Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 7 Chapter 43: Think about food and clothing

Kuang San, Li Jiayu, Chu Xiang and others followed the team's bottom, and the defense line of Xijiang University was unprecedentedly strong.

Xijiang University, which almost fell to the end of the escaped team, didn't care about the weird march of the team today.

Behind him, dozens of giant swallowing earthworms were tossing back and forth in the ground, as if there was an inexhaustible force all over his body, trying to find the breath of prey in the mud.

It is already self-evident who the prey is.

Kuangsan several people shielded their own breath, and looked like ordinary people. The low IQ giant swallowing earthworm was easily deceived.

The huge figure shuttled through the mud, like a fish leaping over the water. With a "hiss", it broke through the ground, and pieces of mud and dust flew all over the sky, creating a small area of ​​gray mist.

You can think of it as an earthworm magnified tens of thousands of times, but... the giant earthworm is a carnivorous animal.

The giant worm of Tunze has no eyes, and only relies on its sensitive sense of smell to perceive where the prey is. The dust has not yet dispersed. The giant worm of Tunze drew a standard parabola in the air, opening the big serrated mouth before the beginning, wanting Swallow the Keren in front of you in one bite!

Swallowing giant earthworms can only swallow one person at a time. After swallowing their prey simply and neatly, they will instantly dive into the ground to avoid the inheritors' attack.

This is also one of the bugs most feared by the fleeing people in Xijiang City, even if it is a second-tier senior inheritor, this is a headache.

The shadows will envelop the madness, the broken stones that have previously crashed and splashed have already been blocked by the Yuanli film, and any filthy thing is not close to the madness.

Li Jiayu's eyes flashed brightly, and white light appeared in his hands. The power of ice cold froze the fine dust around him into frost.

The astonishing nerve reaction made Li Jiayu swing the knife almost instantaneously!

Before the ice blue and white light arrived, the huge body of the giant swallowing earthworm was the first to turn into dust. The sudden high temperature made Li Jiayu's mouth dry.

There was also the golden light that flashed by, which shocked Li Jiayu even more.

Kuang San glanced at her and continued to walk away without stopping at all.

Li Jiayu looked at Kuang San's leaving back, feeling a little embarrassed for a while, Chu Xiang patted Li Jiayu's weak shoulder forward, gave him a look that "men all understand", and walked away quickly.

It's just that the dragon's tail that keeps shaking, revealing Chu Xiang's mood at this time.

Li Jiayu's right hand swayed lightly, and the Binglun Maru that had awakened for a while disappeared, leaving only the pale white mist lingering in his right hand.

He stretched out his hands and contrasted.

This is a pair of backs of hands that are much more beautiful than women.

The right hand holding the knife is still the same, but the left hand without the protection of the ice wheel pill, but because of the high temperature and water evaporation, the skin is dry and cracked.

‘That golden flame is the inheritance of Kuangsan’s learning in another dimension? ’

Li Jiayu swallowed, only to feel that she was alive again, alive to a dog. At the moment, he moved quickly and chased towards the end of the team.

The inheritors of other forces are very puzzled. They have been waiting for the Tuanze giant earthworm to appear. They did not expect to march along the way, and the insects would turn a blind eye to the food in front of them.

Could it be that you have become accustomed to eating human flesh in the past few days and want to change your taste?

The inheritors are puzzled, but they don't have the Celestial Eye Master to solve their puzzles.

The remaining dozens of swallowing giant earthworms were all burned into nothingness by the different fire, buried forever in the dark ground.

At this stage, the strongest person on the earth stipulated by the Mohei universe consciousness can only be a quasi-legendary, and the Kuangsan can easily kill the giant swallowing earthworm by using the power range of the third-order inheritor.

The power of the different fire, in the early stage of the end of the black, is no less than the existence of bugs.

Moreover, the unpredictable abilities of those ghosts and gods can easily make the legend hate on the spot!

In the afternoon, the sun gradually dived from the thick and solid black clouds, and the sky, which was not bright, became even darker.

The fleeing team from Xijiang City continued to bury their heads in the march. They walked this way with trepidation, but because of their luck, they did not encounter a large group of insects.

There were a few small encounters involving dozens of heads and hundreds of heads, all of which were easily wiped out by the inheritors.

Regiment Commander Li walked in the army without a word with a stern face.

Several masters in the army are all in a period of serious injury. Among them, the strongest King Kong orangutan is on the verge of death. If it were not for him to pull down his old face and ask for Xiao Wanqing, the third-order low-level light sacrifice, I am afraid that the King Kong orangutan will be with this world. Say goodbye.

Although Head Li knew that there were strong figures in the fleeing team, he had no bottom in his heart.

On this road, he was very careful. Master Tianyan kept opening his eyes and pointed out the road section. Even the small swarms of insects could avoid or avoid them.

In the evening, when there was a rare glimmer of glow on the side of the day, the Xijiang City migration team finally arrived in Yulin City.

The buildings collapsed and the tall buildings were perforated, as if they had just experienced the ravages of a modern war, but Head Li knew that this appearance was hundreds of times better than the extremely unstable Xijiang City of Wormholes.

Once a legendary bug descended on Xijiang, Head Li couldn't think of any other pictures except the ruins.

A wave of teams have arrived in Yulin City, Gongzhou's escaped team.

Compared with the fleeing team in Xijiang City, the Gongzhou team has not experienced many disasters because of the lack of a "protagonist".

They retained a population of 700,000, as well as masters like clouds of inheritors.

Fortunately, the person in charge of the opposing army met Commander Li, and when the two were happy, they discussed the unity of the soldiers.

Yulin City now has three teams, one is Yulin's survivors, the other is Gongzhou's team, and the third is Xijiang.

As for the inheritors, everyone thinks that Gongzhou is the first, Xijiang and’s really hard to say.

After all, the top masters in Xijiang City were all maimed by bugs, and all the backbones were injured... I don’t know where the news spread, and soon it spreads more and more outrageously, giving others a kind of "Xijiang City". The inheritor is very weak.

Treetops on the moon, although the moon cannot be seen.

The students of Xijiang University stay overnight in a high-end community. People who have been exhausted for a day can finally let go of their tense nerves and have a good rest for the night.

Around, the generous-looking Yan Hongxia gathered a group of female students, chatting around Yan Hongxia, and wanted to take her to the bonfire party held in Yulin City.

Ran Hongxia has a headache. As the president of the student union, she has a lot of things waiting to be dealt with. This is not the time to sing, dance, and exchange feelings.

Ran Hongxia suddenly saw Kuangsan not far away, and his eyes lit up!

The army sent an invitation letter, but strangely, none of the inheritors of Xijiang University went.

A group of girls surrounded Kuangsan, and in Kuangsan's dumbfounded eyes, a group of people was about to walk to the place where the bonfire party was held.

Originally, Li Jiayu also wanted to join in the fun, but was caught by Xiao Wanqing who rushed over and acted as a strong man.

The night road is very dark, and Yulin City has no electricity.

Even though the girls kept chatting, Kuangsan still heard the desireful voices of those low-level inheritors in the dark...

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