Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 8 Chapter 32: Desert island

This cumbersome thing is unconcealed, just like a prostitute who sells herself, taking off her clothes and showing it naked in front of everyone.

This temptation is not something ordinary people can resist. In the private Caihai Academy, after a lottery, two classes were finally selected.

One for the Higher Department and one for the Elementary Department.

They are the class of Xiaogucheng and the class of Kuangsan.

Sorcerer Sculpture is a big company, and the private Caihai Academy has no reason to refuse. Visiting it is to increase the students' knowledge.

Nangong did not say anything that month. In the "simulation angel" incident, although the Sorcerer's Sculpture was suspected of participating, it was only a suspicion. Xianjindao Commune had not found any evidence and could not make the Sorcerer's Sculpture. punishment.

However, as the teacher in charge of Xiao Gucheng, she is naturally qualified to go with her.

Along the way, the students laughed and squabbled and messed around, but Xia Yin Yaze sat down beside Kuangsan, clenching her small hands and was very nervous.

On the way to the Sorcerer's Plastic Manufacturing Workshop, the robot from Sorcerer's Plastic gave a brief account of the visit.

When the robot "has a happy face" telling everyone that there is a chance to visit the Kojima Research Institute, the car burst into cheers.

Nangong frowned that month and didn't say anything.

Soon, the personnel who visited the Kojima Research Institute were also selected, three from the Higher Department and three from the Elementary Department.

They are Xiao Gucheng, Ji Tuan Shelley, Haze Natsume, Tokisaki Kakuzo, and two other high school boys.

Others were disappointed, but there was no way.

The number of places to visit the Kojima Research Institute is limited, because the helicopter can only take six passengers, but it is not bad to be able to visit the Sorcerer's sculpture.

Soon, the students completely forgot about the affairs of the Kojima Institute, and began to laugh and laugh again.

The bus drove into the workshop of Sorcerer's Plastics, everyone put on special clothes, and with the help of robots, they visited the manufacturing workshop of Sorcerer's Plastics little by little.

Kuang San has no interest in this.

Compared to these robots with no bright spots, she hopes to encounter some fun things on the island.

Glancing at Xia Yin who was so nervous next to him, this girl who sometimes walks on the same hands and feet, made Kuangsan smile.

In the past few days, Xiaohong used the equipment of Scheruti Pharmaceutical Factory to successfully reproduce a large number of spiritual centers. These spiritual centers are born with a huge amount of magic power, and the output source of magic power is naturally the bored Mo Xiao.

When Haze Natsuyane goes to receive "treatment" every day, those spiritual centers will be sent into the girl's body in a special way.

Don’t look at the fragile appearance of Yase Natsuyin, in fact, she has already completed the evolution of Xiansheng Yase’s "simulated angel", and only needs to temper herself through a few high-intensity battles, and she will soon be comparable to the real "angel". .

At this time, the robot led the six "lucky" people to the airport. Nangong negotiated with the robot many times that month and finally obtained a position.

Soon, the helicopter took off and headed to a desert island in the Pacific Ocean.

Things have become more and more intriguing...

From the time when the private Caihai Academy was invited to visit the manufacturing workshop, the people of Sorcerer's Plastic Sculpture had never appeared. The people who negotiated with them were all robots. Do you want to demonstrate the advanced technology of Sorcerer's Plastic Sculpture? The reason is unknown.

Along the way, Nangong had no expression on that Xiaoyue's face, she was held in Kuangsan's arms, very helpless.

Kuangsan has an irresistible magical power, even Nangong who had a "tempered" temper could not resist it.

Nangong, a legal loli that month, really became a "loli" in the hands of Kuang San

From time to time, Xiao Gucheng looked towards Nangong Nayue, wondering if he wanted to take pictures of this historic moment with his mobile phone.

However, the "super fierce" look in Nangong's eyes that month successfully dispelled Xiao Gucheng's thoughts.

"Chich chich—"

The helicopter landed on a clearing in the depths of the desert island, and the robot controlling the helicopter said: "Guests, to reach the destination."

Xiao Gucheng and the others could only go down. Before a few people recovered, the helicopter suddenly increased its horsepower, and the surrounding strong storm swelled and flew directly into the sky!



Xiao Gucheng shouted from below, but the robot did not hear...


Suddenly, large and small purple formations appeared in the sky, and dozens of iron chains from the depths of the sky wanted to pull the helicopter down.

The two sides held a stalemate for a short period of time. The helicopter fell directly toward the hypotenuse, and the fan blades hit the ground first. In less than half a second, the fuselage hit the ground.

"Boom!" With a sound, a ball of fire burst out from the helicopter.

A few broken fan leaves collapsed and flew away, cutting the grass and the trees...

The sudden accident frightened the two high-level people who were eating melons.

Looking at the exploding helicopter blankly, he turned his head, opened his mouth wide, and looked at Nangong that month with an incredible look.

Just now... it was their class teacher who stretched out his hand, and the steel chain appeared in the sky.

If it weren't for those chains, the helicopter would not fall and explode...

Nangong didn't like that look that month, so she raised willow eyebrows lightly, "Xiao Ancient City, leave it to you."


Xiao Gucheng puts his arms on the shoulders of two melon-eating Two people, where shall we go to talk? "

With his strong physical fitness, Xiao Gucheng forcibly brought two melon-eating people into the grove...

Soon, there were two muffled noises, and Xiao Gucheng walked out calmly, "Little Nayue, I will let them sleep together first."

"In front of the teacher, you can't..."

Before she finished speaking, Nangong seemed to realize something that month.

Turning his head to look at Kuang San and Haze Natsume.

The two of them... don't seem to fluctuate.



"Aren't you curious?"

"Isn't Xiao Nayue a demon attacker?"

When Nangong choked that month, Toshizaki's words made sense, and she didn't know how to refute it.

"Alright, alright." Nangong rubbed his brows that month, "It's too far away from Xian Shen Island, I can't send you all over, so let's find where the so-called research institute is."

Xiao Gucheng raised his hand, "Teacher, I have a question."


"Why can Tokisaki call you Xiao Nazuki, but I can't?"


The fan in Nangong Nayue's hand disappeared strangely, and suddenly hit the top of Xiao Ancient City.

At this time, the Gothic Lolita was quite calm, "Because I am your head teacher, not her head teacher."


Xia Yin had been following Kuangsan, looking up at the sky from time to time, as if there was something in the sky.

Nangong also probed the sky many times that month, except for clouds, she found nothing.

Soon, several people confirmed that the island was a deserted island, and everyone had no choice but to gather together.

The sky is faintly dark, and it is about to get dark...


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