Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 6 Chapter 79: Cultivation of mad demons (three/three)


Kuangsan sat cross-legged on the wooden big bed, his belly empty.

Those precious ingredients are transformed into medicinal power into the body, and then guided into the bone marrow.

Spiritual power and fighting qi were combined, and the bone marrow continuously created the Nineth-Rank bloodline, and Kuangsan removed the impurities in these bloodlines, compressed and condensed.

Until the middle of the night, a drop of golden-yellow **** grade blood was finally condensed.

Kuang San guided it to the top of the Golden Emperor Burning Tianyan and roasted it carefully to remove the last trace of impurities.

The itching of bone marrow hematopoiesis can no longer be ridiculed. With the support of Douling-level fighting energy, the medicine is sufficient, and the speed of condensing blood is slightly faster.

Fen Jue is in motion, Jindi Fen Tianyan roasts the blood of the gods, and the bone marrow absorbs the medicine in the body to make blood.

Kuang San at this time, like a very sophisticated instrument, while condensing blood, it also indirectly exercised mental strength and vindictiveness.


Kuang San let out a suffocating breath, and confined the waste blood that failed to condense under the Golden Emperor Burning Tianyan.

This kind of bloodline above the Ninth Rank, but does not meet the requirements of the Divine Rank, if it cannot be condensed for the second time, it will be confined in the body by Kuangsan, just like the bloodline of excessive fighting energy.

When the secret method is used next time, it is a good choice to burn the waste blood with scattered flowers.

When Kuang Sanzheng wanted to replenish the almost exhausted fighting energy in his body, he took out the Qi Yang Pill from Na Jie.


There was a muffled thunder in the sky!

The familiar feeling lingered in my heart, and with a happy expression on all three faces, he hurriedly swallowed the Qi Yang Pill in his hands.

Regardless of the vindictive energy that accelerates recovery, Kuang San uses mental power to connect to the void, a pure source of power, through the transmission channel, descends on Kuang San's head.


Another thunder sounded, and then a heavy rain fell, which caused many people in the surrounding towns who were frightened by the empty passage to continue to sleep after closing the doors and windows.

Lin Tong, who was on the night shift in the sky, hurriedly flew down. With his current state, he didn't dare to resist the power of thunder at will.

The sequelae of the secret method has not disappeared, and Lin Tong, whose brain is not bright, was successfully distracted by the heavy rain.

Inside the enclosed valley, the little doctor immortal, who was immersing his consciousness in the inheritance of the alchemist, was also taken aback by the sudden torrential rain.

Looked at Gu Mo'er through the window, and then shut the window firmly!

The air-conditioning caused by the heavy rain passed through the wooden house, which made the little doctor who had not many vindictive cultivators feel cold all over.

Sniffing her little nose, blowing out the candles on the table, wrapping her quilt around her body, and gradually falling asleep.

It was a coincidence that no one noticed the original power coming from the void.

Kuang San, who was guarded by Lin Bai before, also subconsciously forgot about this matter.

Being immersed in the origin from his body, Kuang San planned to stay in the valley for a while, cultivating vindictive energy during the day, and condensing his bloodline at night.

There is still no breath of'time' and'space' in this source, which makes Kuang San Xing lack, thinking that when he passed the giant forest before, he used the strength of the fighting spirit to urge the Golden Emperor Burning Tianyan, but he couldn't control the spider. Warcraft burned into nothingness!

This has become a knot in Kuang San's heart. When did Jin Di Burn Tianyan, the fourth-ranked Alien Fire on the Alien Fire List, become such a weak chicken?

Ruthless in his heart, Kuang San poured all this source of power into the Golden Emperor Burning Tianyan!

The Golden Emperor Burning Tianyan, who worked hard to absorb this strange power, steadily increased his momentum, gritted his teeth, and mixed a small amount of blood of the gods into his source.

When the golden blood veins mixed with the power of the origin and flowed into the Golden Emperor Burning Sky Flame together, the momentum of the golden flames suddenly began to skyrocket!

Kuang San fixed his eyes on the golden Emperor Burning Tianyan burning in his body and compared it with the flame in the different fire space in his memory.

70%...80%...not enough!

Kuang San again injected that small pool of waste blood into the few remaining sources.

The golden flames were burning all the time, Kuang San couldn't mobilize all the blood of the gods in the body, even if she wanted to, there was not enough original power to cooperate.

The momentum growth weakened...Just when Kuang San was disappointed, Emperor Fen Tianyan suddenly jumped.


Kuang San opened his eyes, his eyes lit up, he immediately stretched out his palm, a golden flame ignited, and the high temperature instantly evaporated the moisture in the damp wooden house!

With a tiny amount of vindictive infusion, the burning flame distorted the space slightly!

Kuang San immediately shook his hands, sparks emanating from his fingers, she was playing for a while, it is estimated that this wooden house will burn out of thin air!

If she was encountering that spider monster, Golden Emperor Burning Tianyan could easily burn the opponent to ashes with a single blow!

Rather than making the spider beast surviving like yesterday, the prestige of Golden Emperor Burning Tianyan was completely finished!

If Emperor Fen Tianyan could speak, he would definitely protest with Kuang San!

When she used herself to cut wood, why didn't she think about the glory of Emperor Jin Tianyan?

The rumbling sound of the horizon was obscured by thunder, and the heavy rain was still falling, and there was no slight tendency to decrease.

Kuang San took out the Qi Yang Pill, swallowing it, and speeding up the absorption of vindictive energy.

The two big meals she ate during the day were not completely absorbed by the bone marrow.

Kuang San, who has the bonus of the newly born Golden Emperor Burning Sky Flame, threw his vindictive aside, and after drawing the 9th grade bloodline, he threw it directly into the Golden Emperor Burning Sky Flame for baking!

I don't know how fast the impurity is removed, but the mental energy consumed is twice as much as the original.

Kuangsan needs to control the fire to prevent those 9th-Rank bloodlines from being burned into nothingness by the Golden Emperor Burning Sky Flame.

In less than half an hour, the ninth-rank bloodline faintly shined with golden light, Kuang San led them from the different fire, a large amount of vindictive energy came forward, and began to compress and condense it!

After a while, the golden blood drop appeared in the body. After feeling the breath of the blood of the gods, Kuang San placed it on top of the different fire and continued to bake it.

It also attracted a ninth-grade bloodline from the body, according to the previous routine...

"Bang bang bang! Mo Er? Mo Er, are you awake? Have breakfast!"

Kuang San dumbly heard someone calling her, sitting up like a wandering mind, and shook his head slightly, the memory of last night surged!

The first time he condensed his bloodline so quickly, it made Kuangsan become addicted, squandering his mental energy, and fell asleep.

There was a trace of fatigue hidden in his eyes, and he shouted to the little doctor outside the door: "I'm here!"

The knock on the door stopped abruptly, and the little doctor said a few more words before leaving the door.

For mental depression, under normal circumstances, Kuangsan does not like to supplement with drugs or treasures.

It will overdraft a person's potential, and it will not hurt to use it for a short time, but it will not be worth the loss if you use it all the year round.

Thinking of today's plan, Kuang San took out a bottle of chalcedony from Na Jie, and after unplugging the stopper, a cool breath came out.

The white chalcedony was poured into his mouth, and his mental power was replenished. Kuang San gently tapped the stimulated brain and walked off the bed.

Stretching his waist, Kuang San glanced at his clothes and boasted: "Yes, I actually know how to change to pajamas."

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