Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 9 Chapter 14: Virgin

The bet between Kuangsan and Xiaohong lost.

In the middle of the night.

The guy who really colluded with the adventurer sneaked into the cabin of Kuangsan. The heavy breathing and crazy beating heart all showed that the guy wanted to do something.

When the man pried open the wooden door and walked into the cabin, he was ecstatic, his eyes full of desire disappeared instantly, and he was replaced by a confused look.

"Really boring."


In the early morning of the next day, the ships that had been wandering on the sea for several days finally docked. There were a large number of soldiers from the Slien State guarding the docks, and strict inspections were carried out on the docking ships.

Because the merchant's ship came from the elven country, the soldiers' inspections were more stringent, and it was not an exaggeration to say that they were overturned.

It's not so much an inspection, it's more like a bandit who hasn't gone down the mountain for half a year!

The man who had been hypnotized by Kuang San at night came forward. He said, he stuffed some finances secretly, and the soldiers who inspected the ship barely finished the inspection.

The cargo is unloaded from the ship, and the more the charterers look at the ship, the more familiar they are. It is clearly their ship! What about the captain, chief mate and others?

The charterers first confirmed the ship, and then notified the soldiers of the Islamic State at the dock, and a group of people squeezed toward the ship.

On the edge of the pier, there is another group of soldiers checking the population. Because the relationship between the Silian Church and the Elf State is becoming more and more tense, a war will erupt if you are not careful. Therefore, the whole line of the Slian Church is under martial law, and the approval of the foreign population is equivalent. Strictly, prevent elves and spies from entering the religious country.

The adventurers, the steward and others passed the inspections one by one, but they were stopped by the soldiers when they were mad at three hours.

"You, go to the inspection room over there and wait!" A soldier pointed to the hut next to him with an undeniable tone.

The two adventurers frowned. There were so many people in front of them who had never been detained by soldiers, but Miss Tokisaki...

The man in charge was also anxious, and whispered to the soldier's ear and said, "Guardian, this is..."

With that said, he also wanted to put the golden leaves in his hands into the soldiers' pockets.

Unexpectedly, the man just put the golden leaves in the soldier's pocket, the soldier pulled the man out of the distance, stretched out his hand to point at the man, and said: "I warn you not to interfere with official duties! We now suspect that she is a spy for the Elven Country!"


Seeing that things are getting more and more troublesome, a few soldiers around have caught the men and others and sent them out of the checkpoint.

The people in the line behind were silent, clearly knowing that the soldiers of the religious nation were used to being domineering, and no one wanted to go to the muddy water.

Kuangsan was more surprised. She obviously quit the Elf King account and walked as a human being. Could there be a secret instrument that could detect the "account" in a different world?

Four soldiers surrounded the madness for three or four weeks, like bodyguards, and the five people kept coming to check the small house at the checkpoint.

Someone reached out to Kuangsan, was easily avoided by Kuangsan, and looked at him with puzzled eyes.

The soldier gave a light cough, not embarrassed, "Miss, please show your ears."

‘Puff ha ha ha ha! "The little red queen who didn't show up laughed loudly, "The owner is so pretty and is treated as an elf!" ’

Mori is handsome and beautiful, slightly short in height, and uses long hair to cover his pointed ears. This is obviously a method used by elves in the past.

did not expect......

Kuang San did as he heard the words, and his little hand parted long black hair, exposing crystal ears, and turned his head to let the soldier see more clearly.

"I am not an elf."

"Hug... sorry!" The soldier who was a young guy blushed. Just now the scent of the girl's long hair poured into her nasal cavity, and coupled with the girl's face against the sky, this gentleman once felt Cramped.

"Can you let me go?"

"I'm sorry, Miss." The male soldier calmed down. "Because our country is in a more embarrassing stage with the Elf Country, people with outstanding looks like Miss are generally subject to stricter inspections."

Kuang San stared at him, and after a short while, the male soldier looked away shyly.

Sakura lips lightly opened: "Since even you all know that you want to check for outstanding looks, the fairy spy disguised as an ordinary or ugly person, will you just let it go?"

"Huh?" The male soldier was taken aback, obviously shocked by Kuangsan's logic. Normal people were detained at the checkpoint. Shouldn't they be nervous? Now it looks like it looks like...he is the one being interrogated?

The soldier pondered for two seconds, and did not dare to look at the beautiful girl in front of him, "Maybe the spy of the elves will do the opposite."

"Sorry, let's explore your magic power, Miss, please forgive me."

The young soldier didn't want to say anything more. He was eaten to death by the girl here. What's more, the girl's outstanding temperament and expensive clothes showed that the other family had a certain status in society.

People cannot be detained for too long.

They are also afraid of getting into trouble.

"PLZ follow me."

Kuang San followed the soldiers to another more secret room. The wall, floor, and ceiling were all engraved with formation patterns, and there were strange words on the edges, like random scribbles.

"Miss, please stand in the middle of the circle, yes, that's the position."

"We will temporarily shield all the magic power around. If you are a mage, Miss, please don't panic. After the magic is shielded, please also ask Miss to separate the hair around your ears again."

"I understand."

Kuang San was speechless, but she was so polite to her that she had no temper at all.

Purple light flashed, Kuangsan heard the words and separated his long hair crystal clear ears remained unchanged.

"Okay, miss." The young soldier breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank you for cooperating with our work."


Behind him, the young soldier bid farewell to Kuangsan, the blush on his face finally dissipated under the outdoor sea breeze.

"What? Your kid has a crush on someone else's girl?" came a teasing voice.

"How... how is it possible!"

Outside the port, the cargo was reloaded into a wagon, and the steward was not there, but the two adventurers were waiting in place.

Seeing Kuang San coming out, two adventurers hurriedly greeted him, "Miss Tokisaki, are you okay?"

"Have the people in there make things difficult for you?"

"The manager said to find a relationship, I didn't expect you to come out soon."

Kuangsan smiled implicitly, "Thank you for your concern, it's just a routine check."

"That's good." The beard breathed a sigh of relief, "Where is Miss Tokisaki going now? We'll be in charge here, and we will go to the Adventurer's Guild to submit a mission later."

"Let's separate here."

"Well, if Miss Tokisaki has something to do, she must come to the Adventurer's Guild to find our brothers!"

Sending away the two adventurer brothers and the steward, Xiao Hong's voice rang in her mind.

"Master, I have notified the steward, and when he handles the goods, he will go to the kingdom. Then we can go together."

"Also, I suggest that you wear a hood or something, Master."


.. m.

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