Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 182: Old driver drag racing

As soon as the streamer passed, the blood-red goth loli black lace skirt, wearing a goth loli maid-style headband, tied her hair into double ponytails.

The entire pretty face was exposed to the air, and the left eye pupil was a golden clock.

Kuang San shook her hands somewhat unaccustomed to. There were no guns there, which made her uncomfortable in her current state.

The black gold gloves replaced the original two retro firearms. When you open the palm of your right hand, you can still see a few welt marks left on the "secondary black cotton".

That was the first little boss manta ray in the academy's apocalypse.

Feel free to hold it, spiritual power swims in the veins of the body, and the high concentration of energy turns the gold pattern on the glove into a liquid state.

After the sea snake monster roared, it was still twisting its body and suddenly stopped there abruptly. The two pairs of eyes covered by the "black line" made people unable to see its inner thoughts, but Li Jiayu knew that it was scared and scared!

The current Kuangsan is completely above the sea snake monster in power! Even if he did not face Li Jiayu directly, the momentum on the phantom made him a little breathless!

He had never experienced this on that frost dragon! Perhaps this is the reason why Kuang San wants to conduct research? Li Jiayu thought.

The figure was so familiar, and the familiarity made him feel at ease. In a daze, he returned to his previous life.

Commander Li and the others have already evacuated from the grassland area, and the subordinate officers quickly increased their whip to inform all areas, and they can complete evacuation within ten minutes at most, and the vanguard team has already begun to set off!

"How is she? Is she stronger than the frost dragon a few days ago?"

Commander Li’s question came in his ear, and Master Tianyan was still staring at the direction of the battlefield, as if turned into a sculpture, motionless.

If it weren't for the red light in his eyes, Head Li would have thought he had an accident!

A few more moments later, as Commander Li just wanted to move his body, the old man took his "sky eye" back. Looking at the other person, the old man's eyes were full of red silk entangled, and for a while, head Li was all over the hair!

Master Tianyan coughed lightly, his voice hoarse like the bottom of a broken shoe pot, "Captain, I tried my best. Their power is not something I can figure out. As for the issue of strength, I think the Frost Dragon is stronger."

"Really." Head Li breathed a sigh of relief, not knowing why, his heart suddenly relaxed. After finishing the military uniform, "Let's go, let's go to the barracks first, we are about to start the migration."

The old man was taken aback for a moment, and said, "Really not waiting for them?"

"Wait for them?" Head Li asked back.

Master Tianyan didn’t speak, and walked quickly towards the barracks behind him, and whispered, “It’s good to leave some impressions...”

The ‘Tyrannosaurus’ grinned in front and almost laughed out loud, thinking that you, the old man, looked down on the other girl’s baby at first, but now that they are amazing and NB, you are thinking about how to please.

How old people are, don’t you feel good about peace of mind?

"Tyrannosaurus" took another look towards the battlefield. That place... is not something they can blend in!

It wasn't until the "King Kong Orangutan" patted him on the shoulder that the "Tyrannosaurus" took a deep breath and ran towards the barracks.


The sea snake monster's body suddenly stiffened. The thing was like seeing the creature at the top of the food chain suddenly at the bottom of the food chain! It is enough to show that it is doing well if it has kept its sanity and has not escaped.

But... this way it is destined to faint here, or die on this black mud ground!

The "little bug" changed a shell in its eyes, and it suddenly became extremely strong! The terrifying aura on its body couldn't be faked. The feeling it had just now was the same as when it was spotted by natural enemies when it was weak!

In places invisible to the naked eye, those "black lines" slowly control the sea snake monster's nerves, excluding the "fear" from its body. Unconsciously, even the monster didn't feel anything wrong.

Looks like... this little bug is still just a little bug.

The huge body twisted again, and the nerves that had been taken over by the "black line" controlled every muscle delicately. The river was turbid and muddy. In the next instant, the entire huge body came to the river bank and bite towards Kuangsan. !

Kuang San shook his head with the fierce stench, and the two double ponytails also swayed, seeming to deny something.

"You..." Kuangsan jumped softly, and his whole body soared into the air, "It's really bad."

"Bang!" The head of the huge snake instantly slammed into the black mud of the grass, but it did not cause any serious problems. The whole snake entangled itself, ready to launch another fatal blow to Kuang San at any time!

The two sides hadn't started the formal battle, it was just the aftermath of the sea snake monster attacking that Li Jiayu's windbreaker was hunting.

If he hadn't improved his physique by Binglun Maru, with the strength of his second-order low-level Pope of Light, I really don't know how long he can stay on this battlefield.

The icy blue eyes lifted up, letting her white hair flutter, and whispered softly: "She's in the lord again."

The wind was so loud that even Li Jiayu herself didn't hear what he was talking about.

Only the lord can fly without relying on other things. Kuang San's momentum and strength can't be faked. Even if it is not, he will definitely step into that field with half his foot.

In his memory, the entire celestial dynasty has no such amazing Even his lifelong enemy, Yang An, was eclipsed by Kuangsan.

Now there can be no quasi-legends descending on the earth. As the proud woman of heaven and the strength of the lord, can she leave now, right?

Li Jiayu was taken aback by her own thoughts! You can have a horizontal push, just leave it!

The wind and waves are getting bigger and bigger, Kuang San doesn't seem to have the desire to attack, and he doesn't know if it's playing tricks or wanting to do something else. It was the huge sea snake monster that was attacking, and Li Jiayu just wanted to withdraw from this battlefield, and there was a spiritual force in the different dimension that was transmitted to his head.

"Huh?" Li Jiayu let out a startled suspicion, isn't this the "Void Sunglasses"? Don’t know there’s a big battle outside? Run out now?

With a move of heart, the fashionable and cool "Void Sunglasses" stood on the bridge of Li Jiayu's nose.

Looking at the giant sea snake, a row of subtitles suddenly appeared on it!

Li Jiayu read one by one...

Name: Mutant Sea Snake (the ghost knows how it appeared)

Gender: I don’t think the host will pay attention

Status: Parasitized by a strange species, making it a snake to produce an illusion

Strength: Tier 3 pinnacle (at the top of the body, you can step into the ‘lord’ at any time)

Charm: Maybe a little attractive to the powerful dragons

Li Jiayu raised her brows. It wasn't like that last time. There is clearly any brain activity... the physical attribute panel or something, now she can directly show her strength?

He knows the pitfalls of this thing, but he can't help but look towards Kuangsan...

Gender: Female

Brain activity:? ? ? (Protected by unknown power)

spirit:? ? ?




Height: 157


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