Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 160: : People are broken

Xixi’s mother stood there silently, struggling between heaven and man in her mind.

Water? This is absolutely not possible, Xixi will be absorbed by the iron worm and die slowly in pain. Kill first before taking it out? Relying on the ceremonies of the light should be able to easily recover from the injury, if you have time to treat for a few days, you will be able to fully recover.

What should I do? Which has no risk? The above are all her own imaginations, and there may be any accidents in the process.

She was originally a person with no opinion, plus her introverted personality, usually her husband made the decision. Now Xixi dad has been swallowed by bugs long ago, digested into residues and excreted...

When I spoke again, my throat was faintly dry and dumb, like a frosted stone clash, if it weren't for the original gentle sound, it would be extremely harsh!

"Kill it first... but now... taking it out."

Xiao Wanqing nodded and looked at Dr. Zhang: "I heard that you are a doctor, do you perform simple operations?"

"Try your best, you know there is no anesthetic, no disinfection, the wound is very likely to be affected..."

Before he could finish speaking, he felt wrong, and shook his head hurriedly. He was still thinking in the old way just now.

Isn't there a bright priest standing here? Are they afraid of paralysis and infection? It seems that the supernatural era always makes people uncomfortable.

Xiao Wanqing did not disappoint him either, "We only need to find a way to kill the iron worm without harming Xixi. Then..." Xiao Wanqing looked at Doctor Zhang, "We need a scalpel."

"That's it?"

"That's it."

"Don't worry, I will heal those wounds without leaving scars." Xiao Wanqing, who has always been serious, would even make a small joke, which made Chu Xiang a little bit incredulous.


"Is it dead?"

"Not yet, there are still life activities."

"Is it dead?"

"Not yet, but the breath has become weak."

"Is it dead?"

"It should be..." Xiao Wanqing said uncertainly.

Chu Xiang took a breath, it was hard to imagine what kind of work it was to make his sturdy body breathe.

"Doctor Zhang, you can operate after we paralyze Xixi, and everyone else please go out. Um... Xixi mother can stay."

Chu Xiang stood there and stared at Xiao Wanqing... the atmosphere was slightly embarrassing.

"I see you are well-informed, but I think there is a way."

Chu Xiang disturbed his head and grinned a bit of bitterness at the corner of his mouth: "If you think Xixi can withstand... the method of physical paralysis."

Xiao Wanqing rolled her eyes, showing her amorous feelings. After ensuring the safety of the other party, she used her enormous mental power to force her to hit Xixi's mind, causing her to fall into a deep coma.

Doctor Zhang didn't know where to find plastic gloves and a shiny silver scalpel.

He said he was not afraid of infection, but he still didn't want to touch the organs in the human body with his hands full of bacteria.

Especially when there is something strange in it!

Xixi's face is slightly fat, but the abdomen fat layer is not thick, and the scalpel easily finds the direction and slides in. No facilities, no assistance, not even needles!

Doctor Zhang keeps hypnotizing himself. This is the supernatural era. If you want to believe that the Light Sacrifice can solve everything, he still can't help but feel nervous.

What if you don’t succeed in the end? Will Xixi's mother resent me?

He bit his tongue violently and forced himself to wake up a little bit, not thinking about things. He now needs to hold his hand steady, otherwise a tremor inadvertently can make a sharp scalpel cut through other organs!

Xiao Wanqing urged treatment on the sidelines to prevent excessive bleeding, but this kind of small-scale control, and not allowing it to heal all, is really a mentally exhausting thing.

If she hadn't had the strength of Tier 3 low-level, I am afraid that after this "surgery" alone, she would have to overdraw her mental power!

Just when Dr. Zhang was about to slash the appetizer bag, he could faintly see the black thread inside through the concentrated light! It filled the entire stomach!

Doctor Zhang swallowed his saliva, and the silver blade slowly scratched the appetizer bag, and the black line was exposed from the inside. His heart touched his throat! Fortunately, the black line just slumped down randomly, looking lifeless.

The arm holding the knife trembled slightly, and the small half of the stomach was cut open. The "corpse" of the iron worm was slowly revealed from the inside. The doctor Zhang's scalp was numb!

Under the spotlight, even the naked eye could see the spiral markings on the black line. The mutant species was not yet understood by them.

Just as Dr. Zhang was about to stretch out his hand to take out the iron worm, Chu Xiang slowly approached, and suddenly saw the black line in the vertical pupil flicker!

And the plastic gloves have come into contact with the iron worm!

The "head" of that thing is faster than the bullets, and it "pierces" directly into the plastic gloves, and the body behind it starts to hover quickly!

Had it not been for Xiao Wanqing's release of treatment on the sidelines, I am afraid Xixi would have died of bleeding now!

Doctor Zhang dropped the scalpel in horror, his other hand wanted to grab the black line, but it was too slippery and could only slightly stop the opponent's speed.

He could clearly feel the monster invaded into his body! Bit by bit, he arched into the flesh and blood, and then those parts were unaware, as if giving the initiative to the other party!

Chu Xiang's eyes are fast and his hands are The hands covered in scales are directly dragged towards the worm!

The scales were slightly opened to maximize the friction between the two sides. Coupled with Chu Xiang's strength, the black thread was pulled away from Dr. Zhang's body!

The sensation has been returned. It is good news, but Dr. Zhang is enduring great pain at this time! Blood fills up the place where the iron worm left, and the nerves take over that area again, and the pain begins to encroach on the entire brain!


Cramps and bones are pulled out, and the bone marrow is extracted better than this! Now I can only yell to divert attention!

The people outside the tent looked at each other and shuddered suddenly. There was definitely something wrong inside, but it was not a wise choice to break in now.

The howling sound was particularly loud in the quiet night sky, and faint movements were heard from a tent in the Xijiang University resident.

The inheritors began to gather, and Li Jiayu straightened up as soon as she turned over. His eyes seemed to look through the tent, looking towards the place where Xiao Wanqing was.

"Damn it!"

He only put on a piece of autumn clothes and ran over, but Youdao's mental power was faster than him! With Kuangsan as the dot, he swept the entire station almost instantly!

He stood up, got lazy, and murmured: "Well, things are worse than I thought. Did the bug eat Jinkela?"

On Chu Xiang's side, the iron worm had been completely pulled out. Dancing around him!

The indestructible "soft steel bars" made a mess in the tent! Xiao Wanqing released the protective film and hugged Xixi to leave. The young woman helped Doctor Zhang to follow.

When no one else was bothering, Chu Xiang exhausted all his energy, but the thing was too long! Sparks broke out when the two sides fought!

Thank you for the 500 starting coins rewarded by "Yibuyibu"; the 100 starting coins rewarded by "Wind and snowy, drunk".

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