Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 4 Chapter 65: Black cat and virus

"the host!"

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh he wants to attack the master who has no power to bind chicken

"Being locked in a small black room and being trained by Empress Xiaohong, if you don't complete the assigned tasks, you won't be given any food."

Kuang San used a nearly sad tone, like a woman who was emotionally hurt and abandoned.

The red queen is full of black lines, this time I don’t want the bumps and the white towering in my mind.

"Master! Hei Miao is awake!"

"Woke up?!"

Kuang San's ridiculous face immediately became serious.

"Aren't you kidding me?"

The red queen bulged her small mouth, as if she had been wronged by the sky, "If it wasn't for the black cat to wake up, would I run to you to observe the extremely boring practice?!"

Kuang San nodded disapprovingly, "Where is the car?"

"Have been waiting outside the door for a long time."


Slightly rapid footsteps echoed in the steel corridor, if it weren't for the memory of the heavens, I'm afraid Kuangsan would have already lost his way inside.

It is hard to imagine that there is still an extremely complicated passage under Umbrella's headquarters.

Following the instructions of the Red Queen, he came to the place where he was "watching" the black cat in less than five minutes.

The scale of protection is not much worse than that of "Nightmare", and there is no researcher in the same way, and it is not known whether it was dispelled by the Red Queen, or there was no one at all.

But Kuang San doesn't care about these.

In a glass-isolated room, it can be seen that Hei Miao is still very weak, and it is not easy to open his eyes and move at will.

Therefore, it does not mean to attack the special glass at all.

Otherwise, relying on Hei Miao's current physical fitness, I am afraid that he would have broken through long ago.


The black cat in the isolation room saw Kuang San, tilted her head and screamed suspiciously.

Soon, the humanized brilliance flashed in the pair of dark gold vertical pupils, mobilizing the little remaining physical strength, and quickly ran to the special glass!

The cat's face and front paws pressed against the glass, squeezing out a cushion of flesh.

"Meow, meow~"

The voice was very anxious, as if he wanted Kuang San to notice it.

Although he couldn't hear the special glass across the isolation room, Kuang San still felt its intentions.

Let go of the heart that has been hanging high, and Kuang San is worried that after the black cat is infected and mutated by the virus, he may forget the original owner.

Or be inspired to be wild and disregard the owner.

But it turns out that all her previous guesses were wrong.

A smile is outlined at the corner of the mouth, and the mood is so rare that it is overwhelming!

Hei Miao seemed to feel something, and was not so eager. He just stuck his face on the glass wall and looked straight at Kuang San, as if he needed comfort.

Kuang San walked directly to the isolation door, and when he opened it, the Red Queen exclaimed: "Master! The virus concentration inside cannot be confirmed yet, and"


Kuang San had already walked in, Hong Empress sighed and mobilized all the cameras to observe carefully. As long as there was something wrong, she would be able to rescue Kuang San in the first place.

It is a virus after all, and there is no antidote. Only a semi-finished product inhibitor can suppress it.

But Kuangsan is not an ordinary human being. When he was in Phil Manor, he completely suppressed the virus through his own strength. Although the Red Queen was worried, it was not yet to the point of death.

Otherwise, with the red queen's ability, Kuang Sanzhen can easily pull the door in? I'm afraid it's a bit fanciful.

In the isolation room, the black cat quickly jumped into the arms of Kuangsan, and was about to lick his tongue with the owner he hadn't seen for a long time to show his closeness.

The body froze there.

Kuang San thought that he was not used to it, and hurriedly stroked the black and red hair on his body with his soft hand.

And those "maroon," are naturally the blood stains left on the black cat.

Hei Miao's body became weak, it was still too weak, and just jumped a few times, it made her whole body weak.

Hei Miao almost gave up resistance under the owner's soft and boneless little hand.

But now it is not the little spiritual kitten before. It has gone through a virus attack and has experienced the radiation brought by a nuclear bomb.

In a series of coincidences, Hei Miao has become wise. In some fantasy and fairy worlds, it has already begun to embark on the path of demon clan cultivation.

And Lingzhi, at this time, was not much different from the teenage "human cubs".


"Meow, meow~"

Hei Meow gave a "meow", Kuang San didn't care, nor did he dislike the filth, he just comforted him with his small hands over and over again, and mobilized only half of the spiritual power left in his body to restore his injuries.

But Hei Miao yelled more and more anxiously when he reached the back, and his body began to resist intentionally or unintentionally, which made Kuang San's heart puzzled.

Follow the black cat's mind and place it gently on the floor.

The black cat immediately jumped back, arching slightly, like a frying hair, the cat's mouth opened, revealing the sharp fangs.

Even the thick and soft cat cushion began to stretch out sharp claws!

It's like launching an attack on an enemy who has invaded your territory!

Kuang Sanliu frowned, she didn't feel the murderous and aggressiveness of Hei Miao! All of this was disguised by itself.

After all, before Black Meow, she could not experience the slightest false emotions that resembled human true feelings.

Unless there is someone with the same level as her, or a higher level soul system, but is it possible?

Is it black cat?

Do not make jokes.

Kuangsan touched Black Cat with mental power, trying to figure out what happened.

But even if the mental fluctuations from Black Meow are straightforward, Kuang San wants to understand the meaning, it is no less than asking her to go to the sky to pick the stars now.

Turned his head to look at the red queen.

How can the Red Queen not know what her master needs?

The isolation room began to capture the mental fluctuations emitted by the black cat, almost insignificant.

No wonder the master can't figure it out. While thinking about it, the Red Queen began to mobilize her computing power to quickly calculate the translation.

Then use the audio camera that comes with it to play it out.

"Meow~Go! Go! Leave my territory!"

"Meow~ please, master, go quickly!"


Kuang San was stunned The brain quickly linked to cause and effect, and he was uncertain: "Is it afraid that I might be infected with that virus?"

The Red Queen slammed onto the shoulders of Kuangsan, "It should be true."

"It’s okay to translate what I say into'cat language', right?"

The Red Queen shrugged, "Of course."

When hearing the same language as herself, Hei Miao was obviously dumbfounded, and did not return to her senses for a long time.

With the efforts of the Red Queen and after explaining the Datong, Hei Miao was like a child who was greatly wronged, and kept moving around Kuangsan.

From time to time, he rubbed his small head against his calf wrapped in black silk, showing that he was close.

Two days later, Kuang San sat in the office, frowning while holding a document in his hand, while Hei Miao lay down on the table to rest.

"The Red Queen, you didn't tell me that the virus spread so extensively."

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