Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 3 Chapter 10: Red Queen

() Even if you are a strict etiquette teacher, you can't find the slightest fault, but the noble girl who salutes, the position at this time... makes people feel a little absurd.

The corpse was lying on the street in the past twenty years, without a trace of blood, as if fainted at the same time.

Kuangsan stood on the spot and leaned down, his eyes revealing speechless arrogance. The graceful white neck was wrapped in a black collar, showing only a hint of whiteness.

The asphalt road returns to its normal color. If someone is surprised by their eyesight, they will find that...the moment the "Black Tan" disappeared, there was a faint blue followed by the disappearance.

Kuang San shook his small hand at random, surrounded by invisible spiritual power at his fingertips, occupying the position of the original air.

"Free energy concentration... so low."

The burgundy eyes are even more outstanding under the dim moonlight. Kuang San had thought long ago that even in the Marvel universe, the earth has long been occupied by modern industry, and there is not much free energy at all.

If you don't urge the godhead to absorb, you won't be able to convert a trace of spiritual power for a long time.

This is a far cry from the end black plane where the energy is rising.

The "Black Tan" just now was naturally the "City of Eating Time". Although the scope was a little smaller, it was only deliberately controlled by Kuangsan.

You know that in this world... it is simply unrealistic to absorb free energy to strengthen oneself.

So... it can save some time.

When I run out of spiritual power, I will shoot myself...Although Kuangsan has not used III bullets on himself, the feeling... is really subtle.

She can feel the shadow space, but there is nothing in it, there is no other timeline of her, and there is no clone.

"Should be contradicting the law of the main **** space?" Kuang San shook his head, and didn't care so much.

Glancing at the corpses again, Kuangsan became lazy, and she didn't have the consciousness to collect the corpses for the other party.

After all, ‘City of Eating Time’ is not a ‘shadow space’. Although the functions of the two are not much different, for the Kuangsan at this time... it is more embarrassing.

Just now she used gravity to restrain those gang members, and only then can the "City of Eating Time" absorb "time" in a very short period of time, thus giving the other party a feeling of "rising immortal".

As for this... there should be a policeman to clean up tomorrow, right? His eyes swept to the truck.

The eyes drooped slightly, and the mental energy came out, hypnotizing a woman and letting her sit in the driver's cab. The mental power spreads around with Kuangsan as the center, finds the location of the police station, just about to give an order...

Liu frowned. Since these people dare to trade here, it is enough to explain some problems. Although Kuangsan is not afraid of trouble, if it is something that is not interested, it is better not to provoke it.

Spiritual power continued to spread to the surrounding area, and found another small town all the time...


Similar to the sound when it came, the truck drove to the location specified by Kuangsan. It is estimated that tomorrow, when the police there go to work, they will receive a "surprise".

The black dress was blown by the night breeze. Kuangsan seemed to be in a good mood, and he smiled, "Well, where should I go now?"

I just stepped out...There seemed to be a crow flying in the sky. I couldn't help but pulled the corners of my mouth. A faint black line appeared on my forehead. Kuangsan held back for a long time... "My passport!"


In general, although the matter was a bit tortuous, it was solved perfectly. At least Kuang San thinks so.

I found a hotel to stay. Although the clerk in the small town was curious, but still didn't ask too much, just as a crazy traveler.

Of course, everything was caused by her subconscious, and Kuangsan could easily get a room card.

After washing the body, it was still late at night outside, and the sun didn't mean to rise at all. Kuangsan sat cross-legged on the bed, releasing his mental power into the void.

She was not connected to the spiritual mark of Hei Miao in the "Main God Space", and it may also be the particularity of that space.

But now it's different. She lives in a universe, doesn't she have hope?

Spiritual power spread in the void, Kuang San carefully searched for his own mark.

One hour...two hours...Kuang San suddenly opened her eyes, her face gloomy, she felt the spiritual imprint of the black cat, but Li Jiayu did not.

And... the mark is very weak, it may go out at any time.

If it wasn't for Black Cat who was severely injured and died, then the two universes were too far apart.

She would rather be the second one.

Kuang San calmed down, his face became a lot slower, and there was nothing he could do if he was anxious now.

Turn on the computer in the hotel, the familiar indos interface... Although she wanted to complain, she still resisted.

In Marvel's seemingly high-tech world, it is just a parallel world like the calendar.

What can be all kinds of unreasonable, the existence is extremely reasonable, since I came here, how can I not play well?

On Earth 199999, it seems that there is no one who can threaten her, right?

Of course, Kuangsan refers to the earth.

Take out a metal box from the backpack, square and square, without any gaps, just like a whole.

Kuangsan tapped it lightly, and the silver light marks circled on it, and at the same time the temperature of the computer case in front of him began to soar at a high speed.

"The language has been confirmed. The central brain of the [Beta]-class expedition spacecraft will serve you. Please name it for the owner."

Although it was a mechanical sound, it sounded a little rigid, but it was much better than that of the main god. I didn't know if it was a psychological effect or something else, so he sighed wildly.

A wicked smile appeared on her face, and she thought of something very nasty and interesting in her heart.

"You call it'Red Queen'."

"The naming has been determined, do you start to determine the image?"

Kuangsan pondered for a moment, and mentally sculpted a 3D model of a little girl, "That's it."

The box shot out a silver light, which was scanned in the next instant.

At the same time, a virtual image was projected on the top of the box, and the little girl in red bowed slightly to Kuangsan, "The Red Queen will serve you."

Lolita sounded very comfortable in her ears, and Kuang San smiled in satisfaction.

The little hand dragged the The big burgundy eyes stared at the little man, "Do you have any information in the [Beta] spacecraft?"

The Red Queen shook his head, "Sorry, Master. I only have the data on the exploration spacecraft."

"That's enough." Kuang San narrowed his eyes, smiling as if to overflow from it, "Starting to judge the level of civilization."

"Okay, Master." Red Queen's voice began to become rigid, "Estimated time: five minutes."

Kuang San glanced at the host that was running to the extreme, nodded noncommittal, after all, with this amount of calculation, let Hong Queen stay in was so wronged for her.

Otherwise, with the configuration of the [Beta] class probe, the collection can be completed in five seconds at the earliest, right?

As time passed by second by second, the originally rigid red queen projection suddenly became glamorous.

"Master, this civilization is a mutant civilization."

Thank you "Book Friends 20170916112618728, Darkness Dark Sauce" for their rewards of 100 starting coins.

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