Time Travel: 2014

Chapter 59 Moving Apple to China

Although it's a little hard to believe, it's true.

In this time and space, “THREES” did not win the Apple Design Award.

However, 2048 by Lin Huibo won this award.

It can only be said that the fate of software is unpredictable...

While Lin Hui was feeling emotional, he received another call from Huang Jing.

Huang Jing came up and expressed congratulations to Lin Hui.

And said with emotion: No wonder you just asked me how to get 80% of the share? It turns out that you have long been confident about winning the Apple Design Award.

Lin Hui responded modestly: I didn't know that. To be honest, I was just summarizing the characteristics of previous award-winning apps.

Huang Jing: As expected, the big guys are all so humble. But having said that, you'd better not be so humble when you receive the award in the United States, otherwise you will be easily regarded as not confident. If you are not confident, you will easily cause unnecessary trouble. …”

Lin Hui had heard about the differences in how people treated others under the influence of different cultures.

Lin Hui was very happy to receive a kind reminder.

Lin Hui: Yeah, okay, I'll pay attention when the time comes. But it's always bad to feel too ostentatious!

Huang Jing disagreed: There's nothing wrong with being ostentatious. You also have this qualification. Speaking of which, you are the fastest individual developer in the history of the App Store to get 80% of the share!

Lin Hui joked: Really? Will there be extra bonuses in this case?

Huang Jing was speechless: Can you pursue it a little bit? Your income has exceeded ten million US dollars, right? What kind of bonus do you need, and what you won is the grand prize that almost all developers dream of.

Lin Hui: Who would think that money is too little? The more money, the better. Besides, I believe that others covet this award? But I don't believe that you App Store insiders are interested in this?

Huang Jing: How could I not be interested? After all, I am also a software engineer. I once had a dream, but I was miserable after flying solo for a while. Now I can only find a big factory to make a living.

Lin Hui had nothing to say, not everyone can just go into Apple and live their lives.

Anyway, ordinary undergraduates who graduated from 985 have no chance to compete with APPLE, even if they are in the corresponding major.

After chatting for a while, Huang Jing seemed to suddenly remember her job.

Said: By the way, I have something to do with you this time. Let me inform you that this year's WWDC will be held in San Francisco, USA from July 3rd to July 7th.

Lin Hui: San Francisco? That means it will be held in California? Doesn't that mean we have to go abroad?

Huang Jing said: You must go abroad. After all, it is an American company. If you want to go abroad, you will have to move Apple to China.

Lin Feng said sadly, he thought, but his strength would not allow it.

But it’s just that the current strength does not allow it.

Everything is promising in the future.

Lin Hui: I mean, what about the visa?

Huang Jing: Don't worry about visas. Just leave the specific arrangements to us. It won't be too much trouble.

Visas are divided into diplomatic visas, official visas and ordinary visas.

Lin Hui is not sure what the first two processes are.

Anyway, ordinary visa is quite troublesome.

Since Apple is willing to take over everything, it can save Lin Hui a lot of trouble.

But it's not completely ok. After all, when it comes to going abroad, you have to tell your family.

So it's time to tell the truth to your family?

It seemed that he noticed Lin Hui's hesitation.

Huang Jing asked: What's wrong? Is there any problem? If you have any problems, you can tell me in advance. If I can help, I can help you take care of it.

Lin Hui: Nothing, I was wondering when should we set off?

Huang Jing: Because it involves interviews with various media and some activities before the official start of WWDC, we may have to leave for a while in advance, probably leaving for the United States at the end of June.

Lin Hui: That's it, okay.

Huang Jing: By the way, there's another thing. Because you recently won the Apple Design Award, you'd better improve the several previously released apps recently, release some DLC or update the version.

Lin Hui: Updating three apps at once? Are you sure I can handle it?

Huang Jing: The main thing is to optimize the game FLAPPY BIRD. Although this game did not win the Apple Design Award, you'd better optimize its painting style. If an application developed by someone who won the Apple Design Award But it’s relatively rough and can easily be criticized.”

Huang Jing added: I think you can set up a studio. Even if you set up a personal studio, you can still enjoy 80% of the apps you publish to the outside world under the name of your personal developer account. .”

I have to say that Huang Jing's suggestion is very pertinent.

Lin Hui also had some thoughts.

ps:...many years later, when seeing the newly built APPLE PARK somewhere in China, Huang Jing will definitely think of that distant evening when Lin Hui talked to her about a visa to the United States.

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