Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 7 Chapter 47: Fall in love like an ordinary girl?

The handsome boy is very talkative, and with the appearance of a little milky dog, he quickly won the favor of many women.

He is an inheritor. Although his level is not high, he is still more than enough to suppress inheritors below Tier 2 in this place, otherwise the host of the Bug Bonfire Party will not fall on him.

With the notebook in his hand, Chen Lin looked back and forth over the powers recorded on it, and remembered exactly how many people came from this neighborhood, that neighborhood, this school, that school, and what their names were.

In fact, not many people came to the bonfire party, and most of them were natives of Yulin.

The fleeing team in Xijiang City is new, and few people choose to go out at night, even if free insect meat is provided there.

Because of the lack of resources, the various things that have happened in the past few days have long made the refugees in Xijiang City a frightened bird. Except for the closest people around them, they didn't even believe in the army.

You know, the army has absorbed a lot of gangsters awakened in Xijiang City. In terms of quality...

Chen Lin looked at the list in his hand, but did not stop his work, arranged for his men to cut the insect meat, and send the meat of these red-top beetles to the small fires of various forces.

Among those forces, except for the inheritors who have just entered the first order, the others are ordinary people. Chen Lin looked friendly on the surface, but looked down on those people in his heart.

The second-order low-level him can already accurately distinguish the difference between inheritors and ordinary people, and the odor of ordinary people is very disgusting to Chen Lin.

In his view, the inheritor "new mankind" is the leader of this era, and ordinary humans are like pigs, dogs and domestic animals, and they will inevitably become the victims of the extraordinary era.

Thinking back to Tokisaki's identity, the Tokisaki Consortium has invested a lot in Tiannan Province. People who can associate Tokisaki with words are all famous figures in business and politics.

He Chen Lin, a small civil servant, usually can only lament the Tokisaki Consortium's financial strength.

But now... he is an extraordinary person, and then the eldest lady of the Saki family...

Chen Lin, who recognized the identity of the Kuangsan, rose with a flush, and the identity of the eldest consortium made Chen Lin pant slightly.

If it weren't for this **** end, how could he have the ability to get in touch with this kind of character?

Chen Lin "unconsciously" circled around, feeling the breath of the inheritor from Kuangsan, and his heart was even more excited.

Today, the army called the inheritors of Tier 2 Intermediate and above to participate in a more high-end dinner. Tokizaki Kyouzo's appearance in such a place only shows that her strength has not reached the Tier 2 Intermediate.

And from the perspective of breath fluctuations, the eldest lady is just an ordinary inheritor.

Chen Lin is extremely confident in himself.

Seeing that the people from Xijiang University were all women, Chen Lin straightened his collar, and personally clamped a large piece of insect meat with an iron frame, and walked towards Kuangsan.

The voices of the people chatting suddenly lowered, and some people whispered, looking back and forth between Chen Lin and the group of girls.

"Brother, why can they get such a large piece of worm meat? It's not fair at all!"

A big man sitting on the ground said with an urn sound.

This caused the faces of the people around him to change instantly. The big man called "Elder Brother" immediately slapped his brother, whispered a few words, and laughed at everyone.

The inheritors who organized the party with Chen Lin glanced at the big man before looking away.

With Chen Lin's ear power, what the fool said naturally, he heard clearly, but he didn't care.

The coquettish man in the Lolita style and black dress is sitting on the broken table with his hands around his calves, so that the black dress covers the beautiful area.

The pretty face that only showed half of the side face, has the magic power to make one's heart beat, and a smile can make the heartbeat of the men present speed up.

Some evil-minded men wonder if this charming and beautiful person has long been taken over by a powerful inheritor, or could he live so exquisitely?

Just the clean black long dress, you can peep out a thing or two from it.

To say that there is no strong guard behind this sweet and beautiful person, they simply don't believe it.

People who think that their own analysis is reasonable have turned to Chen Lin with ulterior motives. Will this second-order low-level party host provoke the "strong man"?

But that strong man is also a big heart, and let out such a stunning forbidden, is he not afraid of being tried by other inheritors?

"Look, look, he seems to be walking towards us!"

A girl from the logistics department spoke in a low voice, but there was uncontrollable excitement in her voice.

Everyone wants to have a wonderful encounter, especially Chen Lin's eyes are clean and clear. Every girl thinks that those eyes are looking at her.

Only Han Xiaoqi and Luo Yanyu frowned slightly and found that Chen Lin's eyes were on Kuangsan.

Both of them knew what kind of character Kuangsan was. Normally, the eldest lady was happy, and once she became interested, she would reveal the nature of the little devil.

If this Chen Lin provokes the mad three, it is very likely...

Han Xiaoqi whispered a few words in Kuangsan's ear. Kuangsan just chuckled and put his soft white chin between his knees.

The night horsetail tilted, like a cat's paw, caught between Chen Lin's heart.

The fire from the campfire illuminates the side of the face, setting off the delicate face without a trace of blemishes with a red light.

It seems that the blushing caused by shyness, coupled with the waves of crazy three eyes, even if he is not looking at Chen Lin, his heartbeat speeds up, creating the illusion of "she likes me".

After a dozen or so steps, Chen Lin put a large piece of insect meat on the iron plate on a small fire, took advantage of the situation and put the clip aside, and began to talk with a few girls in the logistics department.

Chen Lin is very good at teasing, and coupled with the identity of the second-order inheritor, he quickly became acquainted with the girls in the logistics department of Xijiang University.

Kuangsan still rested on his knees, skipping Chen Lin from time to time, looking at the worm meat on the wire board.

The insect meat was roasted by flames, the oil in it was squeezed out, and the sound of "sizzling" came out gradually, and Chen Lin simply squatted aside, turning over and grilling the insect meat from time to time, so that Kuang San's sight would be better. Good gathered on him.

Suddenly, he didn't know what topic to look for.

What does the foundation lady like?

How does he know!

Talk about inheritance?

Chen Lin thinks it works!

The flame is reflected on the retina of Some memories match with Mo Xiao's broken true spirit, allowing Kuangsan to enter Mo Xiao's memory.

In the same campfire dinner, beef replaced insect meat, and Mo Xiao was as quiet as her. There is also a talkative human who is communicating with a beautiful girl. Sometimes when a girl asks a sentence or two, Mo Xiao will look flustered, and her eyes will waver...

Kuang Sanqiao’s face has a stronger smile, especially when she sees Mo Xiao wearing a shirt with her cartoon head portrait.

It's interesting.


If she was still a certain ordinary lady in Yingzhou, would she fall in love with such a person?

Probably... will it?


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