Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 189: Misfortune comes from the sky

Little gangsters have seen this posture, all three are the best of the best, if they can have one of them...

Think about it, especially the petite student girl who is always charming and abnormal all the time. It's literally! If there were other people around, I would have been unable to restrain myself, and rushed to enjoy the tender meat.

The leader forced himself to calm down, and the student girl almost took him away! If it hadn’t been for the two eyeballs, he would not be much different from the group of "brothers" behind him!

"Humph!" Chu Xiang dulled two white air in his nose. Although the voice was not loud, they were all inheritors here. How could anyone have poor ears?

The group of people immediately broke into cold sweat, only to remember that this was their place. One by one, they focused their eyes on the leader and motioned for him to speak.

The man was also sweating, especially when he looked at Li Jiayu, a coldness went straight into his heart. Now that I regret it in my heart, I would not have come to find a place if I knew it, so who would know about it?

Now that it’s hard to ride a tiger, I had to bite the bullet and take a step forward and shouted hard at Li Jiayu: "A few of our brothers are hunting bugs there. You ran to **** our trophies for no reason! You even... Kill it! I came here today to be fair!"

As if feeling that his tone was not strong enough, he said fiercely: "If you refuse to admit it, I will let the leader sue the army and let them see if there is any reason in this world!"

There was silence all around, and the leader felt straight in his heart. According to his thoughts, the group of inheritors from Xijiang University were already pointing and talking about it. Why... no one spoke?

On the other hand, the joke in his eyes made him secretly suffer! Could it be that Xijiang University is also a place that eats people without spitting out bones? Can you even tolerate killing for no reason? My Nima, is this still a good young man in the new century?

"Oh? You said I killed you guys? But before? Let's make it clear together! Don't reverse the truth!"

Li Jiayu, who was originally like an "iceberg", now has a colder tone, and the double effect is blessed on him, and the leader feels that the whole person is not good.

Swallowing a mouthful of saliva, knowing that he must not be counseled now, otherwise the group of them might have to go out sideways.

Then he said stiffly: "The insect crystals that our brothers worked so hard to hunt down were all snatched by your woman and killed my brother! I didn't expect to be so beautiful, but with a scorpion heart!"

"Are you sure this is the case?"

The charming voice sounded, and the ears were itchy, like a lover's chatter, scratching their hearts.

"Finally someone is willing to believe us!" The leader was secretly refreshed in his heart. Following the attitude of the girl, with a little guidance, he can become a weapon against the "vicious woman"!

He nodded hurriedly, with a serious expression: "Little sister, I can swear to God! That vicious woman has done too much, otherwise our group of brothers would not risk coming to the Xijiang University resident gate to be blocked."

"Even if I die here today, I have to seek justice for those brothers who have passed away!"

The tone was dull and frustrated, and the emotions fluctuated so much that the group of people behind it almost had an illusion. Is this really a kid who chats and brags with them? How do you feel that the actor is possessed? Is he a high-achieving student from which drama school?

People with rich imagination immediately made up a big drama, life is short, it seems that there are many stories about brothers.

However, they have already discussed it in private, and if they fail to reach a conclusion, then forget it, don't they lose face? What's the use of that stuff? Can you eat it?

Looking at Chu Xiang's scaly fists with big sandbags, they are ready to evacuate this "land of right and wrong" at any time.

As for the silly boy, will it be over if you push him out? Want to come to the leader will also feel gratified for our wisdom.

At this time, a middle-aged man suddenly sneezed in a manor in the small town! The officer on the other side looked suspicious and asked carefully: "Leader don't have a cold?"

The middle-aged man touched his red nose and said hurriedly: "This weather changes for no reason. I didn't expect that even the inheritance cannot be avoided. It seems that I am old."

"Where and where, can Leader Lin still..."

Hearing the officer's compliment, his thick eyebrows wrinkled slightly. As a second-tier senior inheritor, how could he catch a cold for no reason? Sneezing a few sneezes in this short meeting is really unusual.

Looking at the gloomy weather outside the window, "Do I really have a cold?" Meng Lin thought in his heart.


"Oh!" Kuang San lightly covered his small mouth, with an exaggerated look, but it was so natural in the eyes of the people around him, "Then you are really miserable, and you provoke the ‘female’ demon!"

The word "female" bit was very heavy, the other party didn't hear anything, and hurriedly said yes, but Ran Hongxia's face was weird, and Li Jiayu felt black out of her body.

She knew that Li Jiayu was not very satisfied with her appearance, and if other people recognized him as a woman, it would be good to explode in the same place. It has been obviously controlled these days, but his face has become more and more stunning, and I don't know how many young people's attention should be attracted every day.

But this person is a "vicious woman", "snake heart" or Just like a raging fire, it is possible to detonate Li Jiayu's gunpowder keg at any time!

And what is the consequence of making Li Jiayu angry...Ran Hongxia looked at those people with more pity.

"Then can you tell me how to provoke her?"

Kuangsan opened his eyes slightly, showing a slightly interested look, as if a rose red aura floated out of his body, surrounding him.

A trace of confusion flashed in the eyes of the leader, and he didn't hesitate to speak: "Of course we saw her look beautiful and alone. Wouldn't it be beautiful if she could be strong? Such a superb experience would even live ten years less. Also willing!"

"But the captain is a hypnotist and doesn't like that. He always wants to swallow it by himself and intends to use his mind to control the white-haired handsome girl. In the end, he didn't expect it to be of no use at all, and he got the eyeballs! In the end... they all died in the end. ......"

A group of **** stunned behind him, what's the matter? Why didn't this show be acting? Have an epiphany? Still want to pick that girl?

But this matter is over, a few people passed their eyes to each other, and they were about to step back, and the group of inheritors from Xijiang University had already surrounded them!

One of them grabbed the leader, but the other party did not move at all! Panicked in his heart, and summoned the courage to shout, "You...what do you mean? Behind us is the leader of Lin, you have to think about it!"

Chu Xiang said with a cold face, step by step, his tall figure gave him enough pressure, "Done?"

The man's throat moved, his head sweated, and he immediately persuaded: "We don't know about this! It's him, he called us!"

Thank you for the 600 starting coins rewarded by "a Qingmu"; the 500 starting coins rewarded by the "Emperor of Dark Stars".

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