Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 152: : Big shot

() The resident of Xijiang University is by no means close to this. It took more than half an hour for a team of dozens of people to arrive. Those who don't know think they are coming from a special military squad.

Of course, this kind of thought just flashed in his mind, who made their team look... so unreliable?

Compared with a dozen people who are panting, those who are "sick", although they are not so tired at this time, they are not in good condition. One by one, their faces were pale, and their lips moved, as if they were enduring some pain.

In less than a day, all the food in each house was eaten by these people. If it weren't for someone to suppress it, I would have jumped up to **** other people's supplies!

This is also the reason why they are not in a good state at the moment, perhaps because of hunger. Except for this one, Dr. Zhang couldn't find any explanation.

Fortunately, it's finally here. Doctor Zhang wiped the sweat on his head. It is hard to imagine that in this kind of weather, someone would sweat a lot.'s estimated that some of you will suffer, in this cold weather, where can I change their clothes? When the time comes, the body will cool down, and the cold wind will blow, thank God for not freezing a cold.

Thinking of this, looking at the person he was carrying for a while, there was a bit of resentment in his eyes. If it weren't for the group of people who have to focus on "community harmony, mutual help and mutual assistance", I believe that many people present are not willing to come to this place.

Madam Xixi glanced at the "brightly lit" Xijiang University residence. There was a huge flow of people inside, and everyone didn't look like they had a sad look on their faces, as if it was an outing.

In contrast, this sense of huge gap caused some harm to their hearts.

There was even a smell of meat wafting from inside~ A few people in the small team couldn't help but sniffed, trying to **** the smell of meat into the nasal cavity that they hadn't seen in the past few days.

The army has a clear order, except when resting within an obstacle, the lights can be lit, and everything else is forbidden to talk about!

But here...Almost every tent is lit by candlelight, which is simply not extravagant! And they are so close to the army, why no one cares about them?

Doubts lie in my heart, and some people stubbornly believe that it is the privilege of those inheritors. Who has so many inheritors of Xijiang University? Other civil forces, the top masters are placed here, maybe they can't even rank.

Seeing such a shocking scene, Xixi's heart gradually became worried. Legend has it that the Guangming priest in charge of this university, can someone like that meet up and say, and how should the other party treat them?

Gently glanced at Doctor Zhang who was not far away. He was very energetic and good, but it was only among ordinary people. If the inheritors were involved... I guess my heart was also suspended.

As if feeling the worry of the people behind him, Dr. Zhang seemed to pat her shoulder casually, "Don't worry, don't look at me like this, but there are still people you know in Xijiang University."

This time not only Xixi’s mother was surprised, but even sister Xu and the others were very surprised! I did not expect that this man would not show up in the mountains and dew, and would startle his jaw when he shot!

Sister Xu swallowed and sighed: "Xiao Zhang, I didn't expect you to know people not only in the military, but also in Xijiang University!"

Seeing the beautiful woman next to her was surprised, Sister Xu was flattering. Doctor Zhang naturally raised her eyebrows and pretended not to care: “It’s nothing, it’s just a nephew who goes to school in it. I usually take care of him. I didn’t expect this kid Silently became the inheritor."

"Oh~ that's really a dragon and phoenix among the people. It must be good to be admitted to Xijiang University before the catastrophe. If you become an inheritor after the catastrophe, it will be a step up to the sky!" Sister Xu echoed her heart, and her heart Made a decision.

Since he was interested in Xixi's mother, she could simply let them be together before she could get to Yongcheng.

The eyes of the people around were envious, and compliments followed. In their eyes, even if Dr. Zhang lives directly in the resident of Xijiang University, I believe others will not say anything, after all, a heir is there. But now, Dr. Zhang is staying with them, which shows that he has strong feelings!

Is this really the case? It is true that Dr. Zhang has a nephew who is a student of Xijiang University, and it is not bad to be an inheritor, but he is a Yang soul.

The most underestimated Yang soul in the early stage of the catastrophe.

But that is also an inheritor!

Although it is not too high in Xijiang University, it is... in terms of combat power, a group of bigwigs rank above him; in terms of intelligence, do you think there will be a shortage of people with six brains in a university like this? When it comes to killing an enemy, it is worth bragging for a long time to kill a few bugs with a single Yang soul, no matter what level they are? On qualifications...that's not even better than him.

Generally speaking, it is a small shrimp, perhaps Kuangsan didn't remember what he looked like. Not to mention knowing his number.

"Doctor Zhang, can you see that bright priest?"

After a long time of flattering, Xixi's mother hit his pain point with a single sentence. He talked for a long time about the so-called inheritor, which was only what his nephew told him when he happened to see him.

After processing by himself, the freshly baked version will come. Well, people, don't they live a face in this world?

But he naturally knew the identity of the Guangming sacrifice. The original vice-president of Xijiang University was said to have a lot of power and capital behind it, but what kind of powerful method was it? How could a small person like him know?

Although my nephew often sees her, it is because... She often appears in front of the public, but she can speak alone, but she has never had it. Even though the kid is a inheritor, it seems that she is not taken seriously.

The fact is also true.

Now he is boasting in Haikou, and the beautiful woman next to him is on the side, this is forcing, even if he pretends, he must bite the bullet and finish pretending, he is not a useless man! He is not a braggart!

Handing her mother's arms to her mother, there was no blood on her originally carved and jade face, her **** jewel-like eyes were closed, her little brows squeezed together, like she was having a nightmare.

He nodded to the other and walked forward, just... he was stopped by the night watchman.

It was completely different from in the community, and facing the crowd made him more calm, with a flattering smile on his face, and a somewhat humbling look.

If it weren't for the cigarettes in his hands now, he would pass them up to these two.

"Hello classmate, this is Zhang Chuan's uncle, can you please help me?"

The tall man who was watching the night scratched his head and asked his companions aside: "Zhang Chuan? Do you know him?"

"Zhang Chuan... That Yang Soul Inheritor in President Ran's team?"

Before the other person could reply, Dr. Zhang hurriedly replied, "Yes, that kid is an inheritor."

The tall man glanced at his back and said coldly: "I think you are not simply looking for relatives."

Thanks to "Book Friends 20170916112618728, Unknown Truth Charged with the Soviet Army, Favorite Yakumo Purple" for their reward of 100 starting points.

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