Time Travel: 2014

Chapter 55 It’s not raining yet

After uploading these 30 online articles.

Lin Hui also didn’t forget about the fine editing of online articles.

Although in Lin Hui's opinion, the works translated by SimpleT still need to be considered except for the details.

Generally speaking, basic accuracy can be achieved.

But Lin Hui still chose to pursue perfection.

Maybe it's because he was a fan of online novels in his previous life.

Anyway, it would be difficult for him to ignore the reasonable suggestions from book friends on translation.

Furthermore, the customer is God.

We cannot allow foreign readers to spend money only to read translated works of Ah San's level.

However, although there is the idea of ​​​​refining the online text.

But it's not something that happens overnight.

Although proofreading is not as difficult as translating.

But the proofreading workload involving tens of millions of words is not small.

So Lin Hui posted an announcement on the website in the name of the administrator:

——The copy editors are reviewing the content of the novel non-stop, and will soon update the refined version of all the novels on the website. Due to the huge workload of proofreading, all book friends are asked to be patient and patient.

Although Lin Hui does not have a copy editing team to proofread.

But that doesn't matter, what matters is the attitude.

And he wasn't exactly painting cakes to satisfy his hunger.

He planned to go to Gu Yanning to discuss proofreading work when he had time.

Thinking of looking for Gu Yanning.

Lin Hui also murmured a little in his heart.

The proofreading workload is so heavy this time, does Gu Yanning have enough manpower?

God knows how long it would take for Gu Yanning to proofread?

At this time, Lin Hui discovered that there were more messages in the message area of ​​this website.

A book friend from New Jersey in the United States said that if he could give back a certain amount of book coins.

He is willing to help with proofreading of the translation.

Taking into account the time difference.

It seems that someone who can come to reply to Lin Hui at this time also has a true love for online articles.

Lin Hui was surprised that a book friend was willing to take on the proofreading work of the translation.

In the previous life, Chinese Internet literature suddenly emerged and spread overseas, and many Chinese Internet literature works also gained high popularity abroad. Overseas readers spontaneously formed a translation group to translate excellent online literary works into English and share them with more netizens.

Lin Hui really didn't expect this day to come so quickly.

To be honest, at first I was worried about using the Waiguo team for translation.

Lin Hui felt repulsive in his heart.

After all, human resources costs are too expensive.

But it's just book coins.

No problem at all. .

After all, no amount of book coins would require Lin Hui to actually pay any money.

It was just a string of characters typed by Lin Hui.

Although the book friend's suggestion is good, it is currently not implementable.

The problem is not with Lin Hui, but with the current website itself.

The current website is just a two-tier system of users (readers) and administrators.

A mature novel website must at least have a multi-layered system of users (readers), writers/writers, and multi-level administrators.

It is just a two-tier system of users (readers) and administrators. The current website is not good enough.

All users (readers) can do is simply register as a user, browse content and pay for articles.

Not to mention the chapter review function that is common in later novels.

Now on this website, even book friends can only leave messages in the centralized message area.

Don't mention further interactions at all.

Although book friends can provide translations through other channels.

But Lin Hui didn't want to make things too troublesome.

Why do we need discrete design when we can have one-stop service?

In the long run, formalizing the website is the real long-term development path.

Furthermore, judging from the scale of overseas online articles in previous generations and the current user enthusiasm for consumption.

Internet text output has the potential to explode overnight.

If it really becomes popular overnight.

Now this small website simply cannot bear the surge in the number of users.

As the saying goes, when there is no cloudy rain in the sky, it will penetrate the mulberry soil and prepare for the house.

It's better to make plans in advance.

What's more, Lin Hui had originally planned to buy a domain name and rebuild a novel website.

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