Time Travel: 2014

Chapter 98 Android Version Development

But then again, if Lin Hui thinks so.

So it seems a bit too small to only develop the iOS version of Nanfeng APP, and the pattern is too conservative.

You must know that most text output users actually use Android devices, at least when outputting content, they choose Android devices.

Some content exporters even choose to publish content on the Android platform even if the creation process is on Apple devices.

No way, who makes Apple's individual operations too painful?

Although he has plans to get involved in the Android market, Lin Hui does not plan to enter the market now.

As for the reason?

Android app development is too difficult.

Lin Hui was not joking, this was the truth.

At least it was too difficult for Lin Hui.

Although Android application development and iOS application development are both mobile application development.

But it can be said that there is a big difference when it comes to the specific operation process.

As far as development tools are concerned, in the process of Android APP development, the IDE Android Studio is generally used;

IOS development uses Xcode more.

In terms of development language, Android APP development is generally developed using Java language;

iOS uses Objective-C

(ps:...iOS development can also use the swift language, but it has not yet appeared publicly)

Getting started with Android application development is simpler than Apple application development, and the threshold is relatively low.

But it is difficult to be truly proficient in Android development, at least more complicated than proficient in iOS application development.

The reason for this is largely due to the inconsistency between Android software and hardware.

It’s also an Android model, and the upper and lower limits are too large.

In short, making an Android application requires a lot of developers.

It’s not too difficult to create a usable app casually.

If you want an app with a score of 59, Android is easier.

But if you want an app with a score of 90 or above, Android is very difficult.

If the Android app with a score of 59 takes some time, Lin Hui can still make it.

But Lin Hui felt it was unnecessary.

And this can easily be a black mark.

Lin Hui could even imagine what the trolls would say:

Why were you so serious about developing iOS apps before, but so perfunctory when developing Android apps? Do you not treat us Android users as human beings?

Although it was just speculation, Lin Hui felt that this was a high probability event.

In short, Lin Hui didn't want to do this thankless task of picking up and scolding takeaways.

The most important thing is that even if an Android application with a score of 59 is developed.

There is a high probability that it will be given to you for free.

At this time and space node, an Android application with a score of 59 is not only easy to crack.

Piracy is also easy.

Unzip the Android application apk, randomly replace some pictures, and then add advertisements, and the application will be pirated.

Many independent developers and buyout game manufacturers are worried about piracy.

So I don’t dare to spend too much energy on the Android system.

To avoid this situation, only an Android application with a score of 99 may be able to avoid this situation.

And it is difficult for Lin Hui to handle the Android application with a score of 99 points now by himself.

Unless Lin Hui's hang-up is so fast that the air can be blown away every second.

Otherwise it is basically a fantasy.

But then again, why do you still want to develop it yourself? Isn’t it possible to find someone else to develop it?

It does cost money to find an outsourcing team, but is Lin Hui short of money now?

It seems that compared to Lin Hui's grand dream, it is still short of money.

But when it comes to outsourcing the development of an Android version of a software, Lin Hui is totally holding back.

Is it because Lin Hui is stingy that he didn't find another development team?

It's not because Lin Hui is stingy.

Instead, you can find another team for development.

But definitely not now!

At least we have to wait until the market has verified the value of the software developed by Lin Hui before pursuing the development of the Android version.

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