Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 184: Complex type

The soft black mud was stuffed between the teeth, and Bai Sensen's teeth were no longer sharp.

Being teased by people, the sea snake is ashamed and annoyed, and wants to escape from this place of right and wrong. It understands that the "little bug" flying around in the sky is far from what it can deal with now.

It is enough to suffer a loss once, but the body just refuses to obey the order, the snake's pupils shrink, and even the "black line" in it shrinks for a while!


Unwilling to roar, the sea snake monster is constantly shaking, as if drinking a bottle of 82 years of Sprite. The two sides began to fight for control of the body, which allowed Kuang San to observe the whole body of the snake carefully.

Except for the mouth of the head, some dust is exposed from time to time, and the rest of the place seems to have not changed. But Kuangsan didn't dare to jump to a conclusion, because before the sea snake monster appeared, it had been parasitized theoretically.

On the pupil...or in it? Kuangsan didn't see clearly, the unique spiral pattern of the "black line" was printed in it, which enlarged a lot. Putting her hands on her chest, Liu frowned slightly. She just wanted to figure out why the two creatures were superimposed on each other, why would it give a person's life level suppression?

Simply put, "Why has it evolved?" Then what happens after the two separate?

"Oh!" The heterochromatic pupils suddenly opened, and even the curled eyelashes trembled because of the fierce movement.

"Sure enough, these research activities are not suitable for me, killing the hidden corpse is the most correct!"

Lightly muttering dissipated in the air, Kuangsan's eyes narrowed slightly, and a terrifying aura burst out of his body!

For the struggling sea snake monster, it is indeed terrifying! In a moment of daze, the control of the body is robbed, and it becomes a huge monster that only knows to vent its desires!

I haven't been to the soft black mud between my teeth and tongue. I just opened my big mouth and pounced towards Kuangsan! No way, it is unrealistic for the opponent to use his tail to entangle his body at high altitude.

Adding the strange energies in the body of the snake monster, the "black thread" will not be used at all! Only use the oldest way to follow the life instinct.

This will not have such a big fishy smell in the mouth, the grass juice is mixed with black mud, and it seems to be able to remove bad breath?

Kuang San thought in his mind, but the speed was not slow at all.


Around the sea snake monster, a magic array was displayed in an instant, and the mysterious aura on it kept the "wind" away from here. Arrays generally consume huge amounts of "mana", but what is helpless is that there are only these things in the inheritance.

The spiritual power in the body flows like a flood. Although the body of the elves is constantly absorbing the free energy in the surrounding air, it is not easy to drop in the bucket.

The complex formations did not confine the sea snake monster, but attached to the space on the specific body.

Twilight Morning Star was taken out again, Kuangsan grinned out a white tooth, and with the intrusion of his body's huge sticky spiritual power, most of the magic markings on the gun body had been activated, and the fire-burning cloud-like streamer kept shining on it, making Kuangsan small His face was flushed against the backdrop.


Just like the sound of paper being torn, the air around the array was trembling, and then it was compressed into silk threads by huge pressure!

Even if Li Jiayu is by no means close to that place, but... now his body is still stuck in a quagmire, unable to pull out his legs at all!

It wasn't until the ice wheel pill was summoned to insert it on the ground and hold the handle of the knife with both hands. The dirt and grass scraps that were thrown by the giant sea snake in the distance were no more than two or three meters high at most.

Immediately afterwards, he was firmly sucked on the ground by the gravitational potential energy!

Although Kuangsan has simulated countless times in the mental space, it is the first time to use it in reality, and it is inevitable that some operations are improper. Just like Li Jiayu, the distance is affected, only because the whole array has defects, it is still leaking that "gravity" outwards.

The entire complete array consists of 13 virtual engraved array diagrams, which lock the enemy's various positions. The array map is converted by engraving, so that a trace of energy between the heaven and the earth can be used for one's own use.

The greater the weight of the person caught, the greater the "weight" felt. All-round squeeze, for novices, is simply a tasteless one.

Who doesn't have a two-handed cracking method? one can crack it easily here, let alone this sea snake!

The name of the entire formation is very simple, "complex gravity formation", which belongs to the garbage discarded in the corner.

If you are in the hometown of the God of Time and Space, it is estimated that any official mage can easily crack it. But here, apart from Xie Wenyuan, Kuang San hadn't thought of anyone who could crack this crude array.

Gravity is constantly squeezing the whole body of the sea snake monster, from the scales to the flesh, to the internal organs and blood, it is being suppressed all the time.

Even the hissing sound is much weaker and weak, like a delicate girl who is discussing the philosophy of life with a few big guys for a night.

Li Jiayu moved her lower body lightly, and found that the suppression had weakened a lot, took a deep look at the sea snake monster "trapped" on the ground, and quickly evacuated the battlefield.

He would never do it when he shouldn't do it, that's what the young man likes to do.

If Kuang San was around him, he would definitely complain, "Yes, yes, Li Jiayu is not a young man, but a little fairy."

With one-third of his spiritual power left in his body, Twilight Morningstar’s muzzle pointed at the sea snake, and the red array slowly turned thirty centimeters in front. Kuangsan stretched out his small tongue and licked his the left pupil The golden color is almost overflowing!

Slender index finger pulls the trigger!


The gunfire sounded, the bullet hit the center of the array, and then disappeared completely.

The color of the fire cloud faded quickly, and the dark gun body was exposed again, only Kuang San could feel the burning sensation from it for a long time.

White smoke from the muzzle was blowing, and the high temperature seemed to burn the air into nothingness. The moment the bullet was shot out, the sound of the wind disappeared, and the pause button seemed to be pressed between the heavens and the earth, and even the neighing of the sea snake monster did not have time to hear.

The huge mouth opened, Senhan's white teeth faintly gleamed, the bullet penetrated its pupils, and the flames that followed it flew in!


There was a huge sound, and the high temperature seemed to burn its soul, but it couldn't control its body under the pressure of gravity, and it couldn't even vent the sound!

The sharp warhead pierced the "black line" and continued to pierce it into the body. The long flame tail followed behind him, continuously destroying the functions of the body, including the scattered "black lines."

Kuangsan's face was pale, and the spiritual power in his body remained, one-fifth.

This was the first time that she completely relied on her own strength to kill...the sea snake who was about to enter the lord. With the "black line" parasitism, Kuang San had to spend more effort in order to kill with one blow!

The thirteen virtual arrays have long since dissipated, and the flames are still burning, engulfing the entire giant snake body, and the surrounding grass is scorched. Because of the gravity just now, the entire grass has a faint tendency to sink.

He glanced at random and waved his slender hand, the flame disappeared, and at the same time, there was the corpse that was about to be cooked.

After discerning the direction, his body turned into a streamer and lased away!

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