Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 4 Chapter 105: Virus kills

Hulk roared and exerted strength under his feet! The floor made of marble was shattered by strength!

Like a large green whirlwind, Hulk flew towards the rocks!

How powerful is the explosion, but when Hulk reacted, the stone was already approaching Rose and his daughter!

"call out!"

A black shadow shot towards the front of the stone! Even if it is hatred, only a vague shadow can be seen.

The black shadow and the stone collided together, and the stone was broken into powder by ingenious strength in an instant, floating in the surrounding air.


It's the same as the metal tremor, and it spreads into the ears of everyone present.

Disgust kept squinting his eyes until the tremor stopped slightly, the powder dispersed, and the pitch-black armor slightly larger than the Hulk stood in place.

"Heh!" Hate grinned when he saw it, "I thought it was something, it turned out to be an ant hiding in armor! Let you mortals take a look today, what is power!"


The'Nightmare' lowered his body, the spear was held by his left hand, and lightly pressed down.

The scattered stones were pushed to one side by the instep of the mecha, and there was no serious look of hatred. Instead, they kept provoking on one side, completely treating Hulk as nothing!


In an instant, hundreds of millions of dust blasted from the ground, and the "nightmare" turned into a black glow and shot toward the abomination!

The ground covered by gravel has long been in the form of a spider web, spreading to the surrounding five or six meters away!

His eyes tightened, his mouth was still taunting, but his body started to move! The right arm wrapped in bone spurs had not yet retracted in front of him, and his chest was beaten by a huge force!

On the ugly face, those two tiny eyes are slightly raised! The entire monster's back was raised high, and its body was volley, shooting away like a yellow cannonball!

At the moment of being hit, Abomination faintly saw the mecha mask full of aggressive design...the red glow seemed to flash by spiritually!

The huge yellow body slammed into the building on the side, damaging three walls one after another, and the hatred was able to stop on the ground.

The expression was indescribably embarrassed, but those filthy yellow eyes were bright and scary at the moment!

While sitting in the exclusive office of S.H.I.E.L.D., Fury frowned, and the computer screen was playing the scene of "Nightmare" punching and hating.

Fury always has some bad feelings... He obviously wants Umbrella to alleviate this crisis, but he didn't let these three monsters be the demolition team!

There is a trace of blood on the corner of his mouth, but a strange smile on his ugly face, which makes people feel chills in the heart.

The hatred of the bright red comb on the head was formerly a good player in the military. Not only is he very proficient in firearms, but he is also able to capture all kinds of fighting skills!

Although he was blinded by power, the way he used power was inspired by the "Nightmare"!

So, don't look at Disgust. He looks excited now, and looks like he is about to lose his mind, but at this time he is very sober, carefully observing the dark and dark steel enemies in front of him.

"You are much better than that green coward!"

Disgust stretched out his arm full of bone spurs, and didn't care to wipe the blood flowing from the corner of his mouth.

"Let me tear your tortoise shell apart! See which ant is inside! Then I will press your whole body bones into powder, and then..."


"Ant! How could I be fooled by the same trick a second time! Do you think everyone is that big green stupid man?!"

I hate that the two penetrating arms are crossed in front of the head, one eye is exposed from the many bone spurs, and it is full of tyranny to ridicule the "Nightmare"!

The Kuangsan driving the "Nightmare" narrowed his eyes slightly, his back thrusters quickly applied force, and the mecha made a 360-degree maneuver in an instant!

The legs made of Edman alloy turned into a black whip shadow, and slammed on the fragile jaw of hatred!

After the ‘Nightmare’ fell, he knelt on one knee, while the abomination was still floating in the air, rushed forward again, the airflow was separated by the black-clad fists, and the sonic boom had not sounded yet, this blow hit the back of the abomination!

A white, hard bone spur was directly broken from behind! By coincidence, the drone is shooting into the air for aerial photography!

Seeing the bone spurs coming, Fury reacted subconsciously, his pupils tightened, and then... he saw the screen flicked, and jumped to black, with a string of bold letters on a white background in the middle... .. "The connection has been lost."

The black skin couldn't help but smoked. If it was intentional, Fury found it unrealistic, but if it wasn't intentional... Fury felt it impossible.

After all, "Nightmare" is in battle, how can there be extra computing power to calculate these boring things?

Kuangsan didn't care about Fury's psychological changes now. In her eyes, hatred is not too strong, but after using the "Nightmare" to fight a few tricks, she knew that her guess was wrong.

How powerful is the "Nightmare" blow? The hatred in the movie is absolutely unbearable! But this guy in front of me? ......

Kuang San controlled the'Nightmare' spear to pick up the car that was thrown by the opponent, and the propeller on the back received energy blue flame lit up, and the spear was held upside down in his hand as an iron rod. I hate it!

Seeing the hatred defended again, although it seemed difficult, the opponent didn't suffer much damage at all!

The bright red tongue stretched out and licked the tender lips, "After the red, what did this guy get injected by Rose?"

Red Queen blinked her eyes, and she jumped out, with only half of her head exposed.

"Damn it!"

After the Red Queen obscured the view, Desire knocked the'Nightmare' back by two steps for the first time. If Kuangsan hadn't kept his mind, it is estimated that this blow would hit the left arm of the'Nightmare' 100%!

"Woo!" The Red Queen screamed like a small animal, and the entire cartoon template quickly rushed to the edge of the screen. Only after Kuangsan separated from the hateful blow, did he dared to show half of his head.

"Master~" Red Queen's big eyes were tearful, and she looked at Kuangsan pitifully.

Kuang San used his spear to resist the abomination attack, and at the same time manipulated the "Nightmare" to lift up his right knee and hit the opponent's abdomen hard!

Sweep the spear round and smash several pieces of rubble.

Willow raised his eyebrows, "Is this guy with unlimited physical strength? Why is his skin thick? And I remember that there shouldn't be that thing on his head!"

After the Red Queen heard it, the little head probed forward again, "Master, have you forgotten Phil virus?"

The burgundy eyes narrowed slightly, "They killed those mutant beasts? Then injected blood into the body of Abomination?"

"It should be true."

Kuang San stared at the bright red comb on his head, "This is crazy enough, no wonder this monster has been hitting Hulk all the time."

Speaking of Hulk, Kuang San saw a green shadow flashing in front of him, slamming the hatred that had just struggled to his feet into the ruins again!

The red queen scratched his head, wondering: "Is this big man with no IQ finally recovered?"

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