Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 3 Chapter 13: file holder

() The sheriff of the small town is now very depressed. At this time, he is squatting under the big tree outside the cordon, smoking cigarettes one bite at a time.

But he can swear to God that he is absolutely not lazy!

The face under the officer's hat is slightly fat, perhaps because the oil and water here are not bad. Two dilapidated police cars were parked around, and there were young policemen chatting without a word.

The small town belongs to the border zone of the United States, the sky is high and the emperor is far away, not to mention the world where dangerous elements like Marvel fly all over the sky.

Although the order is not chaotic, they have their own set of rules.

The sheriff unscrewed the bottle cap, took a sip of mineral water, his face was gloomy, he looked like a man who caught his wife to steal last night!

The sun was shining, and his physique was really not suitable for working in this temperature, so he didn't dare to squat down anymore, for fear of his fat butt, he would sew out his uniform pants.

After sighing, there was a hint of leadership behind his hands. Walking back and forth, it seems to be thinking about some complicated issues, but the sheriff's footsteps never leave the shady ground.

The scene of the crime was not far in front of the sheriff, but he was refused entry. Because... there are people from fbi.

Thinking of this, the color on the fat face changed again. As the town sheriff, it was natural to deal with those gang members.

Moreover, the "political donations" that those people gave him were not a few. They thought it was an easy thing to solve, but they shocked fbi.

It was amazing, the sheriff licked his dry lips, but he didn't panic in his heart. You must know that he and those gang members are inextricably linked.

Whether it's in accordance with federal law or state law, as long as someone sues... he will definitely finish the game!

Although he won't be put to death, he will live in prison for the rest of his life...This makes him utterly unacceptable.

Moreover, as a police chief, he knows exactly what the prison is like. Just because he is white and tender, he might be persecuted on the first night, so he would offer chrysanthemums.

He was sweating, but the sheriff shuddered.

Looking inside the cordon again, the sheriff couldn't understand why the group of fbi personnel had to wear chemical protective clothing.

He sighed again. He didn't even think about running away. He found a cool place again and lit a cigarette again.


The fat man raised his head slightly and found that he was his own, so he didn't stand up, "What's the matter?"

The young man was full of anger, but there was a hint of cunning in his eyes.

"They said they want surveillance video nearby."

The sheriff took another breath, and the mist burst out from his thick nostrils, and said casually, "Really? Give them to them."

The young man became anxious, squatted down, leaned over the ear of the sheriff and whispered: "Yesterday's video has been destroyed uniformly, there is no trace at all."

The fat man was startled and remembered that this was the delivery location of the gang. But after doing too much, there will always be some omissions. Instead of disconnecting the line from before, he directly deleted the video.

In his eyes, the light flickered back and forth, and he was considering the pros and cons of things.

Suddenly, several black commercial vehicles galloped beyond the cordon. As soon as the police wanted to go up, they found that the people from fbi had already stepped forward.

Wearing a black suit and sunglasses, the sheriff groaned in his heart. This looks like a mafia. He appeared in front of fbi. The impact of the picture is almost!

"Shit! This matter is ours!"

A loud burst came into the ear of the sheriff, scared that half of the cigarette left in his hand fell to the ground.

Looking towards the voice, it turned out that it was the person in charge of fbi who was quarreling with the black suit.

But...whatever you look at this picture...people will think that fbi is the weaker side.

I saw that the black man smiled, as if he was saying something, but it was a pity that the distance was too far, and he did not hear clearly.

A document was delivered to the person in charge of fbi, only to see that his face was green and white for a while, and finally turned red, like being forced to take a bite of Rexiang!

Although I don't know the identity of the man in black, this alone is enough to make the sheriff's opponent feel good.

The man made a few more calls, only then did his face become gloomy, and he commanded the personnel to get into the car and walk away, without even saying hello to him.

Instead, the group of people in black suits untidyly lifted some equipment from the car that he couldn't understand.

The man who looked like the "head" walked towards him, still wearing sunglasses, not tall, but with a smile at the corners of his mouth, and he can't help but feel good!

"Is a master at doing things." The sheriff thought in his heart.

The man stretched out his hand first, and the sheriff shook his hand hurriedly.

"We are the National Land Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Bureau."

"Huh?" The sheriff was a little dazed, and the name sounded very awkward. In addition to the fact that the other party can easily deflate fbi, he thinks...this is another "uncle."

The man didn't seem to care, "Although our names are a bit longer, I also suggested that the director change the name, but I have never thought of a good name, so." The man shrugged, "That's it."

"Also." Before the sheriff could speak, the man spoke again: "We will temporarily requisition this land. It would be great if we could have a camera. What do you think, sheriff?"

The fat face, the corner of the eye, drew inscrutablely, "Unfortunately, the power was cut off in this area last night, and it was not repaired until the early hours of the morning."

"That's enough."

The sheriff was preempted by the man before he was saying anything.


The development of the matter was beyond the sheriff's expectation, and the files formatted by him were completely restored by the other party. Just when he was ready to go to jail for the rest of his life... the man just patted him on the shoulder, "This is not our responsibility."

Until the afternoon, the sun only left a glare, and the sheriff came back to his senses.

Leaning on the chair in the police office, he felt his fat body had signs of dehydration.

"Tingling bell~" The phone rang, and the sheriff slowly picked it up, "Hey."



"Please come in."

Dressed in a black suit, a short man walked into the room with a file bag in his hand, which was tightly sealed.

Sitting behind the desk a dark-skinned one-eyed man wearing a blindfold sat there.

Stopped his work, "Coleson, is there anything important?"

The man had a serious face, and there was no smile when he saw the sheriff in the afternoon.

"Director, I have one thing for you to decide."

"Oh? Did the event level exceed your authority?"

"The things inside are a bit complicated."

The black chief saw the man's serious expression, "Well, show it to me."

"Stab it."

The file bag was taken apart. In addition to the necessary documents, there were two small bags inside.

The black chief held his hand upside down, one of them seemed to be of little weight except for the bag. The other one can clearly feel that it is a metal product.

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