and they didn't know what to do for a while.

The emperor's eyes looked at the ancient city of Xiaoguo from time to time, her mouth opened slightly, as if she wanted to say something.

As the queen of the Kingdom of Aldikia, she knows more things than Ji Tuan Shelley, the lion king's sword witch.


"What? A beast that can tear through the dimension? Does it really exist?"

"Kuangsan is very poor, right? If you don't hurry, send it to treatment..."

Nangong looked at Kuang San, who was always unconscious that month, and a picture suddenly appeared in his mind. Those cold and ruthless pale gold eyes seemed to be...looking at her...


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