Time Travel: 2014

Chapter 2 Interfaces that remain unchanged for thousands of years

Lin Hui quickly followed the route in his memory and returned to his residence near the school.

As soon as I walked into the house, I saw a familiar layout, but now the decoration of the house is still more Chinese-style.

Lin Hui called several times but received no response.

Sure enough, my parents were not at home.

Although Lin Hui is not a member of Q/D Orphanage.

But the situation is not much better. Lin Hui's parents are usually very busy.

Busy from the beginning of the year to the end of the year~

Anyway, Lin Hui rarely saw the two of them at home.

That was fine. Lin Hui, who was full of worries at this time, wished they were not at home.

Lin Hui went straight to his room and carefully took out his two mobile phones.

It was exactly as I had guessed before.

One is the gray iPhone 5s given to me by my father.

The other one is the graphite-colored iPhone 13 Pro Max that I use in 2021.

An object that originally belonged to another time and space was brought to this time and space by itself.

It feels quite a sense of accomplishment when I think about it.

In 2014, no one in this world should be more advanced than his own mobile phone.

And it's not even a little bit advanced.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it was beaten in all directions.

After all, 13pm adopts a series of crushing technologies including but not limited to Face ID, A15 chip with 5nm process technology, adaptive high refresh screen, 5G and so on.

Even so, Lin Hui has not yet thought of selling these advanced technologies for money.

After all, this is the only connection between myself and the 2021 plane.

(Even if there is no substantial connection like a channel.

But at least it’s a spiritual connection)

So not only can’t it be sold~

On the contrary, the existence of this aircraft must be treated as a first-class secret and guarded to the death~

After all, in the current situation where there is no way to explain the source of the technology clearly.

Once leaked.

People may not be very interested in so-called future technology.

But various organizations and institutions will definitely be interested in Lin Hui, the man from the future.

Lin Hui didn't want to be treated as a research subject.

Just when Lin Hui wanted to open the 13promax phone~

I pressed the power button, but the phone didn't respond.

Could it be something bad?

Fortunately, after a simple judgment, Lin Hui ruled out this possibility.

It turns out that the phone just ran out of power and shut down.

After connecting the charging cable, Lin Hui finally turned on the phone successfully after a while.

Here Lin Hui has to thank a certain major manufacturer for its Lightning interface that has remained unchanged for almost ten thousand years.

What if Lin Hui brought a mobile phone with a USB-C interface from the next generation?

That would be more miserable.

It is very likely that you are stuck directly on the step of charging your phone.

After all, at this time point in 2014, mobile phones using USB-C interface should still be in the laboratory.

In my impression, the first mobile phone using USB-C in mainland China will have to wait until next year.

If Lin Hui had brought a C-mount mobile phone, he would probably be troubled by the data cable problem.

However, charging the 13promax with a 5V1A charger at this time feels like a small horse pulling a big cart.

Charging efficiency is really a bit low~

Entering the unlocking interface, Face ID becomes a stumbling block again.

After all, Lin Hui just turned 18 in 2014, and his current appearance is quite green.

Even the A15, which claims to have an extremely powerful neural engine, cannot recognize itself through machine recognition at this time.

Fortunately, it wasn't a big problem. Lin Hui still remembered the unlocking password.

After typing that string of numbers proficiently.

Hard work pays off.

After a lot of hard work, Lin Hui finally entered the operating interface of the 13promax mobile phone normally.

Speaking of the 13promax phone itself.

After inspection by Lin Hui.

The time tunnel did not make the information stored in this phone disappear.

This is simply a blessing in disguise.

After all, it is not convenient to use the hardware technology of mobile phones in exchange for wealth.

The data content carried in a mobile phone is precisely its greatest wealth.

There is a lot of wealth here~

When Lin Hui originally purchased the machine, he wanted to get it right in one step, so he bought the 1TB version (actually more than 900 GB)~

After purchasing, it is based on the principle of making the best use of everything.

Regardless of whether it is useful or not, I have downloaded a lot of software~

And if it involves photos, videos, audios, etc., it can be saved in the mobile phone storage and definitely not in the cloud space~

As for some information that he considered valuable involved in commonly used software, Lin Hui also cached it as much as possible...

After all, the storage is so capricious.

After some hard work, this mobile phone with a marked capacity of 1T is almost full.

Approximately 870 GB installed~

Seeing that these data were still intact, Lin Hui was very excited.

Is this a lot of content?

It’s not that much in 2021.

After all, in the era of big data, data on the Internet is almost measured in ZB (1ZB=1024 to the fourth power GB).

Taking the year 2020 as an example, the amount of data involved in the entire digital world is roughly estimated to exceed 40 ZB.

From this perspective, the 870GB that Lin Hui has is just a drop in the bucket.

But from the perspective of 2014, it is obvious that its value cannot be simply measured by the amount of data.

After all, for this time and space, this information comes from a future that seems within reach but is equally far away.

Even if it's just a few hundred bytes of text from the future.

Perhaps it can give people of this era infinite reveries, thus giving birth to infinite possibilities.

And what Lin Hui has is not as simple as a few texts.

It's 870GB of huge information.

From this perspective, Lin Hui possesses another almost priceless wealth.


But it's not all rosy.

Although the data is still there, almost all C/S mode applications in the 13promax from 2021 under the 2014 time and space cannot play their full functions.

The so-called C/S mode, C refers to Client, S refers to Server, and C/S mode refers to client/server mode.

During normal operation, the server is responsible for data management, and the client is responsible for completing interactive tasks with users.

Originally, this two-tier structure was designed to allow the software to work more efficiently.

But now it's tragic.

Most of the C/S software servers in Lin Hui's phone are still in the time and space of 2021.

However, there are still a lot of C/S mode software.

Chat software, online games, news and information software, etc. are basically all GG.

In addition, the network access permission of 13promax in the 2021 time and space is obviously useless in the current time and space of 2014.

In other words, in the time and space of 2014, 13promax is a mobile phone with its own black/user attributes.

That’s not to say that networking is completely impossible on a technical level.

But Lin Hui is not sure whether using such a mobile phone to connect to the Internet will cause any trouble~

Just go to stand-alone mode~

Nowadays, the only software that is completely unaffected and can be used normally in mobile phones seems to be those that come with the mobile phone system.

How do you describe this situation?

It's probably equivalent to a mobile phone with airplane mode on~

Please recommend and collect

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