Time and Space Trader: Trading One Ton of Vibrant Gold at the Start

Chapter [044] The awesomeness I have blown will be honored [4 more to collect flower evaluation tick

After eating, mom and dad happily went to wash the dishes.

Su Han quietly poked his head: "Brother, you can really handle that beauty Gu, she is not an ordinary person. She is only 18 years old and has everything. You are rich and talented, but you may not be able to handle her. "

Su Chen sneered: "Su Han, you still underestimate brother, it's just a question of whether I want it or not. There is no one I can't handle."

After the development of Su Han's brain domain, he is much smarter.

She had an idea: "Brother, do you want to start with sports? Beauty Gu is an athlete. She has a soft spot for sports. If you are good at sports, she may have a good impression of you."

"Brother, if you throw money at her, or show off your talent, it may make her resentful. Because that girl doesn't lack status, talent, or money."

Su Chen smirked and flicked Su Han's head: "You really have become smarter, it seems that the bottle of brain development fluid was not given to you for nothing. If you want a woman to like a man, she must worship me. You Brother understands."

"I want to defeat her from the field she is best at, crush her, and shock her."

"I use my weaknesses to beat what she is best at and make her look up to me."

Su Han was surprised: "Brother, you don't want to learn to ski, do you? You don't want to be an athlete, do you?"

Su Chen shrugged: "Is it hard to be a sportsman? Is it hard to ski? It only takes one afternoon and I can become a top skier."

"Brother! You are bragging. I admit that you are very smart. But sports depend on the body. No matter how good the brain is, it will not work."

Su Han only knew that my brother became smarter and made a lot of money.

She didn't know that Su Chen's IQ was 580, and she also took 'Gene Enhancer' and 'Gene Optimizer'. Su Chen's physical fitness was three times that of an athlete.

No need to work hard, any sport, starting with Su Chen, can reach the pinnacle of other athletes.

Su Chen also didn't want to explain to Su Han: "Your brother's brilliance will always be fulfilled. I am a full-level human. What ordinary people think is impossible, in my eyes, is as easy as eating and drinking."

Too lazy to talk to Su Han again, and told her to rest early, Su Chen ran to sleep.

The next morning, Su Chen was woken up by her mother.

The mother looked worried: "Son, is your sister crazy. From last night to now, she hasn't slept, and she has been studying all night. Is it because you put too much pressure on her, she really thinks she can take the exam Hua and Peking University, that's why I study without sleep."

Su Chen stretched comfortably and jumped up from the bed: "Mom, leave Su Han alone. Let her study! She can be admitted to Qinghua Peking University with her eyes closed, and she will be the champion in the country. "

Mom gave Su Chen a blank look: "It doesn't matter if you take the exam or not, I just hope you are all safe and healthy. If you study without sleep or rest, what if your body breaks down? Go and persuade Su. Han."

"Mom, you are so long-winded! Okay, I'll persuade me!"

Su Chen disliked her mother's long-winded mouth, but her heart was very sweet.

Mom's long-winded, just a kind of meticulous care.

Su Chen ran out of the room.

In the living room, Su Han really seemed to be possessed.

There are piles of books around, there are dozens of them.

Since the little girl was praised by Su Chen that her IQ is comparable to that of Einstein, she has been greatly encouraged.

I actually stayed up all night to study hard, read dozens of books, and stored a lot of knowledge in my brain.

"Su Han, how are you studying?"

Su Chen walked over with a smile and patted her shoulder.

Su Han was very proud: "You may not believe it. I finished all the high school courses overnight. The knowledge of dozens of books is all recorded in my mind. Now, I am studying college courses."

Su Chen smiled and said, "Don't show off your speed in front of your brother. In terms of learning ability, I am number one in the world, but you can only rank second. Your brother will always be your brother, who can crush you anytime, anywhere. ."

Su Han rubbed his bloodshot eyes and yawned tiredly: "Although my brain has been developed and smarter, I have to work hard! If a genius doesn't work hard, he will become a mediocre person. As you My sister, I'm under a lot of pressure, I can't shame you!"

"Brother is very happy that you can be so sensible. Go to rest, the college entrance examination will be in a few days, you have time."

Su Han took it seriously: "Brother, you are so smart, give me a test, and you will be my college entrance exam mock teacher. I must be sure that I can become the national champion before I am willing."

Su Chen was very relieved: "Since this is the case, I will give you a question."

In order to test whether Su Han can be admitted to the national champion.

Su Chen began to give questions on the spot. He used the most difficult questions in the college entrance examination over the years to assess Su Han.

Unsurprisingly, each of these extremely difficult exam questions took only one minute for Su Han to solve.

Su Chen raised a total of 30 difficult questions, each of which was perfectly answered by Su Han.

Su Chen was delighted: "Su Han, you passed the test. This year's college entrance examination, if you are not the champion, your brother will smash the Ministry of Education to pieces."

"Your IQ doesn't even need to be read by Qinghua, and you can directly participate in scientific research. Just do some scientific research, and within a year, you can win the Nobel Prize."

Su Han was shocked: "Fuck! Brother, I'm really that good? I didn't take the college entrance examination, do you think I'm qualified to win the Nobel Prize now?"

Su Chen hummed: "Isn't this nonsense! Your brain is developed by 13%, which is the same as Einstein's brain development."

"The learning conditions in Einstein's time were far inferior to those of today."

"In that era, there were no computers and no internet. The way to obtain information was countless times worse than it is now."

"If you can't get into Qinghua, you're a ghost. If you go into scientific research now, you can win the Nobel Prize within a year."

Being praised by Su Chen, Su Han narrowed his eyes with a smile, obediently, and went back to his room to sleep.

Life in my hometown is all about comfort. Su Chen was bored, sitting on the sofa and watching TV.

On the TV, a news was playing, which caught Su Chen's interest. *

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