Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 9 Chapter 9: sneak into

The nobles from all over the elven kingdom walked into the newly-built elven king's capital.

Some people can't believe their eyes!

Especially when they saw the mother tree of life in the center of the royal capital, the nobles' feet were soft and almost bowed down!

I watched as a young elf was born from the mother tree of life, forcibly destroying and recasting the worldview of these nobles.

They can feel the active energy around the mother tree of life, comfortable as if they were in the arms of their childhood mothers... Seeing all kinds of scenes in the new royal capital, the nobles entered with anxiety. In the palace inside the royal city.

Looking at the rather young new elf king on the throne, only they know what ideas the nobles are making in their hearts.

Kuang San didn't want to waste his tongue to explain too much. After hypnotizing them, he injected them into the nano robots made by Xiao Hong, and after some brainwashing, these elves had almost fanatical support for the new Elf King.

The government decree was issued, and when the nobles who actually controlled their territories returned home, they would be able to smoothly implement the plan formulated after Xiaohong.

The army needs to be improved. Although there are a lot of materials collected in Kuangsannajie, it is not such a trick.

At the beginning, in the different world of Caiyue Subaru, in order to create the Goddess of Light, there were a lot of precious materials missing from Najie. Now let’s do it again...

"Gather some resources." The Buddha-nature thought madly three times.

Most of the elves in the hero realm that have just been "produced" by the mother tree of life are scattered and stationed in various territories, and the frontline battlefield forces are still scattered.

The powerful elven mage is controlled by the nobles, or guarded in their own small tribe. As for the soldiers on the front line? Those unlucky guys who just did the wrong thing or didn't have enough money.

It also takes time for the mother tree of life to "produce" the elves. When more elves of the "Hero Domain" are born, it will only take a few days to control the battlefield.

Besides, aren't there Mo Xiao and Xia Yin?

Level 100 is the upper limit of this world. Except for the GM account, no creature can "break through" to level 101.

The world is set like this, unless you have enough source points for the world to upgrade, at that time, the world may open level restrictions, such as 120, 130, 150, etc...

But the so-called powerhouse in this world... is really unsightly.

Of course, Kuangsan refers to a long time ago, after hundreds of years of development, the ghost knew whether a full-level powerhouse would be born on the mainland.

Judging from the information collected by the top humans on earth, the "six gods" and "eight desire kings" are all players they chose from the world tree game before. After leaving behind various legends in another world, these players passed away . Of course, it also left valuable experimental data to the high-level elites of humankind on earth.

Soon, one day passed.

The heroic domain elves produced from the mother tree of life led a small team to the border to guard against those slave hunters who took advantage of the war to capture elves.

To put it better, they are called slave hunters. They are actually human traffickers. If you give them the right price, the elves can also buy human slaves from the other side.

Human slaves are just a fresh picture and have been popular among the aristocratic class for a while, but because humans have a very short lifespan and extremely high asking prices, and their stature and appearance are not as outstanding as those of elves, the aristocratic masters soon became tired of such slaves.

And those human traffickers engaged in commercial transactions, through the lure, will lead the little tribe elves who cannot eat enough and don’t wear warm clothes because of the war, out of the country of elves.

They have ever thought that once they leave the country of the elves, those traffickers who have always been easy to talk will immediately change their faces.

Elves are beautiful, most of them have a high affinity for various elements, and have a long life span. Elf slaves have always been in short supply in the market.

In the eyes of Kuangsan, this is not allowed. After all, she is now the Elf King.

The third day.

The Mother Tree of Life relied on the precious materials delivered by Kuangsan to produce sufficiently powerful elves, led by the elves of the hero domain, and scattered to all parts of the mainland. They would sneak into various countries and look for so-called "abnormal events."

In the past two days, most of the troops of the Shuiming Sacred Code of the Slian Kingdom have lurked inside the Elf Kingdom.

Except for some unlucky ghosts who happened to be caught by the elves in the hero realm, those well-equipped spying elites spread out into the elves one by one.

Whether it is a big city or a small tribe, their smell is left behind.

Among them, the most elite of the [Shuiming Sacred Code] sneaked into the Elf King Capital.

Tharu is one of them.

Taru is by no means as simple and honest as his name. He can become an elite figure in the [Shuiming Sacred Code]. Taru's story can definitely write a thrilling adventure.

To be honest, Taru was not so confident about sneaking into the Elven King City to spy on intelligence.

Not to mention the various weirdness of the Elven Kingdom in recent days, just the Elf King inside the royal city is enough to make Taru's spirit up to twelve points.

Unlike other human countries, the king of the Elf Kingdom is definitely the most powerful individual in the Elf Kingdom! It was rumored that he was cruel by nature and would never give up until he reached his goal. Even the previous teaching king card suffered a big loss in the opponent's hand, which led to a series of incidents.

Taru would rather investigate what color underwear the king of the kingdom and the blood emperor of the empire are wearing, rather than going deep into the city of the elves.

Fortunately, he only needs to wander around in the Elven King's City and investigate enough information.

With the help of clever makeup techniques and crude illusion techniques, Taru changed into the appearance of the elves. Although his height was a little bit tall, he was still within an acceptable range.

After completely changing his aura into an elf, Taru swaggered around the city.

Very tall and thick giant trees, and the broad branches become platforms, and the elves live in veritable tree houses.

Streets, gardens, squares, shopping malls.

At a glance, it is even more prosperous than the human capital. Because of the decoration of giant trees and trees, the whole city gives people a very comfortable feeling.

If Taru does not belong to the state of religion, he even wants to stay here for the elderly.

Until he... saw the mother tree of life...

Taru was trembling. What is the difference between this kind of life that directly creates life and the gods? !

Taru can feel the pressure brought by the mother tree of life, even if he is a human.


Taru, who put on his night clothes, waited until the night was dead and the elves were asleep, avoiding patrols, and quietly came to the periphery of the Mother Tree of Life.

In the darkness, every time the veins of the Mother Tree of Life transmit energy, a green light flashes, and among the thousands of branches, there is a green strange light stream that brings a unique visual impact to people.

Taru was crazy for a while.

"What do you think?"

A female voice suddenly sounded behind him.

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