Time Travel: 2014

Chapter 67 iOS Bug Bounty Program

Although he didn't sleep all night, Lin Hui was not tired at all.

Not only am I not tired, but I feel full of energy.

Is it because of the incentive of money?

Or is it because his body has been strengthened to a certain extent after rebirth?

But Lin Hui felt that it was most likely the latter.

After all, I have been reluctant to collect money recently.

Lin Hui has become numb to money.

But then again, if the space-time tunnel really strengthened his body.

Will it also strengthen the mobile phone that traveled with him?

Well, despite such speculation.

Lin Hui couldn't even try to throw it down.

It would be more embarrassing if you try and die.

After all, Lin Hui will still have to rely on the mobile phone from his previous life for a considerable period of time.

Lin Hui gave up his random thoughts.

But after all, he wasn't very sleepy, and Lin Hui didn't go to sleep.

Instead, I continued to browse some overseas portals.

Not long after, Lin Hui's attention was attracted by such a message:

——Apple has officially opened its iOS bug bounty program.

Lin Hui remembers that in his previous life, it was not until 2019 that Apple officially opened its iOS bug bounty program to the public.

This time and space was actually opened in advance.

Before executing the iOS bug bounty program.

Apple only opens its invitation-based bug bounty program to select security researchers.

And after accepting iOS security defect reports, the reward amount is relatively low.

Now, Apple has fully opened its bug bounty program.

That certainly means starting today.

Any security researcher who finds a bug in iOS, OS X or iCloud can receive Apple's hefty cash reward by disclosing the vulnerability to Apple.

(ps:... In 2016, OS X was renamed macOS)

Follow this news.

Apple said it would increase the bounty limit from $200,000 per vulnerability to a maximum of $1 million based on the nature of the security vulnerability (judgment criteria are based on the complexity and severity of the development chain).

The largest reward, $1 million, will be awarded if a persistent zero-click kernel code execution vulnerability is discovered.

In addition, Apple also stated that if vulnerabilities can be found in Beta (test version) software.

The maximum bounty can be awarded at one time is US$1.5 million.

This is like a heifer flying.

It can be said that there are endless vulnerabilities from iOS7 to iOS15.

Lin Hui suddenly seemed to have found a long-term meal ticket.

Isn’t the speed of making money much faster than developing software?

Although Lin Hui is not a security expert.

But in the past, the messy information software (technology division) liked to report most on things related to iOS security vulnerabilities.

Lin Hui remembered that he had seen an article titled The 50 Most Serious Vulnerabilities in the History of iOS on 36氪 a few days before his rebirth.

Lin Hui read the article and thought it was well written.

Generally, there is a habit of caching or taking screenshots.

I have to say, this is really a good habit!


Looking through that cell phone from my previous life.

The harvest was far richer than Lin Hui expected.

Not only did he find the article The 50 Most Serious Vulnerabilities in iOS History that he had seen not long ago in the software 36氪.

An article like Google Announces 16 Major iOS Vulnerabilities: Attacks Can Be Launched Through iMessage was also found.


Lin Hui also found an article on Jian/Book titled The classic iOS bugs from ancient times to the present that you don't know!

After that, he saw a lot of similar news in today's headlines.

For example, Another major security vulnerability in iOS causes the iPhone to restart indefinitely

Inventory of strange and weird iOS vulnerabilities over the past generations, how many have you been hit by? 》

News such as Why is iOS11 called bugOS.

Of course, there are also many reports of vulnerabilities related to Windows, Android, and Tesla.

But Lin Hui didn't care about that for the time being.

After rummaging through my phone for a while,

Lin Hui also found one in the previously cached videos of Beep/mile/Beep/mile:

Videos like Collection of iOS 8 Official Version Vulnerabilities.

And isn’t iOS 8 the new generation of iOS that Apple is preparing to release at WWDC this year?

Although the official version of iOS 8 has not been released yet.

But now the iOS 8 beta version already exists.

There is no reason why the bugs that exist in the official version do not exist in the beta version.

(ps:...Except for some weird mobile phone manufacturers' operating systems, the beta version is more stable than the development version)

This year's WWDC will be held in just over ten days.

In other words, in more than ten days, the current iOS 8 Beta version is likely to become the official version.

In other words, if Lin Hui wants to submit a vulnerability, he must hurry up.

After all, you can get 50% more money by reporting vulnerabilities in the beta version than reporting vulnerabilities in the official version.

(Short-term goal, to obtain US$100 million in funds in a reasonable and legal way)

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