Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 4 Chapter 164: Fight each other

The size of this small creature battleship is only a circle smaller than the Centipede King.

However, the carapace on the body is also extremely hard, the concrete building under the two small pairs of wings, like a sharp knife cutting tofu!

When the biological battleship passed through the space channel, it opened its mouth with a loud roar!

The teeth in the big mouth rotate in a circle, and the smell is so strong!

In a daze, Kuang San felt that he was struggling again in the world of the last black.

"Rogers, prepare Dr. Banner! Someone is coming!"

"big guy?"

Everyone raised their heads in doubt, and found that the huge creature battleship was biting behind the'Nightmare'!


The man walked forward, turning his head and smiling at everyone.

At the last corner, the biological battleship turned around flexibly, shook its tail whip over the building, and drew a deep ravine on the floor!

Natasha swallowed, "This big guy... can Banner really deal with it?"

"Don't worry." Kuang San's calm voice came from the headset, "Banna, get ready to transform."

"Heh." Banner turned his head forward, "I've been angry all the time!"

The skin quickly turned to green, the muscles bulged, the shirt that had just been changed on his body was broken and the fibers were broken, and the Hulk looked hideous!

Before the transformation, Dr. Banner subconsciously threw his fists forward, and after the Hulk took over the body, his fists surged!

The fierce fist made the air burst into white ripples, turning around the arm and wrist in circles. Before everyone could see clearly, the heavy punch hit the helm of the biological battleship!


There was a toothy steel squeezing sound, and the carapace hit one after another. Because of the huge inertia, the entire biological battleship was poked up from the rear!

A whirlpool formed in mid-air, and it was about to hit the ground!

"The nervous system has been locked."

The'Nightmare' raised his hand, and a small missile on his arm armor shot into the flesh and blood exposed by the biological battleship.


The sound was dull, inconspicuous in the sound of the carapace, and it was this blow that became the last straw to crush the opponent!

"Boom! ~ Rumble"

There were cracks everywhere on the asphalt, and the biological battleship's belly turned up, and the breath of life quickly passed away, and within a moment, it became a corpse.

On the surrounding buildings, the Qiruita people who were ejected by him wailed, as if they were paying homage to something.

Afterwards, the opponent's offensive became more fierce, and it was completely rushing towards the group of superheroes in a desperate manner!

"Brooks? Did you solve it over there?"

"Yes, it's a little trouble, but it's not a big problem."

"Then can you help me?"

"Huh?" Kuangsan drove the "Nightmare" and looked towards the Stark Building, only to find that the row of letters had long since disappeared, and even the upper balcony was cut in half by an unknown weapon!

"Didn't you go find Rocky to set off the party fireworks?"

"Oh~ yes!" Tony retreated Loki with a punch, and at the same time quickly bullied himself up, not giving the opponent a chance to distance himself!

"The fireworks are on. It's a pity that Rocky is not cold about it. And..." Tony gritted his teeth and said: "I can feel his strength is increasing,'Mark' is about to be unable to hold on anymore. !"

Just after Tony said these words, Loki grabbed the ‘Mark’ iron fist and finally showed a smile on his face. The palm of his hand exerted force, and the gold titanium alloy was squeezed by great force and dented one after another!

The small laser weapon on the armband unfolded, Loki turned his head slightly, and then flashed a fatal blow!

The psychic scepter turned around in the opponent's hand and slammed heavily on the left shoulder of "Mark"!

Tony knelt on one knee, and the floor was cracked, revealing lines like spider webs.

The power of ‘Mark’’s arms increased, and Rocky’s empty door was gradually opened!

From the chest energy reactor, the rich light suddenly shot towards Loki!


Loki stood up from the ruins, the dust filled the surroundings, his face gloomy.

The blow of ‘Mark’ just left only a scorch mark on the **** armor, and Loki didn’t even have a slight injury!

The distance is only a dozen meters, but Loki has already raised the psychic scepter, using his body's supernatural power, spurring the psychic gems, and slashing towards Tony!

The "Mark" who was also flying on the half-remaining wall by Juli Beng hasn't recovered yet, and can only watch the faint light of the blue knife slashing straight away!


If you listen carefully, you can hear that these are two kinds of explosions.

"Cough cough cough!" Tony coughed violently in'Mark' and complained: "Brooks, can you change to a more euphemistic rescue method next time?"

"Sorry, time is too late."

Tony was speechless and controlled ‘Mark’ straight into the air!

Then yelled on the wireless channel: "But you can't use small tracking missiles to save me!"

"My God, I feel a few broken ribs!"

The people who were shopping with Qiruita's army grinned, it seemed that Kuangsan's rescue method really gave them a touch of shock.

As a result, the few people became more careful, for fear that they would be rescued by the ‘nightmare’ when they were suffering.

"Mark" rose into the air, and the sky thundered. Tony narrowed his eyes slightly and stared at Loki.

Suddenly raising his hands, the reactor energy supply is maximized!

Three lights suddenly pierced toward the Stark Mansion!

Rocky spurted out of the ruins, and the Stark Tower had long been unable to bear it under the blow.

‘Mark’ hurried to Loki’s side, and kicked him back to the Stark Mansion before the other party could react!

After smashing through three floors one after another, Loki struggled to stand up, his face black as the bottom of a I thought that only the dark armor and the green monster could pose a threat to him, but he didn't expect this one to be controlled by him before. Man, he is so skinny!

Squinting his eyes slightly, Tony felt cold behind his back. Before he could even turn around, he was taken away by Rocky!

‘Mark’’s back propulsion device was directly exploded! Had it not been for a pause about ten meters above the ground, it is estimated that Tony would be going to see God this time.

The thunder in the sky became more and more intense, and as soon as Rocky wanted to take advantage of the victory, a blast of thunder sounded around him!


Rocky flew towards the Kirita soldier, and he felt Thor's breath from the air.


"Brooks, I need support!"

"The supply is expected to be in place in three minutes, and it will also contain a tube of stimulant."

Tony was silent for a moment, "Thank you."

"You're welcome, but you'd better find a place to hide now."

Tony looked at the Qiruita team that surrounded him, and said helplessly: "What you said is."

The thunder was shining on the battlefield, and there was Thor's roar in the middle!

Rogers quickly cleared the streets, and Hulk was still smashing on the sidelines!


Thunder turned into a long snake, appearing in the clouds from time to time, but the part of the sky above New York was not affected at all.

The "Nightmare" looked towards the starry sky, hundreds of small creature battleships left the team and headed towards the earth!

"After the red, prepare to start the magnetic field array."

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