Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 6 Chapter 200: Tankai

"Afterwards, with the inheritance of the Poison Pill, I quickly took control of the alchemy. It was only because of a few trials that I won the reputation nowadays."

Xiao Yixian doesn't talk much, but she must be able to experience the hardships she has experienced in her words.

It's easy to burn vindictive gas with a different fire, but it's hard to make up your mind to burn the poisonous gas in one's body. That kind of pain that goes deep into the soul is not something ordinary people can bear. If Abnormal Fire can heal the Evil Poisonous Body, it won't be distracted by the powerful.

Kuangsan talked with Xiaoyixian, and Kaoru interjected a sentence or two from time to time when he was a child, and his prejudice against the gray-haired girl was also minimized.

A young seventh-rank alchemist who is about to enter the eighth rank and has the opportunity to hit the nineth rank in the future is still worthy of friendship.

Although she was a little uncomfortable.

In the following days, the city of Sacred Pill, the largest city in Zhongzhou, has also reached its saturation period, and the streets are full of people, and you can't see the end at a glance!

All kinds of people are mixed in, dreams and desires are intertwined, and the famous Danhui Grand Competition also gradually heats up with the heat in people's bodies.

To be famous in the Danhui Grand Competition is definitely a good opportunity for the famous town mainland. At the beginning, Yao Chen, the master of medicine, made her prominence in the alchemy and became the respected master of medicine in the future.

The name of "drug" is not only because of the other party's surname, but also because of his self-confidence and the affirmation of many strong people.

The Dou Qi Continent is so big, apart from the medicine emperor who no longer knows where he died, who else would dare to put the word "medicine" in front of his name?

Only medicine dust.

Of course the medicine clan felt that this abandoned son was arrogant, but what's the use?

When ninety-nine percent of the people in the world believe that it is the truth, how the remaining one percent is drinking has no effect. What's more, in places like Douqi Continent, the members of the medicine clan didn't bother to explain to those "lower people".

After all, in their eyes, the only people who can sit on an equal footing with them are the ancient human races, and at most, the Taixu Ancient Dragon family.

Pride is fine, but arrogance is always one of the original sins.

time flies.

Dan will start.

Unprecedented grand occasion.

Gu Mo'er and Gu Xun'er were invited to the best viewing position, where there were many big Dantas, and the red queen was sitting in it with a small, out of place.

But the body exudes an inexplicable breath, which is always convincing.

The boss-level seats will naturally not be seen by others at will.

Kuang San sat on the chair and yawned while covering his small mouth with his hands.

There is a slight sluggishness in spirit, which is very incredible for Jiuxing Douzun.

Since Xiaoyixian went to prepare for the upcoming pill meeting, Kuangsan accompanied Xun'er to stroll around the largest city in Zhongzhou, and bought a lot of weird gadgets.

By the way, I also ran into Xiao Yan.

She was wearing a black robe and was more mature. Because she didn't see a smile all the time, when she saw the two sisters, they laughed very stiffly.

But it can still be seen that it is Xiao Yan's smile from the heart.

There were a lot of people with him, and it was the Ye Family, one of the five big families that had been sheltered by Danta.

It has become a fact that the younger generation of the Ye Family is weak. Many families who think they are strong enough are eager to pull the Ye Family from the position of the five major families, so that their families can also experience the taste of "privilege".

It's a pity that the younger generation of the Ye family has a man of national beauty who happens to know Xiao Yan! Everything returned to the original timeline, Xiao Yan chose to help the Ye Family. Therefore, good luck is not on their side.

Xiao Yan, the hapless child, had the same timeline as a certain "Emperor Yan". When he traveled through the space wormhole for the third time, he ran into a space storm rather unfortunately.

There was a big deal all at once!

I met the old sister from Canaan all kinds of things, he also came to participate in the alchemy.

The most important reason is that Danhui's winners are rewarded a lot, and there is a chance to get close to different fires.

That different fire is named San Qian Yan Yan Huo, and it ranks high on the list of different fires, which is close to the single digit position!

If it were true, it would be much stronger than his master's bone spirit!

Xiao Yan, who had practiced Fen Jue, still had great self-confidence in him.

He was going to make a fortune in Danhui, and after saving the senior sister's family, he went to the Eastern Region of Zhongzhou.

How was Xiao Ning's life there? Have you become a saint? Have you been bullied by others? These are all Xiao Yan's concerns.

Xiao Ningbiao... My sister has been cowardly since she was a child. As the few seedlings left in the Xiao family, Xiao Yan naturally cared very much.

Xiao Yan didn't know how crazy he was, but the contact of the three made some people in the Ye Family panic.

If the foreign aid that was finally found is hooked again, it is definitely going to kill their Ye family!

As one of the five major families, enjoying the shelter of Danta and certain privileges of Danyu, how can you not sinner in the ordinary days?

There are usually Danta shelters, even high-ranking sages, dare not come to find trouble easily, but once they fall out of the five major families, they lose Danta shelter...The consequences can be Can't help the Ye family not care!

If this foreign aid performs well and succeeds in preserving the status of the Ye family, why not marry Xinlan to him?

Some people's little abacus made "pops", but they couldn't understand Xiao Yan's thoughts at all.

Kuangsan opened his eyes and filtered what had happened in recent days. Kaoru frowned slightly and looked at her worriedly.

She just studied the talent information in the sea of ​​knowledge too much.

This kind of extremely energy-consuming work, even the soul power of the Kuang Santian Realm Dzogchen could not support it.

Fortunately, the results are also very gratifying.

She seemed...a little touched on the concept of "time".

"Time and Space" does not separate families. "Time is the respect, space is the king" is admitted by more than a few planes.

The outside voice suddenly boiled, and Kuang San glanced outward, and the Danhui officially started!

Among them, the most concerned is undoubtedly the younger generation of Xiaoyixian and the five major families. Xiao Yan, a foreign aid from the Ye family, forcibly came in under the identity of the "son-in-law".

As time goes by, the pill will be in full swing. In the fantasy world, if you don't refine a pill for ten and a half months, you are embarrassed to say that you are a high-level pharmacist!

As soon as the boring Kuang San wanted to continue his enlightenment, he was forcibly interrupted by the voice transmission of the Red Queen.

"Master, your plan is going on as usual?"


"Master, through the magic pattern network modeling, even if the little doctor fairy has my help, the possibility of winning is very slim. Qi luck is elusive, and it is difficult to defeat Xiao Yan."

"Just do it."

The red queen had to agree, a hint of excitement flashed on her little face.

This is the first time she has experimented with the protagonist of the fantasy plane.

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