Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 163: : There is only 1 dyed Hongxia

The people surrounded by the inheritors of Xijiang University are all weak and can only sit on the ground and lean on each other.

The number of people is small, close to twenty, which is not worth mentioning in the 400,000 Xijiang City migration team. Now there are more than dozens of people dying every day? How can anyone remember them?

Li Jiayu naturally doesn't care about the death of these lives. When fighting with other strong people in the previous life, the aftermath alone killed a lot of lives.

Do you care about ants who don’t even know when they trample to death?

Li Jiayu looked at the dozen or so people surrounded by the ball, rubbing her eyebrows with a headache. The iron nematode is not so powerful, but it is really disgusting. It can survive alone when exploded into a few centimeters, and it is very troublesome to deal with.

The iron nematode in that little girl is so long, it is possible to imagine what a terrible situation is in these adults.

Glancing at the dyed Hongxia, Campanulaceae and others, Li Jiayu suddenly felt that she shouldn't make such a big movement.

He thought it was the sound of fighting, which quarreled the two of them...

If he was the only one, he would definitely choose a more time-saving and labor-saving method, killing them all and burning them into residues, it would be very easy.

But you can't play like this now, or it will become a target of public criticism. After all, humanitarianism, morality... all of these still exist. Apart from being attacked by small-scale insect swarms every day, dozens or hundreds of people are sneaked and killed.

"What should I do?" Li Jiayu asked Xiao Wanqing.

Ran Hongxia interjected directly next to her: "Of course we saved all of them. These are fresh lives! What's more, they are the same kind of us, so we naturally have to help each other."

Kuang San rolled his eyes and said, "I will go back to sleep if there is nothing wrong. I always feel that I will lower my IQ and EQ when I am with you."



Ran Hongxia saw Kuangsan turn around to leave, and hurriedly pulled her sleeves, turning her head in embarrassment in the other's puzzled eyes. When I saw the group of people surrounded, my eyes gradually filled with determination.

"My eldest lady, everyone is busy now, can't you help me?"

"Okay." Kuangsan Liu raised his eyebrows lightly, "Do you want me to kill them all?"

Upon hearing this, the frightening atmosphere of Sister Xu, Doctor Zhang and others did not dare to pant, and even more, they would come out to stop!

Ran Hongxia hurriedly waved her hand, "Of course not, you have misunderstood what I mean, I mean let..."

"But I only know this. If it's something else, I think there should be many stronger people in the camp."

After speaking, Kuangsan stretched out his right arm and made a muscle show, but...there was no bulge there at all.

Kuang San turned his head, his shoulders shuddered slightly, and said innocently: "Look. I don't have the strength to do the hard work at all."

"Kuang San!" Ran Hongxia suddenly became serious, "That's more than a dozen lives! Damn insects are raging in their bodies, threatening their lives all the time! Are you..."

"I don't care about them at all."

Li Jiayu continued: "What does their life and death have to do with us?"

Ran Hongxia opened her mouth, but found that there was nothing to refute, even if she stood on the righteousness... Then she was like a jumping clown.

When Kuang San saw her still not giving up, he sighed and said, "Hongxia."


"What should we do to save them?"

"Of course it was Aunt Xiao and the doctor. They followed the original method, and the bugs were handed over to us to kill them."

Kuang San stretched out a small hand and touched her forehead. This action made Yan Hongxia's face flushed. What's this doing?

Kuang San retracted his hand again and touched his forehead again. The jade finger was inserted into the bangs. Under the scattered moonlight, he could faintly see the golden tint.

"I don't have a fever, how come my mind is not working well?"

"What?!" Yan Hongxia, who was blushing with the mad three actions just now, suddenly said in surprise.

Even Li Jiayu, who was standing not far from her, looked at her with a smile.

"I said..." Kuang San's upper body was slightly peeked, half of his pretty face was completely exposed in the sight of Yan Hongxia, the deep burgundy staring at her, but she seemed to be inside, saw...worried?

"Hongxia, are you busy in the last few days? You always feel anxious, like..."

Kuangsan stood up straight, his right hand was unknown, so he swayed, as if looking for an adjective.

The wine-red eyes looked at her instantly, "It's like you have depression."

Ran Hongxia stepped back. Kuangsan was too close to her. The fragrance made her feel full of temptation, the same woman, and she said with a nonchalant expression: "Huh? How could it be."

"Really?" Kuangsan's wine-red eyes narrowed into a beautiful crescent arc. At that moment, Ran Hongxia felt like she was seen through!

"Then look at Sister Xiao and everyone. Don't think that you can do it, others will definitely be able to do it. There is only one dyed Hongxia."

Kuang San retreated to Li Jiayu, and said in his heart: "There is only one in this world."

Eyes circled around, Xiao Wanqing's tired face could not be concealed, Doctor Zhang's arm was almost scrapped, and Sister Xu and others were full of panic...

Platycodon frowned slightly, and those inheritors looked at the people parasitized by the worms either as if they were facing an enemy, or indifferent.

"Do you think we still have the ability to solve the mutant iron nematodes in the human body one by one? This is not food The unique combination of coldness and charm sounded in the ears of dyed Hongxia, she With her small head drooping, she was depressed, and no one knew what she was thinking.

"We don't have time or energy. When we are dragged here, if something happens during the migration...can you take care of it?"

Kuangsan's voice slowly rose: "Is the life of the four thousand people in Xijiang University important, or the dozen or so strangers who have nothing to do with you?!"

The people around can also hear clearly, each of them pricked their ears, and their curiosity drove them to want to know the answer of President Ran.

"Everything is important."

The sound of dyed red clouds is not louder than that of mosquitoes and flies inflaming their wings, but it is still clear by the third listener.

She wanted to laugh a little, but she really didn't quite understand what she was thinking in her brain circuit!

The small tongue stretched out and licked his upper lip, Kuang San then said: "I don't want to ask you whether four thousand people and a dozen people are alive or dead, which idiot do you save. I just want to know, now you take What to save them? It’s not just talking about it."

"Don't think before the end of the matter. When you are unsuccessful, some people will think you are slanderous."

There is no good way to dye Hongxia, except Xiao Wanqing is the top priority. Although there are many treatments in the inheritors of Xijiang University, they can't be on the table at all.

I can’t get too busy at all. It’s not that they have already been to Yongcheng and have a lot of time. They are on the road every day, and their energy and patience are a little bit wiped out...

"Principal Xiao, there is someone from the army!"

Thanks to the 1000 starting coins rewarded by the "Emperor of Dark Stars"; 600 starting coins rewarded by the "Spider Who Loves Clean"; 100 starting coins rewarded for each of the "Wind Color Rufeng, Wind and Snow, Drunk".

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