Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 8 Chapter 14: Long time no see, Mo Xiao

?? "Little Nayue!"

Kuang San's eyes lit up, and he came to Goth Lolita in three or two steps, stretched out her hands to pass through the opponent's armpit, and with a little force, Goth Lolita was taken into Kuang San's arms.

Three meters away, Xiao Gucheng opened his mouth wide, as if he had seen a ghost.

"This this......"

Ji Tuan Shelley's eyes sharpened instantly, as Nangong Nayue, as a long-standing prestigious demon attacker, and proficient in space, how could he be easily caught by ordinary people?

Unless...Nangong didn't resist at all that month, but is it possible?

Or...what big secret is really hidden in Tokisaki's body?

"Little Nayue, where are your parents~"

As soon as Nangong wanted to hit Kuang San's small head with a folding fan in his hand, she was softened by the pure eyes.

After twisting in Kuang San's arms for a moment, Kuang San suddenly realized, "Xiao Nayue is already an older child, don't you like being held like this?"

With that, she gently placed the Gothic Lolita in her arms on the ground.

Nangong waved the folding fan in her hand, covering her reddish face, and the simple hypnotic magic went out again, and the magical voice poured into Kuangsan's ears.

"Tokisaki, please go to the cubicle to rest first. I want to say a few words with these two classmates."


Kuangsan walked into the cubicle, the door closed, Kuangsan turned around and sat on the sofa.

In the darkness, no one saw the corners of the pretty people's lips.

In the office.

"Cough cough cough! ——" Nangong coughed loudly that month, then put away the fan, and said solemnly: "What did you see just now?"

"See Toshizaki-shogun Nangong teacher..."

Just when Ji Tuan Xuelai wanted to tell the truth, Xiao Gucheng hurriedly stopped Ji Tuan, "Little Nayue, we didn't see anything, Ji Tuan and I just came in."


The black fan appeared on the head of Xiao Ancient City sometime, and hit the noble head of the Fourth True Ancestor.

"How many times have I said that when addressing a teacher, you can't add'small' in front of it."

"Hi!" Xiao Gucheng immediately stood up straight, like a well-trained warrior, "I know Xiao Nayue, please rest assured Xiao Na..."


The fan knocked down again.

After that, Nangong asked them some things that month, and repeatedly warned Xiao Gucheng not to use the power of the Fourth True Ancestor easily, then let them go.

Xiao Gucheng walked to the door with hesitation on his face, and turned around, "So what, Xiao Nayue, Tokisaki..."

Nangong's face turned dark that month, and a fan knocked Xiao Gucheng out, and the wooden door closed tightly with a "bang", making Xiao Gucheng and Ji Tuan Xuelai look at each other.

"What is the relationship between Shizaki and Teacher Nangong?"



Nangong walked back and forth in the office that month, she really didn't know how to face the girl in the lounge.

Tokisaki seemed to have a special kind of magic power, which made her want to fall deeply. What's more frightening is that she has absolutely no desire to attack Tokisaki! Even knocking with a folding fan, this kind of innocuous little joke can't be made.

‘Are other people the same? "Nangong couldn't know that month for the time being, but now she can only be regarded as someone with special talents. Gothic Lolita looked towards the cubicle of the lounge and couldn't help but get a headache.

After playing with Nangong for a while, Kuang San left with the "hypnotism" of Nangong that month on his body. On the way home by tram, the blue data in the retina flashed quickly.

The reincarnation of the reincarnation team, their every move is within the observation of Kuangsan.

Except for Zhang Jie and Zheng Sheng, the others seem to be fully integrated into this world and become a part of this world.

However, the efforts of Zhang Jie and Zheng Sheng are also optional...

As soon as his eyes turned, Kuang San followed the two people in Xiao Gucheng according to the camera on Xian Shen Island. As Kuangsan expected, the two of them went to the abandoned artificial life company.

The camera inside has been completely destroyed, and Kuangsan is unable to obtain effective information through Xiaohong.


Turning the key, Kuangsan opened the door and walked into the slightly deserted "home".

"After Xiaohong, in Earth 199999, do you have reservations about Mo Xiao's data?"

"Yes Master."

Kuangsan smiled, took out the energy converter from the ring, a gleam of light emerged from the fingertips, a steady stream of vitality gushing out of the body, and gradually formed a vitality energy cluster the size of a glass ball.

Don't underestimate this tiny energy group, with a single blow, you can sink the entire island of God of Strings into the Pacific Ocean!

Kuangsan sent Yuanli Ball into the energy converter. Through Xiaohong's analysis, Yuanli began to continuously transform into the magic of the current world.

At this time, another flame appeared in Kuang San's hands, and the high temperature of the golden fire instantly distorted the space, and black cracks of varying length appeared in the space inside.

After a little comfort, Emperor Fen Tianyan calmed down.

Afterwards, the puppet materials from the Douqi Continent were placed in the different fires. Following the manipulation of the soul power of the Kuangsan, a humanoid body slowly formed.

Not long after, black hair, a slightly gloomy expression, and some handsome young men appeared in front of Kuangsan.

Kuang San smiled and greeted the young man, "Long time no see, Mo Xiao."

The puppet did not respond.


The combat uniform made of ordinary nanotechnology is worn by "Mo Xiao". This body does not have any extra organs, and will not weaken combat power due to excessive internal organ pressure. Kuang San will attach a trace of soul to "Mo Xiao" Body.

The huge amount of magic power converted by the energy converter rushed into Mo Xiao's body, and after a short while, the dull black eyes appeared deep.

Kuangsan embraced his chest with one hand and rubbed his soft and smooth chin with the other hand.

"What life-saving tricks should I give?"

On the other hand, Xiaohong Empress's computing power is limited, and in a short time, she reluctantly translates "Di Yin Jue" into the magic system.

And because of the limited free energy of the blood-devouring raid on the world, the power of "Emperor Seal" will also be greatly reduced.


Kuang San's eyes lit up, snapped his fingers, injected a drop of blood into the puppet's body, and divided the golden emperor Burning Tianyan into a sub-fire, and handed it over to the puppet's control.

"Let's do it This puppet, controlled by the mad three consciousness, moved a little, and the huge amount of magic in the body still needs to be sorted out, and the stiff joints are gradually returning to normal.

He glanced at Kuangsan once, stretched out his hands into claws, and the Golden Emperor Burning Tianyan emerged from the tips of his five fingers. After easily tearing the space apart, he stepped in.

"Actually..." Kuangsan lowered his eyebrows and thought, Mo Xiao's appearance was imprinted deep in her memory.

"His figure and appearance must be very beautiful in women's clothing!" Righteous Kuangsan fantasized, and Xiao Nasha was quickly approaching in his perception.

"Ding Ding Ding~"

The doorbell rang, Kuangsan turned around, the skirt moved slightly, the energy converter in the room disappeared instantly, and there was a pure magical aura that disappeared with it.

"Well, Nai Sa Sauce?"

"Three sauces and three sauces, shall we go out to play? Gu Chengjun and Little Shelley are not at home." Xiao Nasha's eyes flashed with hopeful light...

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