Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 7 Chapter 40: Cut through the battlefield

"What's the matter with that bad old man of Master Tianyan?" an army inheritor asked curiously.

"Tsk, look at his miserable situation, maybe you have encountered a bug? I heard from the fourth group that at the end of the migration team, sometimes there will be swallowing giant worms, and when the inheritors are not paying attention, they can swallow one person in one bite. !"

"so smart?"

"That is, Tunze Giant Earthworm Dundi is one of the best. If we take the highway, we probably won't run into that guy."

"I heard that there is a bug nest on the highway."

"Who said no? Otherwise, it would be..."

"Stop talking, Head Li is here!"

Next to the serious-faced Regiment Leader Li, followed by a few Tier 2 low-level inheritors, they stepped forward to take the Celestial Eye Master from You Li's back, quickly rushed into the house, and looked for an inheritor with healing power.

Commander Li asked You Li to follow him. Before the soldier could catch his breath, he asked, "What's the matter?"

"Report! Sogang University... Sogang University..."

Head Li frowned. Since the last time he wiped out the mutant black nematode, he has seen the true strength of Xijiang University.

It is true that the inheritors are gathered together, and the inheritors of the various departments are relatively even, and there has not been any civil strife.

The army went to dig people, and it was incredible that they didn't even dig anyone.

Is it that the treatment of the army is not as good as that of Xijiang University?

how can that be? !

Could it be that the inheritors of Xijiang University have been brave enough to get out of the control of the army and do it alone?

Or is it... they want to replace it?

This also doesn't make sense.

Head Li took advantage of You Li's breathless effort to fill up all possible possibilities. In the past few days, he has been deeply involved in the struggle for power, and he is upset every day, wishing to use one person as two people.

In addition, he is not an inheritor, and his energy is limited. After a long journey, his body has been at its limit.

If it weren't for the healer to help him relax... the consequences can be imagined.

You Li's "huhuhu" gasps, his chest resembling a bellows, his lung capacity is astonishing as he enters and exits.

From the camp of Xijiang University, he ran into the barracks at a speed of a hundred meters in one breath, even if You Li was a second-tier low-level inheritor, he was a little overwhelmed.

"Principal Xiao...Principal Xiao said that Li Jiayu was injured and he refused to take us to see her. I argued with her for a long time, coercively and lured, but there was no effect."

The more You Li spoke, the faster and faster he spoke: "Master Tianyan may be impatient with waiting, and he has unlocked his abilities without authorization and wants to find Li Jiayu on his own."


"What's the result?"

"After seeing the tent somewhere, Master Tianyan suddenly came out of black blood in his eyes and spouted a mouthful of blood from his mouth. His face was instantly pale and he couldn't stand still."

"Master Tianyan asked me to take him away quickly, Principal Xiao did not stop him, nor did he treat Master Tianyan. We..."

After listening to You Li's narration, Head Li frowned deeply, forming a "chuan" in the center of his eyebrows.

At this time, the therapist in the army quietly walked to Head Li and whispered a few words in his ear.

"You go down and rest first, and you will continue on your way tomorrow."


You Li gave a military salute, turned around decisively, and ran back to the inheritor's camp.

Head Li returned to the tent for the treatment of Master Celestial Eye. At this time Master Celestial Eye had awakened from a coma, and when he saw Chief Li came in, he wanted to straighten up from the blanket.

Head Li hurried forward and pressed the shoulder of Master Tianyan, "You are still injured, so lie down and rest first."

Master Tianyan took a deep breath and coughed a few times before lying down.

Head Li squatted aside, was silent for a moment, and asked, "What the **** happened?"

"She...she's back again!"

"She?" Head Li immediately changed his face and said solemnly: "Are you sure you can see clearly?"

The old man smiled bitterly, "Apart from her, who else can make me like this?"

"It doesn't matter, it's me, an old man peeking at her privacy, and being treated like this can only show that I'm asking for trouble..."

The Celestial Eye Master Luo Li said a lot of things that Head Li couldn't understand, but these were not important.

The legendary powerhouse who killed the Saint Armor Centipede King has returned to the migration team of Xijiang City!

When Regiment Li got out of the tent, it was getting late, and the treetops on the moon, and then went to visit, it seemed abrupt.

Head Li suppressed the excitement in his heart and prepared to visit the camp of Xijiang University after the march tomorrow.

Little did he know that Master Tianyan immediately passed the news to several other members of the army after he left.

This kind of inheritance of Master Celestial Eye is suitable to be used as a "multi-faceted spy."


It was late at night, and Li Jiayu wanted to talk to Kuangsan, but he didn't expect to be intercepted by Xiao Wanqing.

At about four o'clock in the morning, Master Tianyan slept like a dead pig...The swarm, attacked again!

Li Jiayu summoned the Red Lotus Tyrannosaurus Beast desperately to resist, but Xijiang University's second beheading plan was brutally defeated by Waterloo.

Li Jiayu and Ran Hongxia were directly trapped in the swarm of insects. Just when the two were exhausted and ready to force their way out, the Red Queen rushed into the battlefield alone.

The Red Queen didn't do anything, just used the power of the soul to form a cone around the body, at a high speed that the current inheritors can't match, instantly pierce through the insects on the line of defense!

Li Jiayu and Ran Hongxia were back to back, and when they were about to launch an offensive, they found that the insect swarm was in a weird and motionless state.

Suddenly, these insects burst out green blood from the body at the same time, and the body was divided into two halves!

Li Jiayu and Ran Hongxia hurriedly withdrew from the battlefield taking advantage of the large-scale massacre of the insect swarms after the Red Queen.

Li Jiayu looked for a high ground and saw the insects on the battlefield falling down like wheat crops, and couldn't help but sweat on her head.

This is... Tier 4?


When did such masters appear in the migration team again?

Li Jiayu suddenly remembered the little guy who kicked herself away.

At the end of the battle, only a hundred old, weak, sick and disabled in the swarm escaped from the battlefield, and the rest were slain.

It's just that... the worm crystals in the heads of most worms on the battlefield were shaken into powder by the strange force and melted in the worm's brain.

However, not every worm's brain can be eaten, which can anger the inheritors of many forces But when they think of the mysterious cone-shaped figure, these people dare not speak.

The other party can easily go through the insect swarm back and forth, wouldn't it be possible...

The King Kong orangutan is on the verge of death, just like the original main timeline, and the Tyrannosaurus rex is equally uncomfortable.

Sojiang University once again retained its vitality.

At night, camp.

Head Li handed the job to the newly promoted deputy. After seeing the King Kong Gorilla and the others, he went to the camp of Xijiang University non-stop.

Here is not too far from the battlefield, the mysterious powerhouse also gave Captain Li enough courage.

At this time, Kuang San was hiding behind the blood demon, observing the little girl's every move.

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