Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 6 Chapter 125: The protagonist of the system flow little butter?

"Miss, I don't recommend that you wantonly massacre the disciples of the Symphony Sect who have regained consciousness. The undead group of the elders can easily attack you with this matter."

"They will be like mad dogs, as long as they touch on the interests, grasping a small matter will be unrestrictedly magnified."

Gu Zhen's voice came in her ears, Kuang's expressions were cold, and she was quite cold about the interests of the clan and the institution of the elders.

Since Gu Zhen said so, there must be his reason.

"Stop the attack!"


The heavy spears of the Heiyan soldiers were retracted one after another, dozens of corpses fell in the sky, and the remaining three to four hundred people shrank into a ball.

"Bring them to the Symphony Sect."


A hundred Heiyan soldiers tilted their spears slightly, motioning the group of female disciples to fly towards the stone square in front of the Symphony Sect on the mountainside.

"Golden Shuttle Formation! After removing the formation, use the five-person team mode to search the Symphony Sect with all your strength! You have the right to kill all suspicious characters!"

There was a buzzing sound from the golden long shuttle, as if in response, Zhou Shen's golden light dissipated, leaving only the dense pattern outside, and the speed of pulling out the eyes was a little faster!

On the other side of the mountain, the battle between the two Dou Zun was nearing an end. The Symphony Venerable, who had cancelled the hypnotic control, shot the attack elsewhere, and was subsequently severely injured by Gu Zhen and sealed in a cage formed by thick soil attributes.

The Venerable Symphony caught a glimpse of himself with the exposed gauze, his face flushed, and he didn't care about the injury, and hurriedly took out the robe from the ring and hung it on his body.

Seeing this, Gu Zhen waved his hand to cut off the energy supply of the earth annihilation formation, the secret method stopped, and the forehead clan pattern was looming.

The four-star Dou Zun's momentum plummeted, reaching about one star, and his complexion improved a lot after he recovered after swallowing a pill.

Gu Zhen guarded the cage by himself, stepped slightly, and flew towards the square where Kuangsan was.

"The end of the earth annihilation formation! Rest for a hundred breaths, and then search for the Symphony Sect!"

After hearing the command of the commander, the earth-toned light beam gradually shrank, and the heavy clods all over his body returned to the embrace of the earth.


I don't know who it was that he breathed a sigh of relief. This group of hundreds of black soldiers moved themselves one after another, and the soil attribute flowed a lot, but after a short while, they felt that they were stiff into a rock.

After that, he took out the medicine pill for the Black Annihilation Army from Na Jie, prepared to take a short break after taking it, and set off inside the Symphony Sect.


Kuangsan turned his head, and Gu Zhen descended from the sky, and there was a clay cage three inches above the ground behind him.

Venerable Phantasmagoria was pale, with blood flowing from the corners of his mouth, and without any defensive measures, if he received a blow from the four-star Dou Zun, it would be considered a blessing if he did not die.

"Is the injury stable?"

Venerable Huancai nodded slightly. As the leader of a sect, he still had these eyesight. Venerable was actually the Emperor Dou, and this kind of thing could only happen in the ancient clans.

Kuangsan raised his head and signaled: "If her strength is sealed, the cage is unnecessary."


Gu Zhen condensed his fighting energy on the palm of his hand, and the complex lines gradually formed a small seal. The seal of the fantasy world is not like the world of martial arts. Clicking on the veins has almost no effect on the venerable.

Like Old Yao and Venerable Skyfire, there are only souls left, and I don’t know how many years...

Xiaoyin was printed on the forehead of Venerable Huancai through the cage, and the breath that had fallen to the freezing point became even more like an ordinary person.

The colorful flower tin on the top of the eyebrows also disappeared. Seeing this, Gu Zhen waved to remove the thick cage.

Venerable Symphony quietly wiped off the bloodshot eyes of her lips, and she had a little fascination, and it made many soldiers of the Black Shadow Army a glimmer of surprise.

Shi Shiran took a few steps and saluted Kuang three times: "The concubine leaves Huan Cai, and I hope that the adult will be the master of the little girl."

Kuangsan raised his eyebrows, "Put away your charm, no one here will be confused by you."

"The concubine body is definitely not intentional. It's just like a charm bone. Please don't blame it."

Kuang San turned to his side and glanced at the female disciples surrounded by the soldiers of the Black Annihilation Army. Many of them were still naked, and even Suffering was missing. Panic and shame bloomed deep in their hearts. Without curling up, bury your head between your legs.

"The men who control the Symphony Sect are most likely to be mixed in. These disciples are also the last seedlings of your Symphony Sect."

"Can you find him?"

Ye Huancai raised her head, and the girl's smile made her feel a sense of fear from the bottom of her heart!

"If the Venerable can't find that man, I am happy to do it for the Venerable, and he will never be troubled!"


Ye Huancai's heart trembled slightly, and she didn't understand why her mood fluctuated so badly.

Seeing the girl's direct gaze, Ye Huancai lowered her head, looking like a little daughter-in-law with low eyebrows.

"My lord, even if the crow turns to ashes! The concubine can recognize him!"


"Yes, he said this is his name." Ye Huancai said quickly: "When my concubine was searching for classics, she never found a monster named'crow'. But... he... .. When he met with his disciple, the concubine still saw him as a human being."

"Gu took her there to recognize people. Remember, we will catch them alive."

"Please don't worry, Miss!"

Gu Zhen bowed slightly, removed the hood formed by soul power, stretched out a hand, and said to Ye Huancai, "Please, Sect Master Ye."

Ye Huancai nodded softly, "Thank you Gu Commander."

As a strength near Lanmu City, this piece is naturally under the management of Gu Zhen, and he has seen this Ye Huancai a few times in private.

After Ye Huancai was under control, she never wanted to expose the existence of the Black Pan Army, but wanted to wait for the Black Pan Army to come to rescue when it discovered something was wrong.

It's just that she didn't expect that the man named Crow was so cruel! Even let all the disciples come out to die!

Looking to the front not far away, with only the remaining three or four hundred disciples, Ye Huancai felt bitterness in her heart.

As soon as today is over, this illusion of color is not worthy of its name, and its notoriety is inevitable.

Yuan Yin, a disciple in the clan who was invaded by a man, would any power in the future dare to send his daughter to the Huan Cai Sect to practice?

Kuang San was a little far away, when a high-ranking Dou Zong suddenly violent, she wouldn't make fun of her life, even if Gu Zhen was on the side, who knew if there would be an accident.

Motivated the mental power to sweep over there, but did not observe a single reason.

'crow? A traverser like Huo Ao? Can you hypnotize and control Dou Zun in the time of Dou Zong? Is he the protagonist of those systemic Xiaohuangwen? ’

Kuang San couldn't figure it out, her body was still trapped outside the plane barrier, but these people passed through one by one. Huo Ao is the soul through, which is similar to her.

But this "Little Huangwen protagonist," is it possible that the soul travels? For example, when crossing over to the handyman of the Symphony Sect, and then using modern means to win the favor of the female disciple of the outer sect, and after absorbing the yin of the Yuan... !

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