Time Travel: 2014

Chapter 10 Looking for Sand Sculpture Game

In an apartment building in the imperial capital, a cute, curvy young girl was sitting in front of a computer live broadcasting.

She is a new anchor on the DouNiao platform, and her real name is Qi Meng.

Because of her pure appearance and sweet voice, she is affectionately called Cute by her fans.

Although it is mixed in the console area, Qi Meng, the mainstream console game nowadays, is basically a pick-me-up.

Although fans love to watch Qi Meng being abused, Qi Meng has no habit of self-abuse.

Therefore, Qi Meng spends most of his live broadcast time casting his phone to the screen and playing various mini-games live.

However, there are very few mini-games with normal thinking, and instead there are a lot of sand sculpture games.

Qi Meng originally had the courage to broadcast live at the beginning, but who would have thought that the live broadcast effect would be unexpectedly good.

Qi Meng actually gained a certain amount of popularity because of this.

Perhaps this is why the legendary sand sculpture game is so much fun.

After discovering such changes, Qi Meng began to actively look for sand sculpture games to play.

However, at this time, I looked at the real-time list of games on the iOS App Store.

Qi Meng could not hide her disappointment.

Although there are many sand sculpture games here, Qi Meng always felt that these games were missing something after trying them out.

Well, yes, a little bit of soul is missing.

These games are generally unremarkable!

If it has no characteristics, it is destined to have no topicality.

Without topicality, it will naturally not be able to attract traffic.

In the final analysis, live streaming is still a traffic economy.

While Qi Meng was cheering up the atmosphere by singing a song, the list of real-time games on the iOS App Store was refreshed.

After refreshing, there is only one more game in the list.

Life Restart Simulator? What kind of game is this?

Qi Meng saw the introduction of this game - I don't want to stay with this idiot any longer!!!

Why don't you want to stay any longer?

But I have to say, the introduction is quite concise.

As soon as Qi Meng finished speaking, she saw the barrage in the live broadcast room saying: It's concise because you missed a paragraph!

Qi Meng clicked on the introduction, and sure enough this time she saw a dense paragraph.

“I don’t want to stay in this rubbish life for another second.

What should you do if you think your current life is a failure?

The reopening of the new online life gives you a variety of choices. You can have a golden job at the beginning and fly high all the way, so that you can be born directly in a top-level growth environment.

The system will give full play to your most powerful attributes. If you don't want to stay in this garbage life for a second, then try various options.

The ever-changing life is surprising, and the rich gameplay development will bring you a new life.

Have the courage to try until you live the life you love. In any case, life will begin again indefinitely.

Start from scratch and restart your life!

Well, okay, this introduction is quite serious.

However, the icon of this software has betrayed the fact that this is a fake software.

This successfully aroused Qi Meng's interest.

Although you need to pay to download, it is only 6 yuan, and the starting price of the Imperial City is more than this.

Qi Meng clicked download without hesitation.

Soon the game called Life Restart Simulator was downloaded.

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