Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 7 Chapter 26: Return

The red queen hiccuped, flipped through the notebook in her hand, and then carefully recorded with a pen.

The Red Queen reshaped the nervous system for this bionic body, which is a heavy task, wasting a lot of her time and energy, and now it can finally come in handy.

The Red Queen, who has always been yearning for food, never feels the taste of the changeable taste buds, which makes the ideological foodie of the Red Queen worry about it.

Now that the owner is in retreat, the Red Queen can't wait to extract energy from the energy converter of Yingzhou Space-Time Wormhole, and with the support of the Tokisaki Consortium's strong financial resources, once again created a small core energy source of "Nightmare".

Mass manufacturing.

The small energy reactors are all red and stored in a secret warehouse. If the thing is used by someone with a heart, it will explode...

Anyway, the owner is not there, she is the boss!

Compared to uploading data on the Mowen network, the Red Queen prefers to use the traditional way to write on the notebook with a pen. Although it may seem like an unnecessary move, it is actually the case.

Who makes the red queen panic.

In addition to monitoring the main role on this timeline every day, she is delivering "goods" to the secret warehouse.

Since having a bionic body and connected to the red of the neural network, the door to a new world has been completely opened.

On this day, when the Red Queen was sitting on a recliner sunbathing, the image displayed on the projection screen directly caused the Red Queen to spout the happy water from the fat house.

Shanhe Province, Yang Family.

Li Jiayu's father was so busy with government affairs that he didn't go home from time to time. This also made Li Jiayu a sigh of relief.

In his opinion, the mother-in-law is at least much easier to deal with than the old father-in-law.

Li Jiayu carried big bags and followed Yang An'an, who was looking happy.

The handsome figure of his girlfriend came into view, and Li Jiayu sighed. He still hasn't figured out how he fell in love with this little witch.

I don't know if Ban Yue will have a good time with Hongxia...The house is getting closer and closer, Li Jiayu shook her head in a hurry, recalling the pre-arranged lines.

Amidst Yang An'an's vigorous cheers, the little witch plunged into the arms of the incoming person.

When Yang Anan turned to his side and just wanted to introduce Li Jiayu, he found that his little milk dog was suddenly stunned.

The woman is seven points similar to Yang An'an, but has a more mature charm. When Li Jiayu saw the future mother-in-law smiling at him, her mind exploded, and her pre-arranged lines were completely forgotten...

According to the information given by the owner, the Red Queen knew that Li Jiayu liked married women and mature women. The Red Queen analyzed that this may be caused by Li Jiayu’s lack of maternal love since childhood.

Once she sees mature and charming wives and milfs, Li Jiayu naturally has a good impression of them.

This is a kind of deteriorating love. From a psychological point of view, it is a kind of mental illness, and it is a common type of illness. You only need to receive a few courses of psychological counseling and you will be able to see some results soon.

Li Jiayu won't admit that she is sick!

The feeling of "love at first sight" reappeared. At this time, Li Jiayu was embarrassed like a shy little boy.

Yang An'an was very angry, and grabbed Li Jiayu by the ear and pulled him into the house.

Leng Shuanghua just smiled, the impression Li Jiayu left on her was not bad.

Others don't know the details of Yang An'an, can she not know?

Li Jiayu's character is the most suitable for joining the Yang family!

There is no need for him to do anything or what to do.

He only needs to treat Yang An well, and Leng Shuanghua is satisfied.

She is quite satisfied with the talents of her daughters, even if she becomes a daughter, she can still be a girl!

What's more, now that technology is so advanced, she and her husband are also considering the possibility of a second child. Whether An An can give birth is still unknown. If there is really no hope, Leng Shuanghua can only take a risk, hoping to give birth to another child for the Yang family...

Later, the story of Li Jiayu's experience in Shanhe Province can be written into an urban supernatural power.

He also met with the old father-in-law. The serious old father-in-law in a high position was very afraid of Leng Shuanghua and had no binding force on Yang An'an.

This family situation makes Li Jiayu puzzled.

After living for half a month, Li Jiayu and Yang An'an made a bewildered marriage. Because the Yang family was urging them in a hurry, they would get married as soon as possible.

Li Jiayu continued to be confused, and when he woke up, he was already standing at the wedding.

Yang Anan was wearing a white wedding dress, holding his arm, with a happy face.

When Li Jiayu was toasting, he saw the sister-in-law of Shiso, who had a big belly and was about to give birth in two months, and a cousin Li Jiamin dressed as an elite.

He was dumbfounded again.

My cousin, that workaholic, would let my cousin have children?


The wedding of the only daughter of the Yang family is naturally organized and specially organized. Shanhe Province and Tiannan Province have something to do with each other, so I want to get together.

The large number of people at the scene made Li Jiayu very depressed. When did he have so many "relatives?"

They are all found in the genealogy!

Those people surrounded their father, taking a mouthful of "old brother" and "old uncle..."

Li Jiayu also saw a middle-aged man who was over half a hundred years old, who called his father Grandpa Zeng...

What's even more outrageous is that his father even found him a young and beautiful stepmother! The stepmother's surname was Bai Mingjie, and when she heard this name, Li Jiayu made a "thump" in her heart.

Ran Hongxia and Banyue also came to the wedding scene, surrounded by many big people. It seems that they made a lot of contacts when they practiced on foot.

Ran Hongxia and Li Jiayu smiled freely and freely, and toasted from a distance. After drinking one sip, the spirits burned their throats, and they felt painful, but they never felt distressed anymore.

The fate between the two is completely over.

At the end of the wedding, the wedding banquet was over and the guests dispersed.

After the small party in the evening was over, Yang Anan came to the new house with Li Jiayu, who was already drunk.

Throwing Li Jiayu on the bed, Yang Anan, wearing a classical golden red cheongsam, smiled, just like a slut.

Kicked off the high heels, the cheongsam was pulled to the waist, and Yang Anan sat on Li Jiayu's lower abdomen.

The pretty face is full of flushing colors.

The night is still long.

Plot distortion rate: 90%

Yang Anan is unable to have children, and Leng Shuanghua has to match her child with her father.

The story is so wonderful. When Leng Shuanghua was pregnant with the child, Li Jiayu's cousin Yan Zisu gave birth to a girl for Li Jiamin.

Full moon feast.

Li Jiayu teased her newly-born niece with a complicated expression. Yang Anan was talking with Yan Zisu while his cousin was socializing outside.

Plot distortion rate: 94%

Afterwards, Li Jiayu saw Ran Hongxia and Xiao Wanqing mixed together. Xiao Wanqing exuded a powerful aura, but the smile on Qiao's face was much greater than before.

When I asked, I learned that President Xiao divorced the heir of the big family.

Li Jiayu scratched her head, not knowing why, she always felt it was a good opportunity.

Plot distortion rate: 96%

After more than half a year, Leng Shuanghua was born, but the old man hurried to the hospital, got into a car accident and became a vegetable.

Yang Anan had to get out of the idol business and took charge of the Yang family, and the Yang family also officially transitioned to the Yang Anan era.

The people who waited for the good show found that the Yang family had not fallen, but under the leadership of Yang Anan, it became more and more brilliant.

This reminded them of Yang An who had passed away a few years.

Yang An'an is quite like her brother.

Half a year later, when Yang Anan was holding his beloved brother, he realized that... his brother's eyebrows were three points similar to Li Jiayu.

Plot distortion rate: 100%

The whole world has changed a lot. A large number of botanists joined other kinds of scientists to analyze the abnormal plants around the time-space wormhole and successfully cultivated a plant that can radiate "spiritual power".

After repeated discussions by those in power, under pressure, they had no choice but to grow this plant on a large scale.

Coincidentally, when human beings decided to counterattack other realms, those wormholes that had always been stable all of a sudden disappeared!

Many scholars have explored for several months and have not come to a convincing conclusion.

The small military area stationed has been reluctant to leave, but the world has undergone earth-shaking changes.

With the large-scale cultivation of spiritual power plants, the aura of the earth has become more and more active, and extraordinary ones have been born one after another. The title of "Sword Saint" dyed in Hongxia has long been broken out and has become a major figure in suppressing one party.

Martial arts genius Li Banyue also returned to her city and opened a martial arts gym. At this time, she was teaching her little niece to practice martial arts.

Li Jiayu has become warm and moist, and knows how to take care and understand.

The Red Queen wandered around in front of the closed door of Kuangsan all day long. Under the control of the Red Queen, the Tokisaki Consortium has successfully transitioned to the extraordinary era, imitating the large cloud computing center built by Marvel Universe, and providing enough computing for the subsystems. force.

Small energy reactors are still being produced in the closed munitions factory, and they are continuously shipped to the secret warehouse of the Red Queen.

More than ten years passed away in the blink of an eye.

Without knowing it, Leng Shuanghua’s son had a relationship with Yan Zisu’s daughter. The major powers dispatched exploratory spacecraft to fly away from the earth all day long, looking for precious metals from the universe to adapt to the high speed of today’s technology. development of.

Tokisaki Building.

The bionics made by the Red Queen have already left the girlhood stage, and the biological age in their twenties is considered the most beautiful stage for women.

At the beginning, the bionic person made by imitating the image of his own owner already has the style of a royal sister.

The Red Queen has eaten all over the land of China over the years, and it is completely addictive.

At this moment, she was fiddling with Ten Thousand Realm's original system program before Kuangsan closed the door.

Distorted the plot of this timeline to 100% and obtained 50 source points, enough to locate other planes five times in the endless void.

The Red Queen is not satisfied, because the broken system cannot accurately locate the time progress of the plane, which is the least possible mistake for the owner.

After thinking about it, the Red Queen only thought of a good way.

Continue to brush the source point!


The red back turned right, and the first thing I saw was the skirt corners exposed from the darkness.

After more than ten years of retreat, the years left no trace on Kuangsan. Kuang San, who keeps jumping on the timeline, has long since got rid of the age limit.

Uninterrupted travel will only make her temperament more stable.

"How's it going?"

The Red Queen quickly explained to Kuangsan.

Kuangsan raised his eyebrows when he heard all kinds of uncommon terms.

Seeing this, the Red Queen said quickly and briefly: "In general, if you want to accurately locate the time and space of your hometown, you still need to accumulate a lot of sources."

Kuangsan trusts the Red Empress very much, and she doesn't want to fill her body with space debris again.

The Red Queen nodded when seeing Kuangsan, softened her throat, called up the light screen data, and analyzed it with Kuangsan bit by bit.

"The timeline you are on has been squeezed out by the Origin System of the Ten Thousand Realms. To get the source point, you need to travel through other timelines in the last black universe."

Kuangsan folded his arms, "You mean, let me copy what I did on this timeline?"

"No, no, no!" The red queen in the form of a doll, his head shook like a rattle.

"One or two major changes in the timeline process will not attract the attention of the universe consciousness, and you don't want to attract the creator to chase and kill again, do you?"

Kuang San was noncommittal, and continued after indicating red.

"We can't confront the creator head-on, so master you need to keep a low profile and try not to explode power far beyond the world level."

"According to the information provided by you, the host, I think risks and opportunities coexist. We simply go back to the main timeline and do a big vote!"

"Of course, going to the main timeline this time is not changing the sexual orientation of the characters in the plot..." The Red Empress made a complaint, paused, and then said: "In the main timeline,'destiny' created The Shanzhai version of the main god, the main **** can cast the reincarnation into other worlds of the end black universe, such as the world of Inuyasha, the world of Naruto, the world of Dragon Ball and so on..."

"These worlds are the manifestations of the rules of the Lemur Black are projections of the real world. You may also encounter the World of Date War..."

"So, after we go to the main timeline, we can find a way to enter the Shanzhai version of the main **** space, re-incarnate as'reincarnations', and go to those small worlds to do things."

"The purpose of destiny to create the Shanzhai moderator is to make the reincarnation stronger so that he can use the reincarnation as a miscellaneous soldier. Yang An in the main timeline can enter the main **** space, and the opportunity is right by the'son of destiny' ."

Kuangsan thinks seriously that the time referred to by the Red Queen belongs to the middle and late stages of the plot, but with the development of the main timeline of the earth, there can be as many legends as dogs in just a few years.

In the main timeline at that time, only "Destiny" was suspected of transcendence. Even if a small movement was discovered by "Destiny", she could escape by relying on the source point.

It's a good idea.

Maybe she can still see the projection of the date battle plane.

The Red Queen looked at her with hopeful eyes.

Kuang San nodded slightly, and the Red Queen cheered like a child.

Afterwards, the Red Queen brought Kuangsan to the secret warehouse and looked at the small energy reactors stacked randomly in the warehouse. Kuangsan couldn't help but draw his eyes.

Transforming all these energies into Yuan Li, even if she is an ancestral realm powerhouse, she can still support her in uninterrupted battles for a long time...

Putting the reactor into the ring, in order to prevent it from being discovered, the Red Queen used the Ten Thousand Realm Origin System to locate it.

Kuang San glanced at the planet that was completely changed by her for the last time.

Time and space were distorted. When the vertigo disappeared, the peculiar terrain of the Great Rift Valley reappeared in front of Kuangsan.

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