Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 150: : Binge eating

() The black silk threads are like softened steel bars, leaving traces of their movement on the dirt and dust. It's like a dexterous snake, but this thing is undoubtedly more terrifying than a deadly poisonous snake!

The tent was directly pierced with small holes by them, and quietly approached the humans who were still sleeping in their sleeping bags.

I got into my body from the nostrils, mouth, and even some other holes! Human beings just turned over, said a few words, and fell into a deep sleep.

These little things don't seem to harm human beings, but are they really?

In the early morning of the next day, the light did not penetrate the fog. The survivors dragged their tired bodies to pack up their things. After eating some food, they were ready to keep up with the large group.

The army has set off again, and the vanguard battalion takes the lead. Nothing has changed. When encountering a large swarm, it will detour, and when it encounters a small swarm, it will be crushed. It was no different from yesterday, the whole team was lifeless, and people didn't even have the strength to speak.

After going around so many roads, the actual distance is not much. Those who were swept into their bodies by black lines yesterday obviously felt something was wrong.

"Mom, I'm hungry."

The crisp voice of the little girl drew the eyes of a young woman with a tired face in front of her.

The well-maintained pretty face frowned, wondering: "Didn't you, Xixi, have just eaten so many compressed biscuits? Why are you hungry so soon?"

The young woman didn't want to understand that her daughter's appetite this morning really frightened her, but it was not unacceptable that the child was so hungry when she thought of walking so much yesterday.

But... I just had breakfast now, why...

Shui Lingling's big eyes looked at the young woman, and her fleshy little hands touched her belly, her mouth slumped, "Mom, I'm really hungry."

Before the young woman could speak, an aunt who was about fifty years old said next to her: "If the child is hungry, give her something to eat. I want me to say that although the city of Yongcheng is not too close, it is not too far away. A few days will be here. This kid is just when he is growing up, so don't be hungry."

The young woman nodded. The aunt and her were in the same community. On the day when the grandson was eaten by the red-top beetle, she fainted with tears alive.

After that, she took special care of the children. The young woman untied the travel backpack behind her, took out two large pieces of chocolate from it, and handed them to Sixi.

Her husband is dead, and it is not easy to bring a child by herself. I heard people say that the Xijiang University resident is a safe point... but my weak body can't squeeze others. Had it not been for a good-hearted person in the community yesterday, her wife would have spent the night outside the town.

Sixi took the chocolate, and a smile flashed in her big eyes. She is a good boy. She knows how to comfort her mother when other children are still crying.

But this morning I obviously ate so much, but... I stretched out my little hand and touched my stomach again, when there was a "struggle" sound.

"Sizzle~" The packaging bag was torn, and the dark brown chocolate was exposed to the air, and the sweet smell on it immediately caught the little girl's taste buds.

Saliva is secreted in the mouth, walking with her short legs to follow her mother, and her little mouth bites into the chocolate.

After a while, the two large pieces of chocolate were eaten, and a few black spots around the corners of the mouth dotted the skin, revealing a touch of cuteness.

The aunt also smiled and said, "Sixi, are you still hungry? Auntie has cookies here."

The young woman hurriedly replied: "Sister Xu, don't spoil the children, everyone doesn't have much food, you should leave it to yourself, and be taken care of by you along the way..."

"I said." Sister Xu frowned, and said a little unhappy: "Can a child be hungry, can I not feed her? Besides, there is only one of me at home. These things may not be finished. Our two families help each other. Mutual assistance is also necessary."

The young woman turned her head and looked towards Xixi. The little girl's eyes were full of longing, "Mom, can I eat it?"

Nodding lightly, she saw the biscuit being held by her daughter. Sister Xu still smiled kindly. She didn't know how... her nose suddenly sore, thinking of her dead husband.

In the early stage of the catastrophe, the military power was still there, guarding the Xijiang survivor team, although there were quarrels every day, but it was still controlled within a range, in which the glory of human nature was shining all the time.

But only a few days later... the insect swarm is coming to an impact, dragging the long team, and those inheritors can't prevent it! The survivors have to throw away precious materials for their lives.

But after that... it also laid the bane for all contradictions!

"Crack, click..."

The sound of the little girl smashing biscuits reached the ears of nearby survivors. They couldn't help sniffing their noses lightly, as if they could smell the sweetness in the air.

A young man stretched out his hand and rubbed his abdomen and complained: "My God, after eating so many things in the morning, why are you hungry now? Is this the stomach making a revolution?"

"Your stomach is crying too?"

"Yes, it's uncomfortable."

Sister Xu looked around for a week and found that more and more people were covering their stomachs. Even the little girl named "Sixi" was covering her stomach, with an expression of pain on her face.

Now she panicked, and hurriedly said, "You won't eat your stomach anymore, are you? Xiao Zhang...get your medicine out!"

"Oh, Aunt Xu, it's not a bad stomach eating." The young man who covered his abdomen first waved his hand, and then said, "I just feel so hungry all of a sudden, and I can't bear that kind of hungry."

More and more people are "revolutionary." This small circle with the community as the team had to stop, and one after another opened their backpacks and began to eat.

This makes those who dared to walk in the back feel confused... when is this? Is it time for lunch?

But they were just full of food, and they only glanced at them curiously, and then followed the big army. They didn't worry about superfluous things.

In a gorgeous effort, they resolved their physical needs within five minutes, the stomach was no longer resisting, and they didn't pull too much distance during this period of time.

Although I was wondering why I was so hungry, I felt relieved when I saw that everyone was like that...

This kind of human psychology is really scary sometimes.

Ten minutes later, the same young man covered his stomach and squatted down again. Sister Xu frowned..."You won't be hungry again, are you?"

The young man nodded painfully, and said, "Why don't you go first, I'll catch up later."

Before Sister Xu nodded, the few people who had eaten also covered their stomachs and paused, including Xixi.

Without saying anything, these people opened their backpacks and ate their food. Sixi's mother frowned. Under the unique charm of the young woman, there was a hint of pity that I saw.

Now... even a fool knows something is wrong!

"What can I do?" Xixi's mother looked sad when she saw that there was less and less food in her backpack. She was not worried about the supplies, but worried about her daughter!

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