Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 4 Chapter 172: Selling technology is a profitable industry

Countdown to return: 21:09.

"Dr. Banner, remember to remind the staff when you feel unwell, no one here treats you as a monster."

Banner was a little nervous, and smiled at Kuangsan on the fixed hospital bed, with a finger like an "ok" sign.

The old professor in charge of this experiment looked serious, and dozens of researchers around were operating various instruments.

The blood extracted from Abomination and the Hulk has been thoroughly analyzed. Although there are still several unknown elements, a potion to suppress the ‘rage’ factor has been researched.

Kuangsan walked out of the laboratory, his eyes flickered, "Unexpectedly, Umbrella has grown to this point."

"Hmph!" The red queen was quite proud, her little nose was about to rise!

"They are all top talents in all walks of life, even if they are allowed to develop, they will reach an incredible height."

"But... the red queen wrinkled her little nose and said with a look of'super fierce': "There are too many weird geniuses in the Marvel universe, and the ghost knows that one day another genius will emerge, surpassing Umbrella in an instant. Technical reserves in certain fields are not impossible. "

Kuangsan smiled and didn't care about these things.

In the space backpack, everything that originally belonged to the world of the last black was emptied, the black gold gloves were thrown by Kuangsan to Umbrella for research, and even Twilight Morningstar's retro-style magic sniper was changed by the Red Queen.

In the mutant manta ray, that spur becomes a bunch of experimental data and an excellent material that can impart ‘solidity’ to weapons.

It, together with the carapace of the Centipede King, becomes the nourishment for the newborn twilight morning star.

There were living cells remaining in the carapace. After being extracted, Umbrella took out the structure diagram separately, making another breakthrough in material.

The ‘Nightmare’ self-driving technology all comes from this.

Don't say much about Hulk and Abomination Serum, they are combined into two potions.

They are respectively ‘Brazil’ and ‘Anti-Brazil’, which can also be regarded as a combination. Even if it is used for Kuang San, it can make a lot of physical breakthroughs.

But the consequences...except in an emergency, Kuang San didn't want to use that kind of medicine.

The last kind of psychopharmaceutical dominated by the Red Queen was found from the burial ground of the "traitor", and dozens of versions have been researched today.

There was no response to Kuangsan... almost none, which disappointed Kuangsan for a long time.

After the above technology was recorded by the Red Queen, it was sold to the Lord God by Kuangsan. Unfortunately, there are no other reincarnations now. Otherwise, choosing a split plan will definitely bring huge benefits to Kuangsan!

All technologies are packaged and sold, and the main **** only gives 9999 reincarnation points.

This made the Red Queen worry about it, but Kuangsan felt that the little guy had a temper because he didn't have a five-figure figure.

As for the points earned from the sale, it is also within Kuangsan's expectation. After all, these gadgets are at most available to low-level reincarnations.

However, the words will come again. Now the samsara is "the only fruit left," the main **** himself is seriously injured and self-cultivation, and he doesn't know who the enemy is, so he doesn't dare to open at will.

All the factors came down, Kuang San packed these things and threw them to the Lord God.

As for the recovery of the injury of the Lord God in the future... Kuang San can only express "Haha."

The injury has recovered, so she should just become a salted fish, or act as a reincarnation boss, invincible in Mengxin?

Kuangsan narrowed her eyes slightly. If she had enough strength, she wouldn't mind leaving the main **** space.

But now...Although other universes can be identified in the void, the process is too dangerous, and without the protection of the Lord God, if you are not careful, you may be killed by various big guys!

If you come across a strong "as you wish" and make a temporary move, and the ‘charm’ bonus is too defying, then it’s not like being caught by the opponent every minute...cough cough.

A blush flashed across Kuang San's face, and then blinked after the red. Unknown, he focused his gaze on Banner again.

At this time, Dr. Banner's skin turned green and his muscles were slightly raised, but his consciousness was still sober!

The old professor is doing psychological counseling by the side, observing various data on the display screen by the way.

Soon, the green skin slowly turned white, and the old professor took out a needle and injected it into Banner.

"Okay, Banner, now even if you get angry, Hulk will not come out."

Banner is still a little dizzy. This will work hard to accomplish what he had worked hard for a long time before?

The old professor released the restrictions, and Banner got up from the stage.




The old professor pulled Banner to the ground with one ear. It was obvious that the force was so deep that even the big face was faintly floating.

Anger was brewing in his chest, and Banner struggled to get up from the ground, so he needed the old professor to talk about it!

"How? Are you particularly angry? Hulk hasn't come out, right?"

Banner was taken aback, with a look of surprise on his face, and excitedly said: "I...I have become a normal person? I...I can live like before?"

"Normal?" The old professor's eyes were full of disdain, "The extraordinary genes are always in your body, and the medicine is only a suppressive effect."

The old professor squatted down, parallel to Banner's line of sight, "Only when you are fatally injured, or when the danger perception is intense, the Hulk will replace your consciousness again."

After finishing talking, the old professor shook his head again, with a self-deprecating look, "Although we want you to replace Hulk, but we didn't succeed, it's too powerful."

"And you, Banner. The transcendent must have the consciousness of the transcendent. Think about how many people you saved when you became a Hulk and fought for New York? Without you and without Hulk, how many families would fall into New York? sad?"

"I..." Banner's eyes were full of confusion, as if he didn't know how to answer the call.

"You must be thinking Without Hulk, there will naturally be other superheroes to save."

Banner said nothing, and the old professor did say that he was on his mind.

"No matter what achievements you have made in other fields, and what weird things you have done, you always only need to remember one thing."

Banner looked up and waited for the old professor to follow.

"Existence is reasonable."

The old professor stood up and stretched out his hand to pull Banner up by the way, "You will know when you work in Umbrella in the future. Don't be surprised when you see anything."

Dr. Banner smiled, "I know, because this is Umbrella."

The old professor raised his eyebrows and said, "That's right, I'll give this to you."

Banner took a transparent vial from the opponent. There was no description on it. It was filled with white pills, which looked like fake medicines sold on the street.

"this is?"

"As long as you take one slice, Hulk will lift the'restriction'."

Banner shook his hand and smiled bitterly: "I don't think I can use this thing, right?"

"Can you guarantee that there will be no endangering moment in the future?"

Banner wasn't answering, just squeezed the vial a little tighter in his hand.

Thank you "Li 1han" for the 200 starting coins rewarded! 1500 starting coins rewarded by the "Emperor of Dark Stars"! 100 starting coins for rewarding "Dasu Coke"! "Wish House" rewarded 100 starting currency! "God, I want to repay everyone with women's clothing" 1,000 starting coins rewarded!

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