Time Travel: 2014

Chapter 100 The comment rate is ridiculously high

As for improving technical barriers and creating a closed technological loop.

The specific implementation strategies are different at home and abroad.

It is completely possible to apply for relevant patents directly in China.

At present, most domestic Internet companies do not focus on natural language processing.

It was only after 2015 that mainstream Internet companies focused on NLP.

In foreign countries, if you want to build a closed loop of technology, you need to use a little strategy.

For example, it explains the method of building a plank road to cross Chencang secretly.

You might even have to continue the Y deal with the unlucky lawyer from your previous life.

Building technical barriers sounds very high-level, but for Lin Hui.

It's completely a piece of cake, it's just a matter of continuing to apply for a patent.

Lin Hui quickly applied for a series of patents on the official website of the National Patent Administration of China.

Because the patents Lin Hui applied for this time were all sub-patents of the previous domestic patent, the process was not very complicated.

As for the fees for patent applications, Lin Hui can only pay the fees after the patent applications are approved.

As for the situation abroad, Lin Hui didn't know whether the reason why foreign countries didn't respond was because they hadn't yet figured out the value of Lin Hui's algorithm or were quietly suppressing it.

To be on the safe side, Lin Hui did not pursue any patent applications overseas.

Instead, several patent acquisition applications were filed on the largest patent trading website in the United States.

Although many patent applications have been filed, these patents are not very necessary for Lin Hui.

There was only one patent that Lin Hui really needed.

The reason why many patent applications are initiated at the same time is mainly to confuse opponents.

What happens after that seems to be waiting again.

To be honest, Lin Hui is a person who hates waiting.

But there is no way, this world does not depend on Lin Hui's will.

In short, you still have to wait.

Didn’t Lu/Xun say that?

All human wisdom is contained in four words, wait and hope.

However, Lin Hui did not wait foolishly.

Instead, I searched for “Nanfeng APP” on the AppStore interface to view user reviews.

I clicked to open the comment and it took a while to load before the comment interface came out. Oops, there were over 10,000 comments.

You must know that this tool software only costs more than 500,000 downloads!

Now there are over 10,000 comments. This comment rate can be said to be very high.

It can even be said to be ridiculously high.

Although Lin Hui has developed many games before, the number of reviews has exceeded 10,000.

But to be honest, the review rates for those games are not very high.

Even for FLAPPY BIRD, which has the highest review rate, the review rate is less than 1%.

However, the review rate of Nanfeng APP has already exceeded 1%, and even approached 2% at one time.

It can be said that Lin Hui accidentally created a record again.

Perhaps the review rate is not important in the eyes of ordinary users, but to some extent, the review rate is the most intuitive data to experience the stickiness of an application.

Of course, discussing review rate only makes sense when the app has more than 100,000 downloads.

If the number of downloads is only 1,800, even if the review rate is 100%, it has no reference value and is no different from self-interest.

Lin Hui looked at the app's ratings again, and found that the rating was actually 5.0.

Lin Hui knows that tool software has always been easy to gain a good reputation.

But to be honest, Lin Hui was quite happy to receive a perfect score.

This is not a 5.0 from single-digit user reviews

It is rated 5.0 by more than 10,000 users.

In other words, the current rating of 5.0 is almost unshakable in a short period of time.

In short, invincible.

Lin Hui clicked on the specific comment.

Oops! Almost all short compositions.

But Lin Hui really wants to see what the users of this software think about it.

Although Lin Hui’s main purpose in developing Nanfeng APP is to let Internet giants notice how powerful the algorithm of this software is.

But users are not the stepping stone to Lin Hui’s success.

How should I put it? Every user is an individual with independent thoughts and feelings, not cold data under an algorithm.

Their ideas should also be taken seriously and their reasonable suggestions should be considered and accepted.

In short, user feedback is also worth noting.

Even though each comment was quite long, Lin Hui read it quite seriously.

Lin Hui clicked on the top comment in order.

“It is difficult to write a review about Nanfeng APP. Although I spent the whole day on it today, the more I use this software, the more powerful I feel...

My job requires a lot of reading/research, and Nanfeng APP saves me from being buried in endless piles of paper. Objectively speaking, this software has surpassed Yahoo News Summary in all aspects...

Well (⊙﹏⊙), such comments are really dog-licking comments. Although there are many compliments, they have no reference value.

Lin Hui then turned to read other comments:

I am a journalist, and I like Nanfeng APP very much. Its layout is simple and intuitive, with only one input interface. It looks a lot like a commonly used translation software. Although this design is a bit unusual, I have to admit that it is The design makes it easy for me to concentrate on my work.

I used to use Yahoo News Summary Professional Edition, but I have to say that the summary efficiency of this software is much higher than that of Yahoo News Summary.

Some areas that need improvement: First of all, I recommend being able to enable the processing of multiple news summaries at the same time, because a professional news editor often needs to process a large amount of news at the same time;

Secondly, I suggest that this software does not limit the number of words in the input file to 10,000 words, because many of the news that news editors need to process cannot actually be called news, but rather deal with interview scripts, and interview scripts are generally more than 10,000 words. This input file limit of 10,000 words is really unfriendly.

Of course, this feature is only needed by professionals. If developers can make this improvement, I will pay for it even if it is put in the professional version, because such a feature is really important.

In fact, this software has helped me a lot now. It has greatly helped improve my work efficiency. I will stop here. Thanks to the developers for making a great app, fully looking forward to future developments of this app.

This comment is much more valuable than the one just now. At least through this comment Lin Hui can know the shortcomings of the software and the direction for improvement.

The most important thing is that Lin Hui knows the attitude of people in the industry towards this software.

Judging from the above reviews, journalists quite agree with this software.

As for the suggestion this person made.

Breaking through the 10,000-word material input limit is not too complicated.

In fact, the software Lin Hui originally developed can support a single input of up to 50,000 words.

It's just that I don't understand the press release.

Lin Hui thought that the input limit of 10,000 words at a time was enough!

Now it seems that it is still not well thought out.

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