Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 6 Chapter 65: Soul Orb (one/three)

The innermost bed is empty, and the bedding on it has been opened, making it a little messy.

Kuangsan had to jump to the house and scan the surrounding area with mental power.


Kuang San let out a whisper, looking far away, faintly seeing two figures on the other side of the station.

Her figure was hidden in the darkness again, and Kuangsan ran towards the position of the figure. The "dead" in this town always made her uneasy.

Douqi Continent has no tradition of turning human beings into undead! What's more terrifying is that those people don't even know that they are already dead!

After more than ten breaths, Kuang San came to the edge of the station. In the woods in the distance, a figure dragged a corpse forward.

Kuangsan held his breath, his calf exerted force, his whole body was like a spring, and he jumped onto a big tree at once.

The branches trembled, and a few leaves floated down. The man looked up and saw that there was no one, and continued to drag the corpse forward.


Kuang San let out a breath of fog, the man dragging the corpse was one of the weird mercenary squad this morning!

A pair of narrow and long eyes are green, and they are endless! No matter how you look at it, they are not normal humans!

Kuang San continued to keep up, and soon he reached the edge of the Warcraft Mountain Range.

There, it is the paradise of Warcraft! The following "dead," who are not at the level of a fighter, dare to easily enter and exit the Warcraft Mountains?

Kuang San suppressed his doubts, and grabbed the poisonous snake coming from the side!

Glancing slightly, the palm exudes an unimaginable high temperature, directly hanging the roasted viper upside down on the branch.

Looking down, he found that the "dead"... was actually devouring the corpse!

There was very little blood, but rather foul-smelling corpse water, which gradually flowed to the ground, but this did not disturb the man's Yaxing.

The dirty black internal organs and the corpse water made Kuang San's stomach churn slightly.

Kuangsan squinted his eyes. After swallowing for a while, the man put his palm into the opening of the corpse's lower abdomen. A large amount of corpse water was squeezed out of it, and a lot of black blood bubbled up on the belly of the opening.

‘He should be looking for something. ’

Kuang San changed positions and jumped onto a giant tree directly in front of the man.

The unidentified green pupils were mixed with the pieces of dark internal organs, and even the thin leather armor on his body was stained with a stench.

Finally, the man's face showed excitement for the first time, his right hand covered with black blood was raised high, and he took out a pitch-black bead!

Before Kuang San could see clearly, a five-meter-long giant leopard rushed out of the forest! Very fast, biting off the man's arm in one bite! At the same time swallowed into the stomach, there is also that pitch black bead!

Shenyan was in his eyes, and the giant leopard was also infested by death. Two leopard pupils the size of baby's fists emitted the same strange green light as the man.

The strength of this leopard is probably around the Doushi. The man whose arm was bitten off was furious, but Kuangsan always felt that the other party was angry not because the arm was bitten off, but because the pitch black bead was lost!

Those mercenaries who burned to death during the day in Kuang San had no weird things like beads in their bodies. Depressing doubts, the fight between the man and the giant leopard began, but after only two crosses, the man was bitten off the upper half of his body by the giant leopard!

There was no blood, but corpse water scattered all over the place, and the grass beside the tree was contaminated, all curled up.

Kuang San clearly saw that a white bead the size of a fingernail was exposed in the other half of the man's body!

The giant leopard looked very excited, and opened his mouth to spit out the upper half of his body, and was about to swallow the other half of the man's body.

‘Can’t wait anymore. ’

Kuang San used his mental power to scan the surroundings at will, and apart from a dozen low-level monsters, there was no existence that could pose a threat to her.

Silently opened the'Burning Heaven Change', and the golden flames burst into his palm, forming a long sword in an instant.

Fighting energy poured into the right arm, and the golden long sword was supported by a huge force, bursting out in an instant!

A stream of golden light shot down from the air, and the leopard's huge head was easily penetrated by the stream of light!

The flame of Emperor Jindi Burning Tianyan was cleverly controlled by Kuangsan, and the giant leopard "poofed" and died on the ground! Become a headless corpse.

The hidden monsters in the surroundings sensed the dangerous aura, and many shrewd monsters immediately ran towards the depths of the monster mountain range. However, there were a few unintelligible people who saw the giant leopard die, and they were all given stimulants. Normally, madly pounced on the body!

Immediately, a few streams of golden light shot over the forest, and the field in the forest finally became quiet.

However, the stench of corpse water and the **** smell of beast blood may attract a large number of beasts at any time.

Although Kuang San is not afraid of them, let the mercenary group do that kind of trouble.

Just a few low-level magic nuclei, in the eyes of Kuang San, did not have the value of shooting.

The black shadow leaped down from the giant tree and scanned the body of the dead beast with mental power. The Golden Emperor Burning Tianyan burst out, and as soon as the flames appeared, all the corpses disappeared.

There were only four beads, wrapped in flames, and flew into Kuang San's hands.

The disgusting smell on it was burned out, a total of one white bead and three black beads.

They are all the size of a fingernail, but the energy concentration contained in them is different.

There was a small voice in the distance, Kuangsan frowned slightly, reached out his hand to send the four beads to Najie, picked up the fighting spirit in his body, and quickly disappeared into the woods.

Except for the ground scorched by the Golden Emperor Burning Sky, here... there is nothing left.

Returning to the temporary residence that Xiaoyixian arranged for her, she sat on the bed in three crosses, and took out the four beads from Najie.

Pinch a black bead, the bead with the highest energy concentration is a weird object formed in the body of the giant leopard.

Only the "dead" have a chance to form these weird beads in the body.

Although Kuang San sensed the existence of unknown energy in it, he did not dare to use it for cultivation easily.

Mobilizing his mental power to invade the black beads, various negative emotions rushed towards him, Kuangsan frowned, and has been carrying these negative emotions to induce pure energy from it.

Very peculiar energy After only a breath, the beads in Kuang San's hands became transparent, and then they broke apart.

It can replenish mental power, and it also contains pure vitality.

Kuangsan sneered at the corner of her mouth, and she vaguely guessed the purpose of the main envoy behind the scenes.

If those dead spirits can continue to divide and spread, it is indeed a very scary thing. At that time, the entire Northwestern Continent will be occupied by death!

Perhaps Qingshan Town is just one of the sources of transmission.

‘There are also strange skills and ingenuity in the fighting spirit continent? ’

Kuang San subconsciously linked these'soul beads' with the soul hall.

Then he thought of the Young Master Yan Clan who had no impression in the original work. Kuang San felt that this Dou Qi continent became more and more interesting...

Waiting for tomorrow, she wants to see what the **** is the source of this dead energy!

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