Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 7 Chapter 50: Mysterious cult?

"Oh owe!"

Li Jiayu sneezed without the image of a lady, and stretched out her index finger to gather the tip of her nose until the sides of her nose were red and she no longer felt sneezing, then Li Jiayu put down her little hand.

The white willow brows frowned slightly, and with her realm strength, she wouldn't have a cold or fever at all. Unless she is seriously injured, like the last time she was kicked by the red queen...

Li Jiayu shook her head, buried those unsightly memories deeply, and twitched her nose a few times, which made it much better.

Li Jiayu didn't know that her "straight male actions" just now were very cute in the eyes of some people. Even Ling Shaoping, who was blooming in the blood, was even more excited!

The slightly wrinkled skin of the nose looked like an angry kitten. Ling Shaoping, who was in a semi-aerosolized state, had his heart beating fiercely, showing his body shape from the aerosolized state in advance.

An inheritor of the mage with a high level seized the opportunity, and a bursting fireball smashed Ling Shaoping's body!

With a "boom", the fireball engulfed the black mist and quickly wrapped Ling Shaoping!

"Run! Run! Go to the army to expose the true face of this white-haired witch!"

"Yes! She is the devil! She is a spy sent by the Zerg!"

People whose nerves are extremely tense, their thoughts have long been mixed up, and they are at the time when they are most likely to be rhythmic. At this time, all kinds of language that could not withstand scrutiny came out one after another.

Smart people have long been immersed in running hard, wishing their parents would give themselves two more legs, those silly people who were motivated by the mage's emotions were still opening their mouths and mocking.

No way, the various fragmented corpses on the ground and the internal organs flowing all over the ground made their nerves at a critical point.

At this time, the enlarged burst of fireball was squeezed to one side by the black mist, and the black mist instantly bounced the fireball tens of meters away, burning a silly screaming while escaping to the ground. Black ash.

Ling Shaoping, who had withdrawn from the atomized state, was slightly embarrassed. His hair was roasted into curls by the flames, his black trouser legs were also missing half, and the lean upper body covered with muscles was all exposed to the air.

Li Jiayu glanced coldly, and the words spoken in Cherry's mouth were like winter winds: "Waste!"

Ling Shaoping's hot heart immediately pulled out the cold, with the same expression on his face as that of his dead parents. Looking at the inheritors who ran away separately, his face turned black to the bottom of a charcoal pot.

"red lotus!"

The huge, flame-filled dinosaur-shaped monster heard the master yell, and it bit the inheritor’s bones comparable to steel, and the fiery aura gushed out of its big mouth, instantly vaporizing the inherited corpse!

White mist gushes from the huge nasal cavity, and these high-concentration energy-containing gases are sucked into the body by the Red Lotus Tyrannosaurus!

The Red Lotus Tyrannosaurus Beast stepped forward in three or two steps, the ground trembled, and dust and stones flew up, causing those inheritors to cry for father and mother, and crawl around, for fear that they would become the food of the evil dragon.

The air was filled with a scent of uric acid, and the fierce dragon face of the Red Lotus Tyrannosaurus showed human disdain.


The dragon claw stepped on the ground, the dust was trembling to three feet high by the huge force, the red lotus tyrannosaurus opened its mouth slightly, and the breath of high-temperature magma appeared!



The sound of stepping on the ground is swift and swift, and the mage, who has always been known as the "moving turret," has exploded with the speed of Bolt, a hundred meters before the end of the world.

He was dressed in a brown cloak and dressed as an evil mage, but the young profile face under the hood was not linked to the "evil old mage".

Looking sideways at the high-end community where Xijiang University was stationed, the young master did not stop. Fortunately, he bewitched those evil pens, and temporarily "cloned" a phantom with the mirroring technique.

Otherwise, how could he escape from those three monsters?

Didn’t it mean that the high-ranking inheritors of the second-tier intermediate and above all went to the army banquet?

How is this going? ! Even if those two are not better than Tier 3, there should always be a Tier 2 senior, right?

The young mage screamed hysterically, but no one answered his question at all.

The sound of the dragon-shaped monster stomping on the ground came from a distance, sensing that the young mage was speeding up due to the rupture of the mirror image technique, and his feet seemed to have been greased with oil. With a "swish", he rushed into the street sidewalk with dense plants.

On the other side, Ling Shaoping, who had pierced the phantom of the young mage of mirror image art, had a gloomy face. If that inheritor was allowed to run out, the ghost knew what trouble Xijiang University would cause!

Although there are many inheritors from Xijiang University, they are not afraid of other forces coming to cause trouble, but... in Yulin City, after all, they are not familiar with the place where they were born. How many high-level inheritors Gongzhou and Yulin actually have, they can't agree. know.

That mage must die!

After thinking about it, Ling Shaoping grabbed the steel dagger and burst out at a speed far exceeding that of the young mage. The black mist turned into an arrow from the string, pulling out a long gray satin in the air.

When Ling Shaoping came to the street in search of his breath, he found that he had been tricked again!

A handsome face gradually distorted, and a violent atmosphere lingered around the dark temple.

"You can't run away!"

The red eyes locked on the target again and rushed into the forest trail.

It didn't take long before he saw the mage. Only this time, Ling Shaoping quieted down strangely, without showing any signs.


The young mage who was fleeing suddenly sensed a few breaths in front of him, and one of them was not much worse than himself!

If he can make use of it, he can definitely escape his life!

After running for a few hundred meters, a combination of men and women appeared in front of the young mage.

At first glance, he saw the peerless person in the black dress, but felt the faint aura of inheritance on him, and the young mage forced himself to look away.

When I saw Luo Yanyu, my eyes lit up, and after seeing the last butcher, the young mage's eyes were as bright as light bulbs, scary!

The group of people who opposed the young mage were the members of the logistics department who had returned from the Worm Meat Party.

Chen Lin, who was the host of the bonfire party, followed him with a faceless expression. On the way, he said a few words to Kuangsan, and Chen Lin was so excited that he couldn't help himself!

The weird person who suddenly appeared in front of him made Chen Lin frowned.

A dark cloak, the lower body is the soul of skinny jeans and white sneakers.

The opponent's aura is strong, and he is definitely not inferior to his second-order low-level master!

If this weird person breaks out into trouble, he will not be able to protect these girls comprehensively.

How is it good? In particular, the small "F" logo on the opponent's cloak made Chen Lin even close to an enemy.

‘This is an organized and disciplined team, is it possible that another cult of infanticide and murder has appeared in Yulin? ’

The more Chen Lin thought about it, the more gloomy his face became.

There was a small breeze between the two sides, and the remnant leaves were blown away. Chen Lin finally couldn't bear it, and was about to speak, only to be preempted by the beautiful woman next to him.


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