Usopp said excitedly: “But this ship, it is the ship we are riding on now.”

“That’s right.” Luffy replied, “This ship is about to sink.”

Unexpectedly, Usopp calmed down abnormally and said, “What are you talking about, Luffy?”

Luffy: “It’s true, that’s what they told me, at the shipyard. They said that the Mellie can no longer sail to the next island.”

“Really?” Usopp replied: “Can’t we get here? If someone I just met today tells you this, do you really believe that he is back?”

Lin Hai said speechlessly: “Usopp, don’t you even believe in the world’s first-class boatman now?”

“Yes.” Usopp replied: “Those are just top-notch shipwrights, and they say it is no longer working. Do you really believe that it is really coming back? You are going to take this boat that has been accompanying us on our voyages so far.” , have you abandoned your important partner who rides the wind and waves and goes through life and death? Are you going to do nothing to save it in a place like this? ”

After saying that, Usopp continued to ask Luffy: “Is this ship only worth that much to you? Luffy!”

Luffy asked angrily: “Then can you judge? It’s precisely because there are no ship repairmen on this ship that we asked them to come and identify it, isn’t it?”

Usopp replied: “In that case, forget it. It’s okay not to rely on those people. Just let me repair the ship as before. That’s how we’ve always done it. Okay, let’s do it right away.” Let’s get started, and you guys can help too.”

“Wait Usopp.” Sanji.

Luffy said angrily: “You are not a ship repairman, Usopp!”

“Yes, so what?” Usopp said excitedly: “I can’t believe the irresponsible behavior of those ship repairmen who casually sentence other people’s ships to death. The ship must still be protected by oneself. OK, I will never abandon this ship.

Are you all stupid? You were actually deceived by the high-sounding words of those ship repairmen. You guys I know should not easily believe the words of those businessmen. Instead, you should trust the tenacity of the Meili more and use that straightforward way of answering that pretends to be mature. …..”

As he said that, Usopp actually stood up and picked up Luffy’s collar and asked: “You are just showing off as the captain. What kind of decision is this? I really misjudged you Luffy!”

Nami advised: “Wait a minute, Usopp, Luffy also…”

Luffy said angrily: “Shut up Nami, this is something I have already decided, and I will not change my mind. No matter what you say now, we have to change ships and say goodbye to the Merry here. .”

Usopp continued to hold Luffy’s collar and said excitedly: “Don’t be joking, I will never allow this. Listen up, Luffy, not everyone can live as optimistically as you do. You want me to abandon you?” There is no way I can do that while my injured comrade continues sailing.”

“Stop talking nonsense.” Luffy also said excitedly: “Even if we are partners, humans and ships are two different things…”

Usopp interrupted: “It’s the same. Merry also has the potential to live. The key lies in you. Your heart has already transferred to the new ship and you are excited, right? You are just pretending on the surface. It’s just that I can’t bear to leave Meili…”

Luffy, who couldn’t bear it anymore, threw away Usopp’s hand and said angrily: “Just stop it. Don’t think you are the only one suffering. Everyone feels the same.”

Usopp asked: “If that were the case, you wouldn’t have made the decision to change ships…”

“Okay then.” Luffy said: “Since you are so dissatisfied with my approach, you should get off this ship immediately!”

“call out……”

“call out……”

Sanji wanted to kick Luffy out, but Lin Hai stopped him. For a moment, their legs touched each other.

Sanji said with a dark face: “What are you doing?”

Lin Hai replied: “At this moment, I don’t allow anyone to touch the captain.”

Zoro couldn’t calm down anymore, “Hey, hey, what are you doing?”

Lin Hai said: “Has everyone calmed down? Usopp, can you calm down? What kind of person is Luffy? You can provoke him to this. Are you satisfied?”

The ship’s keel, the most important piece of wood in the ship, was damaged and could not be repaired no matter what. Luffy is the captain. If he doesn’t change the boat, will he take us down to the sea to feed the fish? ”

“It was my fault.” After saying that, Luffy let go of Usopp’s collar and continued: “I just accidentally…”

“No, it’s okay Luffy.” Usopp sat down and said, “Were you sincere just now?”

Luffy: “What did you say!”

Lin Hai also frowned and looked at Usopp. This guy seems too subjective, right? When Lin Hai got sick, it didn’t seem so serious, right? Can’t you listen to what others say?

Usopp said: “Just abandon those useless partners one by one and move forward. If you want to abandon the Merry, then abandon me too.”

Sanji advised: “Usopp, don’t say such nonsense.”

“No.” Usopp said, “I’m serious. I’ve been thinking about it for a long time. To be honest, I know I can no longer keep up with your monster-like strength. Just like today, I can’t even see the money.” live.”

Nami looked at Lin Hai speechlessly, but Lin Hai didn’t feel burdened anymore, because the root cause of the quarrel between Usopp and Luffy just heard was Usopp’s own problem.

At this time, Lin Hai was thinking about how to give everyone a surprise later! How to deal with it? It would be interesting if one didn’t work out well.

Usopp on the other side continued: “From now on, I will only cause you trouble. You don’t need a weak partner, right? Luffy, you are the man who wants to become the Pirate King, but I don’t need him.” Set such high goals.

Looking back now, when we first went to sea, it was you who invited me on the ship. It was just fate between us. Things have come to this point, and people of different ways do not seek to conspire with each other. ”

With that, Usopp left the room.

“Hey Usopp.” Sanji asked, “Where are you going?”

Usopp replied: “I am free to go wherever I want. I have nothing to do with you anymore. I, I want to leave this pirate group.”

After walking ashore for a while, Usopp said: “Luffy, I can’t be with you anymore, and I will cause you more trouble until the end. This ship does belong to you, the captain, so come and join me.” Let’s duel, Monkey D. Luffy.”

Nami said confusedly: “You, what are you talking about?”

Usopp pointed at Luffy and said: “At ten o’clock tonight, I will come here again, and then we will have a duel with the Merry as a bet. I will defeat you and take away the Merry. After that, my relationship with you will be The fate ends here.”

Looking at Usopp’s leaving figure, Lin Hai couldn’t help but think of his past…


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