Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 4 Chapter 136: violent

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"need any help?"

A fascinating female voice entered the auricle, but Sieve was already dizzy at this time, and the blood in his body almost squeezed the blood vessels!


Coughing up bleeding foam in his mouth and nose, Sieff subconsciously sought help, hoping that the dark shadow would help him.

"Miss, she is about to die."

Kuangsan stood on the spot, in front of the black round-toed leather boots, lying on Sieve wearing leather armor.

Originally, he came to the earth with great spirits, but before he could tell Thor well, he was beaten by the Destroyer and didn't even know his mother.

Purple light flashed in Kuangsan's eyes, and Sifu's entire body was completely exposed.

The slender waist bones were squeezed into flat masses by huge force, and the forearm was already **** and bloody, even if it was seen with the naked eye, the bone scum inside could be clearly distinguished!

Although Sieve was seriously injured, the strange blood in her body is constantly healing her injuries.

Maybe after her divine power is exhausted, Sieff can act freely like an ordinary human.

Kuangsan stood there and remained silent. According to the data, even in [Earth 199999], Sieff himself has a huge power of about 30 tons, and the power after the explosion is even more terrifying!

Even so, Sieff did not leave a wound on the Destroyer's body while holding the magic sword.

Even, the Destroyer can easily hold can severely inflict the goddess in the fairy palace who is known for her bravery and warrior!

A cold light flashed in Kuangsan's beautiful eyes, if she were to use her physical power to deal with the destroyer, it would be better to commit suicide.

"Nightmare" should be able to hold that big guy, but if you want to really destroy it, Kuangsan has to play in person!

Feeling the surging spiritual power in the body, the small hands hidden in the cuffs clenched into fists.

Glancing at Sif, raising his left hand slightly, a small healing magic pattern appeared in front of the palm of his hand.

The spiritual power was transformed into a huge amount of magic power, and the green brilliance was sprinkled on Sifu's body, turning into little stars to dissolve in the body.

"Andre, carry her into the house, and wait until the battle is over."

"Okay, Missy."

Sif, who fell asleep, was picked up by Andre's waist. At this moment, the phone in his pocket suddenly rang.

Andre put Sif on his shoulder casually, and took the phone out of his trouser pocket with the other hand.

"Miss, it's Colson's."


"Hey! This is Coleson. The temporary base was attacked by unknown steel armor! It looks like a new type of armor that Stark has researched, but it is extremely dangerous!"

"You are now taking Brooks away from that small town, and S.H.I.E.L.D. will send reinforcements soon!"

"Hello?! Andre, why is there no sound on your side?"

"I don't need you S.H.I.E.L.D. to worry about it, but the reinforcements you send will probably be annihilated by that big guy into nothingness."

The female voice on the phone made Coleson feel headaches, and the shoes walked back and forth a few steps in place, "Annihilation into nothingness? What is that? A new type of scientific research weapon?"

"I try not to get close to this town."

"Huh?! What do you mean? Is your "Nightmare" also present? Oh! My God! Can you lead that big guy out of the town to attack? Otherwise..."

"Will it be difficult?"

"Of course it's difficult!"

"Isn't this the responsibility of your SHIELD?"

"Responsibility?" Coleson was taken aback and reacted instantly, "S.H.I.E.L.D. is not your Umbrella's logistics staff!"


A blind tone came from the handset of the phone, and Coleson frowned, walking back and forth in place, "Damn it!"

Slap on the head hard! Coulson took a breath of air! He forgot that he still had the weekend gift given to him by the steel scribing on his head!

Throwing the phone to Andre, Kuangsan raised his head and looked into the sky. Andre stood there and asked carefully: "Miss, do you want to mobilize the umbrella for reinforcement?"

Kuangsan rolled his eyes, don't have a style.

"What are you sending here? The destroyed are annihilated into nothingness?"

"Ha~Haha~" Andre laughed dryly, "The matter, the Red Queen's side..."

Kuangsan waved his hand, "She knew it a long time ago, and your current mission has been changed to protect this goddess, you know?"

"Goddess?!" Andre's handsome Bijun face stiffened, and he weighed the "goddess" in the lady's mouth with his shoulders.

Kuangsan hugged his chest with his left hand, and put his right arm on his left shoulder, and gently pinched his chin with his small hand. "In a sense, she is indeed a goddess." Liu raised his eyebrows slightly, "Goddess in the sense of mythology, but with her The previous combat power slapped dozens of you, there shouldn't be much problem."

After Andre listened to the results of his serious analysis of his eldest lady's face, Shuaibi's face twitched slightly. Just as he was about to say something, he found a black spot in the sky falling rapidly!


The black leg armor was dotted with red lines, floating 30 centimeters above the ground, Kuangsan sat in the cockpit and turned his head to look at Andre.

"If there is something wrong in the future, you should evacuate as soon as possible. It is best to run to Colson."

"What about you?"

"Me?" Kuang San looked at Andre with the eyes of the silly spores, "Of course he flew back to Umbrella after the fight, do you want me to accompany you to fly back?"

An awkward look suddenly appeared on Andre's face, and he defended: ""

Kuangsan turned his head and looked forward. The head armor of "Nightmare" also happened to be covered, and the virtual panel unfolded in front of Kuangsan's eyes.

The electronic sound of the "Nightmare" bonus came from inside the head armor, "You only need to protect this goddess. She is the fiancée of the next king of gods, and it is worth investing in."

Andre pulled the corner of his mouth, always feeling that if he followed the words of the eldest lady, he would definitely be out of luck!

It was only after an assurance that he watched the "Nightmare" soar into the sky, and took a sigh of relief.

Turning around to look at his teammates, they found that the gangsters were all winking at him...

Loki sat on the throne, his face gradually showing a perverted smile.

The Destroyer is following his stupid brother, as long as...just kill that fool on earth! Asgard's throne must belong to him!

He will become the new king who unifies the nine realms!

His name will celebrate the entire universe!

But all the premise is to wipe out all those immortal palace people on the earth without knowing it!

"Boom boom boom!"

The Destroyer can fly, but Loki loves the feeling of a cat chasing a mouse! Push the "little mouse" to desperation step by step, and watch it bloom out of the last glory of your own life!

Then, using the claws to give the opponent the final blow! Let that soul go to hell. Do not! He wants to annihilate his soul! Let everything turn into nothingness!

Only in this way, the group of stupid spores in the fairy palace couldn't investigate what was going on.

The concrete floor is constantly being trampled out of big pits by the destroyers, and people hurriedly fled, for fear of becoming the next target of this monster!

Thor, Jane and others are mixed in, and their mood has long been disturbed. If Jane hadn't caught him tightly, he would have wanted to fight the Destroyer!

"Run, run, run faster!"

Loki's disgusting laughter resounded in the fairy palace temple, but it was a pity that the Destroyer couldn't pass the sound, otherwise he would have broken Thor first! Then use the Destroyer to kill him!


The Destroyer spreads out his face while running, gathering energy and blasting a shot towards the distance at will!

More than a dozen lives and a small house immediately disappeared on the earth.

"Damn it!"

Thor's face was slightly ferocious, and he stopped directly.

Jane tugged Thor's arm, but how could she shake the divine body with the power of an ordinary human female?

"Tor? What are you doing, Thor? Run!"

"I can't just watch my teammates be killed by the opponent! I can't watch the Destroyer attack and kill innocent people! Since everything started because of me, it must end because of me."

"No! Run with me, the government will send an army soon, how powerful is it that it can't beat an army?" Jane hurriedly looked back at the two Dr. Shavig, begging to get a definite reply from them.

The two looked away and couldn't bear to break the innocent fantasies of this kind girl.

Jane grabbed Thor with both hands, "Even if the army is useless, we still have superheroes! Iron Man, you know? He can definitely defeat that monster!"

"No." Thor broke the hands holding his forearm, shook his head and said, "This is fate, it belongs to me alone. I don't know the superhero, but they can't beat the Destroyer at all."


As soon as Thor's voice fell, the huge silver body of the Destroyer flew out in an instant! Smash a house into ruins!

"Ah!" Daisy screamed, "It's'Nightmare'!'Nightmare' has come to save us!"

"Nightmare?" Thor was a little dazed. He just said that no one on earth could deal with the Destroyer, but one of them met...The Destroyer was knocked into the air by the opponent!

What is this for? Can people happily finish this force? Thor's heart convulsed.

He is very aware of the combat power of his gang of fairy palace partners, and even they can't leave a trace on the Destroyer. Here...instead, they were...

With Thor's eyesight, he could easily see the black and red armor suspended in mid-air not far away.

A little blue light appeared from the engine propeller on the back, and his figure flashed! Even Thor couldn't see the opponent's movements clearly, and the weird armor named "Nightmare" plunged into the ruins!


There was a toothy steel rubbing sound.

The spear flashed across the Destroyer's chest!

Leave a wound about an inch long on it.

Within a few breaths, the "wound" that originally overflowed with orange light healed again, no different from before.

Kuang San sat in the'Nightmare' with a sneer, "It's interesting."

"Master!" The cartoon version of the red queen is cautiously lying on the side of the display area with a big head, "Nightmare will assist you later, please don't resist!"

The Nightmare spear bounced off the arm that the Destroyer had struck, and retreated a few steps. The tip of the spear moved forward, and the cold light was like a star.

"I'm not a fool. It can annihilate all matter in terms of settings. Marvel Universe is the opponent's home court. Let me step up to fight it?" Kuang San shook his head, "It doesn't exist."

While the two of them were talking, the Destroyer had already stored a "cannonball", and the energy detector carried by the "Nightmare" had been brightened to the extreme!

Kuangsan squinted his eyes, bowed his waist slightly downwards, and "Nightmare" also made relative movements.

After the Destroyer launched the attack, the cooling lag in that moment, the "Nightmare" flashed forward, the right arm armor mobilized the energy supply, and the spear slammed into the opponent's chest!

Still the original position! The Destroyer's chest was cracked by the tip of a spear! Before the first piece of metal **** hit the'Nightmare', the spear flickered again and again!

"Hey la la la la la la!"

The metal scraps that burst out of the Destroyer’s chest rained down on the dark paint of'Nightmare'! This special paint formulated by the red queen was worn out by external forces for the first time!

After a quick click on the tip of the spear, the armor on the right arm of the "Nightmare" trembles unnaturally and slightly. Kuang San once again used the "Eye of Breaking Law" to turn the spear back in front of him when he withdrew back!


The Destroyer’s fist is like a heavy hammer! Bend the spear slightly, using this force, the "Nightmare" took the opportunity to withdraw for a certain distance.

The shoulder armor opened, and the densely packed small warheads rushed towards the opponent!

The explosion sounded continuously. This may be the most expensive firework ever seen in the town.

The "Nightmare" hung high in the air, and the propeller behind it was dispatched to the middle. Regardless of the violent explosion, Kuangsan was sure that the opponent would hardly be hurt!

Sure enough, except for the gap that she stabbed with a spear before, the Destroyer was still safe.

The new type of energy reactor loaded in the "Nightmare" has already lost energy at a rate visible to the naked eye.

If the high-intensity battle continues, let alone Kuangsan, the magical armor ‘Nightmare’ is definitely the one that can’t help it!


The sound of energy gathering compression sounded, and the propeller behind the "Nightmare" flashed blue The entire armor simply evaded this attack.

Three gravity grenades were thrown downward.

The singular force field was constructed in an instant. The gravity grenade that originally imprisoned and hated the creation of singular powers also imprisoned the destroyer!

"Master! Get out!"

Before the red queen had finished shouting, the three faces of Kuang changed, and he directly used his own spiritual power to activate the magic pattern engraved on the'Nightmare'!

Ripples appeared in the space around the "Nightmare", and appeared 100 meters away in the next instant!


The sound is like thunder, extremely dull! In the distance, many ordinary humans were stunned by this sound.

The position constructed by three gravity grenades was forcibly torn apart by the destroyer! But the other party was standing in a huge pit, except for the silvery white body that was stained with dirt and filth, the rest did not even have anything to do with it!

Kuangsan squatted his face, this destroyer was definitely strengthened! It's even stronger than before when slinging the Three Warriors and Sif of the Palace!

That old fellow Odin definitely interfered!

He stretched out his pink tongue and licked his lips, "Since you want your son to prove yourself so much, then find a way to prove your strength first!"

His complexion was ruthless, spiritual power gushing up and down all over his body, quickly converted into magic power, and at the same time injected into the magic pattern engraved on the "Nightmare".

For a time, crimson colors appeared on the'Nightmare' one after another, making this aggressive armor more violent. For mobile phone users, please browse m. Reading for a better reading experience.

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