Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 7 Chapter 53: legend

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"Why are you injured again? You went outside to watch the excitement again? It would be nice to hear me early. Join the army, at least you can..."

The delicate girl in the typical blue and white school uniform of China frowned, carefully treating Xu Heng's face wounds.

If Han Xiaoqi were here, he would easily recognize the injured youth.

The slightly handsome young man looked embarrassed, his side face was pierced by his fist, leaving a small trace of blood on it.

The delicate girl is similar to him. Xu Heng didn't say a word or refuted after the girl's accusations.

"Hey~ why don't you join the army, like that... so Mom and Dad won't..."

"I know I know!" Xu Heng's mood fluctuated sharply for the first time.

With his fists clenched, the young man suddenly buried his head, as if taking out all his energy, "I know..."

The school uniform girl hugged the young man's head and whispered: "Brother, don't put too much pressure on yourself, you and me..."

Xu Heng closed his eyes tightly, and his younger sister's figure was gradually divided into two. The face of the stunning girl in the black dress has been engraved in the depths of his mind, lingering no matter how...


Yulin City, the temporary residence of Xijiang University.

The legendary aura erupted from this, and the inheritors in the entire Yulin City were taken aback by surprise. Even the head of Li, who has experienced the frost dragon and time clock events, was a little at a loss.

How strong is the legendary level of combat power? They can only imagine this concept in their minds, but! Regardless of whether this legendary aura is human or not, it will bring great pressure on Yulin City at this stage.

Head Li, who was drinking with his old friend, swallowed and forced the hot ball in his throat.

This legendary aura is extremely evil, it is very likely that it is the demon lord who descended from the abyss realm!

Even if he is a human... a human with such a heritage, I am afraid he is not a kind character.

what to do?

Will he disappear like a frost dragon after showing his posture?

This is the best result, if that legend comes to Yulin...

Their decisions will affect the lives of refugees in Gongzhou, Yulin, and Xijiang!

The breath of the Demon Lord descended on Yulin City, and the small groups of zerg movement in the surrounding area retreated. In Yulin City, the thick and disgusting breath is floating in the air, giving people an unprecedented sense of depression.

The inheritors looked dignified one by one, incredibly looking towards the sky, and ordinary people even had difficulty breathing.

The core of the demon lord’s aura enveloped the earth, in the Xijiang University resident in a high-end community, many ordinary students in sub-healthy state have fainted to the ground, low-level inheritors are still struggling to support, a pair of frightened eyes, all Focus on the dark building...

"Li Jiayu, wake up!"

"Don't let it dominate your sanity!"

Li Jiayu, who was originally white-haired and blue-eyed, with a strong goddess aura, transformed into a witch who charmed all living beings, but this witch's figure...can be called a Chinese tablet.

The pretty face was covered by blue light, and the right hand was replaced by the arm of the demon lord.

Strong, evil, and unknown patterns are swirling on it, and when people look at it, they will be disturbed and deeply disgusting.

A thin layer of blue mist envelops that arm, and the combination of stunning beauty and fierce things gives people an inexplicable and inexplicable fear.

Except for Kuangsan, everyone else present felt a pressure, but Kuangsan's soul power followed the aura of the demon lord and came to the abyss realm.

Soul power penetrates the space and smoothly enters the abyss world from the earth. The almost transparent soul power outlines the figure of Kuang San.

Looking down on the gray-brown earth, there is no trace of emotion in his eyes, like a high god.

His gaze penetrated several layers of the abyss, and saw the epic demon sealed in the bottom layer.

"Oh~ where's the little baby, dare to disturb..."

As soon as a legendary demon was about to take action, he faced the mad three and four eyes. The stalwart soul power like a starry sky instantly shattered the consciousness of that demon lord!

The big evil hand that should have grasped Kuang San, abruptly turned a circle from mid-air, and smashed it on his head.

"So weak."

Kuang San, who originally smelled the aura of the evil demon outside the territory, was still a little excited, but the result was that the abyssal realm that looked like this really made her unable to boost her energy.


Li Jiayu, whose consciousness was dominated by the demon lord, completely suppressed her own memory, stepped in front of Liu Yinsha in three or two steps, and pinched her fat cantaloupe!

At first Liu Yinsha thought that Li Jiayu was thinking about it, but... After the demon arm began to draw dark power from her body, Liu Yinsha's charming face began to show a panic expression.

Especially when the gap of the power flow is a very sensitive area... But after a while, Liu Yinsha's beautiful eyes turned upwards, water flowed out of her small mouth unconsciously, and her delicate body trembled from time to time. It looks like it has been played badly.

Ran Hongxia and several others worked at the same time, wanting to organize Li Jiayu to continue to absorb Liu Yinsha's strength.

But the power gap between the two sides...

"Crazy three!"

Kikyo yelled anxiously and hurriedly performed witchcraft, hoping to stop Li Jiayu, who was controlled by the demon lord, with Ran Hongxia and Xiao Wanqing.


The fine steel sword was directly caught into pieces by the palm of the light blue demon! Ran Hongxia was shaken back by the strength, and the gap between the two could no longer be made up by Jianxin's will.

A sweetness gushed from the throat, dyed Hongxia frowned, and swallowed the blood again.

That taste is absolutely uncomfortable.

"How is Kuang San?"

Ran Hongxia dodges the demon's arm that is coming, and asks Kikyo.

"I don't know!" Kikyo's face was dignified, his hands surrounded by green light, his eyes fixed on Li Jiayu's demonized half of his arm.

"It must be the evil thing!"

"Can you wake up Kuangsan? Without her... I am afraid that the entire Yulin City will be sacrificed by this evil coming!"

Hearing the scary remarks made by platycodon grandiflorum, both Ran Hongxia and Xiao Wanqing changed their complexions, their already pale and tender faces, now they are even paler, comparable to white paper!

At this time, Li Jiayu, who was controlled by the arm of the demon lord, finally released the palm of Liu Yinsha's dark magic power and turned and walked towards several people.

Liu Yinsha looked like he had been played badly. Upon closer inspection, he could find that the darker the black trousers were, and they were obviously wet...

The three of Ran Hongxia are like a big enemy. Just now, Li Jiayu could crush her fine steel sword with one Now let her hands go... Isn’t it...

"Crazy three!"

Kuang San, whose soul returned to his body, just came back to his senses when he saw the dyed red clouds flying away by the pale blue hideous palm.

With blood on the corners of the mouth, the whole person smashed through the wall, and smashed down in a parabola from a height of more than a dozen stories!


‘The one I killed just now was not the demon lord that Li Jiayu’s previous life summoned? ’

Before Kuang San had time to think carefully, he released his soul power and wound back the falling dyed red clouds.

Kuangsan turned his head and looked at Li Jiayu, who was full of blue aura. He narrowed his eyes, and his momentum continued to rise...


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