Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 6 Chapter 168: System dad

After the plague was hidden, the space blockade was quickly lifted, and the small fish and shrimp who escaped quickly contacted the high-ranking fighting sages who led the team.

After the big men heard this, they were frightened and angry. After handing over the "rescue" task to their deputy, they frequently tore the space and came to the 6th border of the Northwestern University.

The dead army was wandering, and the lifelessness had already spread to other areas and could no longer stop it.

Many fighting veterans were anxious and waved their fighting skills. Countless dead died completely. The border of Northwest University 6 was also ploughed time and time again.

The news spread to Kuangsan's ears, which made her feel even more headache. The ghost knew where the reincarnation would hide this time?

Can't you have a hard **** like a crow and a strange animal? Haven't the style of reincarnation yet?

Xiao Yan and the three were rescued. Xiao Ning was too severely eroded by the dead energy. Even after taking the pill to clear the dead energy, some organs were still eroded.

Eyes, kidneys, and important parts of a male.

The doctor in charge of the matter was helpless, and after obtaining Xiao Yan's consent, he did some proper handling, and only then he apologized and left.

Xiao Yan and Kuangsan recounted the old with only a few words, neither of them said much. Including Huo Zhi, the girl who has always been lively and enthusiastic, after seeing Kuang San, her words obviously became very few.

Especially when she heard that the Huoxuanming card was shattered and people were dead. The whole person froze in an instant. For a while, Xiao Yan's comfort didn't help. Huo Zhi locked himself in the room alone, and kept condemning himself.

Kuang San handed over the task of caring for the two to Xiao Yan, and he also began to go out to search for weird places, trying to extract the mouse that was hidden deep in the sewer!

For more than ten days, except for the increasing number of high-level soul orbs every day, nothing else was gained.

Kuangsan reworked his plan to allow the Black Shaman to conduct regular investigations, unite with the information advantages of other big clans, and continue to search.

She has no good way. It is better to be killed by other people than to allow the samsara to do evil all the time.

The next day, Huo Zhi bid farewell to Xiao Yan, and the family sent a message to her, asking her to go to the 6th border of Northwest University to greet Huo Ao.

After hearing the news, Kuang San and Kaoru were disgusted.

Xiao Yan still had to take care of Xiao Ning, but he had no choice but to let Huo Zhi leave by himself.

Kuang San looked in the direction of Huo Zhi's disappearance, and sighed lightly. The task that was supposed to be very simple has become so complicated.

No matter how big the Northwest University is, it is blocked, and it takes some time to find the culprit. But the death aura spread out... As long as the reincarnation is not stupid, he will definitely flee with it.

When the sky is high, the birds will fly, and the sea and sky will leap. As long as he doesn't die by himself, it will be difficult for a strong person to find the opponent.

The facts are just as crazy three thoughts. After the plague saw the bombing of high-ranking Dou Zun, he thought carefully and finally decided to leave Northwest University 6.

Anyway, he has the enchantment, and it is very convenient to know some shallow news.

Although his own strength will decline somewhat after leaving the lifeless Northwest University 6, the number of venerables at the peak of Rank Nine Dou Zun still exerted great pressure on the plague.

The five Dou Zun who was controlled by the lifeless spirit around him were not enough to be suppressed by others!

Looking at the local natives a little higher, the plague took the five dead Dou Zun into the ring, concealed his lifelessness, turned into ordinary people with a little cultivation, and slipped away from an unattended border somewhere.

And that direction happened to be Huo Ao's forward path.

At this time, Huo Ao was comforting Huo Zhi, who had an uncomfortable look, only when the little girl's temperament changed drastically after experiencing Huoxuan's fall.

Huo Ao naturally sighed about Huoxuan's death. Not long after crossing the Doupa plane, Huoxuan and Huozhi were secretly affected by the system and gradually became his little brother and little sister. But with the passage of time, Huo Ao himself also showed Huo Hyun's feelings for him.

At that time, deep in his heart, there were 10,000 grass-mud horses galloping past, known as the second divine beast of the heavens and the world! Huo Zhi is such a cute loli, and she will be a big beauty when she grows up. It’s fine if a girl likes him, but Huo Hyun is a big man...

He always thought that his sexual orientation was normal.

In the days when Gu Mo'er had abolished his foundation, Huo Xuan and Huozhi really brought him a lot of warmth, which made him temporarily let go of his prejudice against Huo Xuan.

After being deposed, he also experienced the treatment that the protagonist would have. It was sour and refreshing... it can't be described in words!

Human feelings were cold or warm, as early as in his last life, he had seen it clearly. With the help of the system, he was reborn from the ashes and practiced fighting styles in the system illusion.

He who owns the Eight Desolation Disruption Flame, naturally slapped those guys in the Yan Clan who look down upon others in the face!

Besides Gu Mo'er, Huo Ao had a bit of resentment towards her at the beginning. What about the protagonist of the well-voked Douren Shuang Wenliu? Why did it instantly change to Xiao Yan's template?

But with the passage of time, Huo Aoxen's hatred for Gu Mo'er was not so deep!

In my previous life, I watched Huo Ao's novels for more than ten years, and then made up various scenes. Why don't you know each other, because of hatred...

After learning that Huo Xuan was about to die, Huo Ao was sad for a while and then was swept away by Gu Moer's news.

This time, he will be the protagonist with the crowd, slap Gu Mo'er in the face! Think of twins serving one husband together, it's exciting!

‘Ao Gouzi, pay attention to image, image! Dad's face is almost ashamed by you! ’

The system father secretly sighed that his son's voice echoed in Huo Ao's mind, and Huo Ao quickly coughed twice, and his breath was as tall as a mountain, giving people a very reliable sense of sight.

The members of the Yan tribe who were affected by the aura of lowering wisdom all showed their longing gazes. Even Huo Zhi, who was affected by Qi Luck, subconsciously looked at his "Brother Ao."

No way, who asked him to say, "Whoever cures him, he treats him as his father".

"Xiao Zhi, Xiao Xuan's death cannot be entirely blamed on you. This time, our main purpose is to catch the real murderer behind the scenes and let him experience the punishment of our Yan clan, so as to Xiao Xuan. revenge!"

Huo Ao's words are up and down, sonorous and powerful! Before Huozhi could answer, the other Yan tribe members clapped their hands and said yes!

Huo Ao nodded slightly, and everyone stopped immediately.

A trace of blur flashed in Huo Zhi's eyes, and Qi Luck and the mysterious aura began to confront once again.

"Yeah! I listen to Brother Ao!"

Huo Ao smiled, his white teeth gleaming in the sun.

‘Proud dog! Stop picking up girls! Dad found a suspicious character! ’

Huo Ao's face remained calm, but his consciousness repeatedly talked with his system father.

‘I’m in a black robe cage in the daytime, and I am carrying a faint lifeless spirit. You can’t feel it. Dad, I’m absolutely right! ’

'That is. ’

Huo Ao complimented, a dark flame jumped from the depths of his eyes, his eyes jumped more than a hundred miles, and he was locked on the plague!

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